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Post Number 37 A Warning Issued

Posted on Wed Feb 14th, 2024 @ 6:03am by Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Star Base Danvers Sick Bay
Timeline: Current


“Fredrick I just got a report that Phillip was found dead, phaser shot through the heart.”

“I’ve been seeing communications from inside the base and from the base to a shuttle,”

“Where are the communications coming from?” Fredrick wanted to know “I want them found!”

“Communications originate in sick bay,”

Fredrick pointed to two burly ,men “Your with me, I want answers,”

Fredrick and two of his men headed for sick bay, all three were armed with phase rifles and stun grenades.

Kristian had just identified the bodies in the morgue, made a notation so Admiral Snow could send the condolence letters to the families. Sadly he was going to have a lot of them to send and if what the commodore had said she could be up on charges. But why? She didn’t know that the skeleton crew sent over to the Amandora were mercenaries and not Starfleet, Cyndi had no way to know that the real officers had been killed. So why would she be up on charges? That made no sense at all.

Kristian had just finished treating one of the last patients, as she looked over at the medical staff she couldn’t help but be proud of them. They’d followed her directions to the letter despite she was not the CMO on the base, but then the EMH had told her that the CMO and AMCO had both been killed in the attack on the base. After a check on Admiral Snow she looked over at two of the orderlies and walked over to them. “Keeping the admiral safe is important, I don’t know what happened here but he’s a personal friend of my commanding officer. Take the admiral into the morgue, no one will look for him there,”

Nodding the two orderlies walked over to the admiral’s bio bed, and pushed it into the morgue and walked out closing the door behind them “All set doctor, the EMH is in there, he said to tell you he’ll keep an eye on the admiral.”

“Thank you both,” Kristian said just as running feet could be heard and they were coming towards sick bay fat. “Everyone remove and hide your com-badges. Make it quick!”

No sooner had Kristian given the order when Fredrick and the two burly men walked in pointing weapons at the medical staff in sick bay.

“I’m Fredrick and I want to know who is sending messages off this base? We picked up communications from here to a shuttle and other areas on the base. Someone better speak up if you know what’s good for you.”

“I’m Doctor Long, no one has been sending messages anywhere. Communications are out, half of my systems in here don’t work,” she lied “I don’t know what is going on, but I assure you no one is able to send any communications.”

Fredrick walked over and pointed his phaser at her “You’re a doctor? You don’t look like one, since when do doctors dress like that?” he said eyeballing her

“Since I happen to be not only off duty but a civilian as well,” Kristian lied as she looked him in the eye.

Fredrick looked her up and down and lowered his phaser, “I believe you, but you see those two over there?” he indicated to the two men he’d brought along “They’re going to stand guard in the hallway. Everyone in or out will be searched. Double cross me doctor and you’re the first one to die. Is that clear?”

“Clear,” Kristian said

Fredrick walked over and spoke to his men and the three of them walked from sick bay. The two burly ones each took a position on either side of the door.

Kristian turned to look at the people “From now on all communications are done via PADD’s, I’ll mix up something strong that those two guards can drink and when they wake up they’ll be in the brig. Comm-badges are to remain hidden until I say otherwise. We got lucky.”

“Understood doctor,”

“Let’s get back to work,” Kristian said as her people nodded and returned to treating the injured. Kristian pulled out a PADD and sent a message to Cyndi, Paul and Tara telling them to use a PADD to communicate and she’d explain when they got to sick bay, she also informed them of the two guards and her plans for them.




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