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Post Number 40 Briefing

Posted on Fri Feb 23rd, 2024 @ 1:49am by Captain Alesha Rivers & Lieutenant Alister McKeon

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Hotel Room Planet Surace
Timeline: Current


Alister entered the linked rooms and nodded to his assembled team, “Alright we’ve got a positive ID on our extraction target. Connor’s what have you got for us?”

Connor’s cleared his throat, “Best place is going to be the house high walls isolated from the neighbors. We’ve managed to locate something Raul is running for the syndicate and we’re hitting that hard to draw him away. It’s in a neighboring city so no way he can get back to effect our extraction. We’ve also had eye’s on the warehouse complex our Klingon friend wants flattened, it’s definitely syndicate run so no worries about innocent bystanders not sure what’s in there worth flattening the whole complex. Only issue is we’ve identified that there is about six people besides Raul and Amber. One is the nanny not sure about the other five but hoping one is a driver that will head out with Raul.”

Alister nodded his head, “Alright looks like except for Alesha we’ll go with backup extraction we’ll blow the shuttle here for another diversion as I’m going to want Chief and Mitchell to go in with me and Sibe on the extraction. Figure a couple will be guards and we’ll need to move fast before any alarm can be triggered. Alesha you’ll take the warehouse complex. Flatten it then burn space under cloak you’ll be meeting up with the USS Cumberland under a Captain Brooke she’ll be rounding up the rest of us as well.”

Alesha nodded "Flattening the warehouse won't be a problem, I know a few tricks so once cloaked they won't be able to track me. I'll drop cloak once I have the Cumberland on my sensors."

“Brooke has been filled in on what we’re up to, she’s was one of ours before jumping over the command track,” Alister said looking over at Alesha, “With being said,” he glanced over at the rest of the group.

“Taken care of boss,” the Chief said, “We’ll move over the two cases of wine to the Captain’s bird. A special reserve from the top vineyard on this planet, can only be purchased on planet direct from the family. That one is going to have to come out of the personal funds.”

Alister nodded his head, “Price of doing business,” he added with a shrug. “Connor’s I assume you’ve got Amber’s biometrics ready to be erased from the main system and attached to the Shelton’s as their daughter on the liner out of here?”

Connor’s nodded his head, “It’s ready to go boss, you’re booked on one of the big lines, 1st class with the liner herself registered out of Earth so if you need to.”

Alister nodded, “Yeah wave my credentials and throw around my weight if needed. I assume everyone else has been suitable briefed on their extraction plan?”

A chorus of affirmatives and nodding came back to him from his team. “Alright we hit everything tomorrow afternoon gives team two plenty of time to get in position and Alesha you’ll be given plans of the warehouse complex.”

"I'll be ready, the Klingon fighter's weapons are good. I checked them out on the flight over. They're fully charged and ready," Alesha replied "Just let me know when and where to attack." she looked around the room "I want to personally thank all of you for this. I won't forget it."

Alister handed over a PADD, “Here’s the target details along with time frame of when to conduct the strike. I’ll leave final approach and weapon selection up to you.” He turned back to the rest of the team, “Rooms have been provided for the rest of you closer to your target. Get a good nights sleep and I’ll see you aboard Cumberland.”

Alesha took the PADD and read the information on it and nodded. "Doesn't look to difficult, a lot will depend on what defenses they may have. Nothing I can't handle." Alesha knew she too would need a good nights sleep but she was not sure she'd get much sleep.

Alister nodded to his team and the bulk grabbed duffel bags and proceeded out of the room and headed for transportation. "We didn't see any overt defenses so it'll limit what they'll have hidden," he said leaning back in his chair. He glanced over at the Chief as he pulled out five glasses pouring a generous pour from a flask he produced. Alister grabbed the glass and took a sip, "This will be different from normal missions you've done before anything you want or need to ask?"

Aleshs picked up a glass and took a sip "None that I can think of. I've been in combat before, I'll go in cloaked first and get a reading on things before dropping cloak and doing the attack run, by the time they realize what's happening it'll be too late."

Alister nodded his head, “True but you won’t have the backing of your squadron or a Federation starship. If something goes wrong up there my team won’t be able to do anything. If you get the feeling something is off abort. I’ll deal with Klingon intelligence if needed but explaining to the Commodore how I lost you isn’t something I want to do.”

"I don't plan on getting killed or having the fighter too damaged that I can't fly it. The commodore does not need to tell my parents and my family that something has happened to me. I'll be okay don't worry, I have a daughter to see and hold for the first time in three years. Sometimes a long fighter can cause more damage than a squadron," Alesha said "I'll cloak, do a flyover and get a feel for it before dropping cloak and attacking."

“Alright,” Alister said closing his eyes briefly, “Try to get some sleep Alesha, tomorrow is going to be a busy day for us.”

Alesha nodded and sighed "I'll try to get some sleep, but I'm not sure it will happen or not. Tomorrow will not only be busy but a long one as well. You look as if you need sleep so I'll go to my room and try to sleep."

“I’ll hit the sack once the other part of my team arrives at their staging point.” Alister replied, “Good hunting tomorrow Alesha,” he added as he stood up to stretch.

"I'll try a hot shower and see if that helps," Alesha said.

Alister nodded his head before lounging on the sofa, “If anything changes I’ll let you know.”

Alesha nodded as she walked into her room,



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