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Post Number 41 Greetings

Posted on Sun Mar 10th, 2024 @ 11:36pm by Lieutenant Sabbath & Cosmo {Meji} & Ensign James Frazier
Edited on on Sun Mar 10th, 2024 @ 11:37pm

Mission: Hijacked
Location: USS Amandora
Timeline: current


Cruising down the corridors of Amandora, Cosmo kept his scans going. As he rounded a bend towards the Security department he detected two thugs ahead, and two from behind as they stepped from a turbolift. So, thinking fast, Cosmo went into dumb robot mode. He slowed his roll and began to make a silly bleep noise as his head went this way and that to act like it was scanning for work to do. Staying close to the wall on his right Cosmo came within view of the two ahead of him. They both stopped and looked at him with confusion and humor.

"What the devil is that thing?"

The other guy shrugged. "Beats me."

Cosmo kept up his ruse of dumb robot, rolling slowly passed them as he did so, continuing to look at the wall and any nodes he could act like he was repairing. Finding one, used to check electro-plasma flow for the system behind the bulkhead, he opened a couple of his body doors and brought forth a couple of appendages. He began to focus on the device, as if he was removing the faceplate to check the electronics within.

"Just a repair robot. Nothing new."

"Well, it's new to me. I've never seen that model before."

His partner pointed his rifle at his companion casually. "Are you Starfleet?"

"What?! No! Of course not."

"Then how would you know? It's not like Starfleet sends out missives telling every being in the galaxy about their new gadgets. What it fixes we don't have to."

The other laughed. "Alright, true. Let's get going." Both took another look at the fastidious robot now focused on its work, then continued down the hall. The other two who had appeared behind him met up with them, chatted for a few, and then both teams moved off in other directions. Giving himself an internal pseudo-sigh, Cosmo replaced the panel, pulled his arms within, and made his way down the hall quickly. He rolled into Security, finding no guards within but seeing two men in Starfleet uniforms. They did not wear their combadges, but he saw them on the watch officers console. Which, of course, was not manned. A small group of foolish beings who stole a starship intended for almost a thousand people would not have the easiest of times keeping the ship running. Their manpower was needed elsewhere and provided a perfect opening for Cosmo to gain allies.

Rolling up to the two men, each in a separate cell, Cosmo switched from his binary language to a voice modulator, using the clipped British accent he had found appealing. "Greetings. I am Cosmo, a servant of Master Ro Green. Do you require assistance?"

" Is than person dead?" Sabbath asked concerning their tailor.

" Never mind him yes we need out of here. " Ensign Frazier added.

Cosmo opened three of his flaps, and after they were open three strands of liqui-cable sprang forth with small adhesion disks. The cables solidified instantly and with the three point stance of the adhesion disks on the ceiling, Cosmo then lifted himself high enough to access the cell controls without having to over extend his control arms. A few taps and overrides and the forcefields closed down. Lowering himself even as the forcefields shut down, the adhesion disks released and the cable was then drawn back into their storage vat, going back to the liquid form until needed again. "You are free. We are the only ones aboard, as far as I know. This ship is now under the control of pirates and criminals, but their numbers are extremely limited for a vessel this size." He turned his head from them to focus a quick scan outside the Security department. "The corridor is clear, for now."

Sabbath remained stoic but James patted its shoulders. He then opened a weapons bend and hand out three phasers one for the each of them.

He then tied up the few black shirts and turned on the security field.

" Robodude you are my new best friend." James told Cosmo.

" We need to over ride their code to take control of the ship. Mr Cosmo do you have access to any of the computer systems?" Sabbath asked Cosmo.

"I do, Lieutenant Sabbath." His head swiveled back and forth at the two. "Apologies for my lack of self introduction. I am Cosmo, and property of Commander Green. As her servant and companion, I have all of her access codes, as well. Also, the criminals were thorough about going through the computer and closing down systems that could cause issues for them. The one code they could not break since they do not know about it is the prefix code. If the code is input anywhere on the ship it will shut down the shields until they are able to override the command. I say we save that for when we know Amandora is being pursued, to give us the advantage."

" Logical but I am concerned with you having those codes. Should you fall under their control this plan will be for naught." Sabbath replied.

"Your concern is logical," Cosmo said. "However, before that would happen I would delete all such information. Once I do that it cannot be retrieved and I would have to reacquire said data."

" Very well take us to a more secured section. There may be others aboard." Sabbath replied.

"Of course, Lieutenant." Cosmo said. "My scanners will let me know if we are headed towards a confrontation. I shall alert you but, what you do with that information is on you. If you engage then the ruse will be uncovered. Aside from that, we can use Jeffries tubes and maintenance crawlways to move with more stealth. My Master's codes are good for many things but, internal sensors may prove to be an issue. There are several systems aboard, by order of Master Green, that are not networked with all the other systems, for times such as these."

" Agreed. Ensign do not engage unless absolutely necessary. " Sabbath replied.

"I can lead you to the nearest maintenance crawlspace," Cosmo offered. "From there, you should be able to move about the ship undetected. Internal sensors are working but they cannot change their status since the only person with that access is the Security Chief, to override and change the parameters." He rolled away from the two, getting closer to the doorway and then stopped and looked back by swiveling his head to glance back.

Sabbath lead from there and Frazier brought up the rear through the crawlspace. Every step was a danger but that was their situation.

" Did you ever play hide and seek Sabbath?" Frazier whispered.
" No but I am familiar with the concept. I use sensors to find hidden secrets." Sabbath replied.

Sabbath paused as he could feel the deck plate vibration.

" We are in motion and have gone to warp." Sabbath concluded from the vibrations.

Cosmo heard them speaking low to each other, his scanners not detecting anyone yet. He rolled up beside a maintenance access hatch that was near to the floor. His own tone was kept subdued. "This is the one. I can track you with my own internal sensors so as not to attract attention to ourselves. I will be setting systems with trips to cause glitches and distract the boarders."

" Cosmo what will happen if you are discovered?" Frazier whispered.

Cosmo swiveled his little head to look over. "If that particular event transpires then I will have no choice but to fry my internals as per my Master's orders. I am also exploring the how and why this ship was taken right out from under us, and an entire orbital facility."

Sabbath thought a minute "It's possible that the skeleton crew sent over to man the ship while the crew was off on shore leave were not Starfleet but mercenaries."

"If that's the case then perhaps the real Starfleet Officers that Admiral Snow was going to send were killed and the mercenaries are impersonating them," Fraizer replied

"Either way," Cosmo said. "You two move on in your fashion, I'll do so in mine. We all don't need to be caught together." With that said Cosmo zipped away down the corridor as fast as he could go.



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