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#42 Stuck with the shore leave girl

Posted on Fri Mar 15th, 2024 @ 8:40pm by Lieutenant JG Marcus Resch {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Orbital Base Danvers
Timeline: current


Marcus continued to focus on the control panel for the main entry door to the cabin he was in. Lieutenant Resch had met, and come to like, one of the Security personnel aboard the orbital portion of Starbase Danvers. Like himself she was a Lt. JG, by the name of Bella Crow. She was right around five feet, seven inches tall with a slim, lithe, athletic build. Her hair was was as black as dark matter, which she normally kept long and tied up, but would cut it short if need be. Marcus had met her the other day while she was on a walking patrol, had asked for directions, and she had been kind enough to escort to where he needed to go since she was headed in that basic direction anyway. From there, they had spent almost every day together. So, when the base went into its mysterious lockdown the two of them were stuck in Bella's quarters. Nothing worked except for the replicators for meals, serving either finger foods or flimsy plastic utensils.

Resch had followed the possible path for the main power linem for the lock mechanism on the door, and had accessed an allocation terminal. Thankfully they had both taken a walk together on the massive arboretum here, which was like its own indoor forest/park. So, as they both worked on separate ways to get out of the room they were still wearing their Starfleet, solid black fatigues, without tunics but with black T-shirts. Their webgear was set aside on a chair, along with their rifles and gun rigs. They had removed them to be able to roll around on their hips to get to areas that were in tight squeezes.

"Alright!" He said excitedly, scrambling to pull his head up out of a hole from a removed, smaller deck plate. "The door should be unlocked, and remain so, without sounding an alarm for being unlocked or, when opened."

"Sweet." Crow said, coming out from under a control access hatch down on floor level. She got to her feet and moved to their gear. "Time to see what gives. With the way this place rattled and shook I'd say we've taken some sever damage. That means invasion. We act that way until we discover otherwise, right? Right!?"

Marcus had been running secondary thoughts through his mind as she had been speaking, but had heard every word. "Yes, yes. Sorry, had a few paths we could use to find out all we need to running through my mind."

Once she had donned her gear, Resch did the same. Tactical holsters back on and combat web gear overtop their black T-shirts. Combat knife, and 2 of each grenade; stun and explosive (not frag). They got up on the door, Resch to the right side, Crow to the left. "Hey, if we live through this, wanna be my port girl for Danvers?" He was only half serious, instead trying to break tension just before stepping out into the unknown.

Bella chuckled. "Sorry, I was played like a piano last night and it felt wonderful. Sure, if we meet up again, why not. But, I'm not aiming for anything that sticks right now."

"Nor me," Marcus announced with a wink and a grin.

Crow sarcastically rolled her eyes and smiled. "So crude."

He chuckled in return. "No. Just honest." Getting serious and giving her a nod, they both reached up and adjusted their tactical goggles over their eyes. They gave a clear view of everything ahead, but one could see through smoke and even some thinner materials with them. And, they also had night vision and infrared should that become needed. Resch elbowed the panel and the door slid open, with him stepping out and looking right and going to a knee. Crow followed just behind him, her focus going left as she too took a knee. "I'll take point," Bella stated. "There are ladder wells not too far from here and we can get to Sickbay or other areas without being seen." She looked over at him and shrugged to show that it was a plan with flaws. "Or, we go right and take the long way around with less chance of being seen."

"This is your base, Bell." Marcus said. He gave her shoulder a trusting squeeze from behind. "Lead on."

Feeling better with that unknown out of the way, Crow patted the hand on her shoulder. "I got you, Babe." She began to move tactically out into the corridors.

Resch liked being called babe. Maybe she was his 'port girl' for Danvers. His mom and dad had met the same way, and they had married and stayed loyal for over 50 years, even when stationed apart. That was not what he was looking for, by any means, at this juncture in his life. But, part of victory over any situation is being prepared. So, he followed she who knew the terrain.



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