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#13 Not an Option

Posted on Sat Jan 20th, 2024 @ 9:50pm by Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Ainkara "Kara" {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: current
Tags: Song



Cyndi had to talk to Hank but first she needed to get in touch with Commander Green, Doctor Long and Lieutenant Herculoid, and anyone else she could reach. Tapping her com-badge, Commander Green, Doctor Long, Lieutenant Herculoid I need you on the star base, my shuttle is in the landing bay inside the station. Please meet me there, Herculoid and Long cloak your shuttle and Rivers fighter. Land as close to my shuttle as you can and stay cloaked. Commander Green I’m sorry to interrupt your shore leave. I'll make it up to you. I’ll explain to everyone when you get here. I’ll meet you on my shuttle. Song out.”


Green was flabbergasted at hearing her CO's voice, and what she wanted. She was in the aft section of the runabout USS Euphrates, while Ainkara was up front trying to glean all the informtation she could from passive scans of the area. Active scans would be detected.

Rogue was fully enveloped in her Meji (Mandalorian) armor, jet pack in place and all the weapons and gadgets active and ready for use. The balaclava style head covering was the 'living' nano-fiber material that Nira wore as her outfit. It kept her hair covered and in place while she wore her helmet, which she had just slid over her head. Internally the HUD came up even as she could see through the T-visor. The nano-fibers came together and locked the helmet in place, the neurotransmitter diodes built into the nano-fiber allowing the suit to react to mental commands so she could focus on using it all effectively on the physical level. The steel grey armor was glinting in the light and on her hips Ro wore dual phase pistols in tactical holsters. Having one saber hilt on her left side Green reached into the trunk that she stored her armor in, bringing up another saber hilt, but this one was far more detailed in construction; her original weapon she had built from scratch. That saber hilt went to her right side. Finished dressing for battle and carnage, Ro then activated her internal comm.

"Commodore Song, this is Green. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we can't get to the fucking station! We have an army of Orion marauders down here on planet, blowing up comm towers and stealing everything not bolted down." Once more she felt the anger and hate boiling up from within herself as the thoughts of her lover and her children being slaughtered by these vermin passed through her mind. "I am going to save those down here. They're herding the civilians and personnel into a large amphitheater and I plan on creating some fireworks. If that is not good enough then fire me! Green, out!"

Once that was done she walked to the front, through the sliding door, seeing Ainkara glance her way. The Voran woman did a double take. "Interesting. Tank much?"

"A little something I picked up," stated Green, her voice coming through the modulator. "As I explained outside, this is a design from the Pallean Galaxy. But, no time for more details. Do what you can to cause a distraction. Tracking something as small as me will prove difficult for them, but I can fly around and wreak havoc enough to draw them out."

"You got it, Commander." Ainkara answered. "Strength and honor, Master."

"Strength and honor," Green responded, then stepped out and onto the turf.


TAG Song


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