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#39 All Aboard

Posted on Wed Feb 21st, 2024 @ 11:05pm by Major Jackson "JJ" Barnes {Meji} & Lieutenant Alona Tal "Centurion" {Meji} & Warrant Officer Shannon Money {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: current


Major Barnes and Warrant Money took their fighters out and about, tagging minor areas of the Danvers orbital station superstructure. Point defense weapons began to try and lock on, but with small fighters it was hard for the computers to distinguish between enemy vessels and space debris from the damaged base. Everything was in their favor, so far. "I got a new idea about this," Barnes stated over the comm.

"What's that, Sir?" Asked Money. She continued to maneuver along with the Major, firing sporadically to keep the bad guys focused on external threats rather than internal, all while listening and chatting.

"You still got two of those missiles, right?"

Money smiled to herself. "I do, Major. You got a plan, let's hear it."

"Yes, let's," chimed in Alona. "I have found a maintenance airlock perfect for our infiltration, but if you have another idea I am all ears." She paused a moment and then added another thought. "No pun intended due to my species, of course."

Barnes grinned to himself at that, liking this rather unorthodox Romulan. "Well, there are locked down small craft bays all over this base. They can only man so many without spreading themselves too thin. I say we blast through the doors of one and aggressively board the station. As the doors collapse the force fields will activate to save lives, which will be our advantage."

Both women were quiet as they contemplated what he was saying. Finally, Alona spoke up. "I'm game. Better a straight up fight to a bunch of sneaking around."

Money added her thoughts. "I agree. Let's make them fear us and hesitate to act against a team of crazies."

"Oh, I like her," stated Alona over the comm.

Major Barnes was glad they were all on the same page. "Money, pick a bay and line up. I'll blast the shield emitters while you send your missiles directly into the doors. Centurion, you back her up with a couple of your own. Stay cloaked until ready to fire. Break and get 'er done!"

The two fighters got side by side, maneuvering together as Money set up her shots. They kept weaving back and forth to keep from being blasted out of space. Alona, for her part, remained slightly behind them, cloaked, but setting up the plasma micro-torpedoes to charge as soon as the cloak was dropped. Money settled in a straight line attack, her last two concussion missiles loosed as they ignited their drives and shot straight and true towards the closed bay doors. She banked away even as Barnes opened up with his phase cannons and began to shred the defensive screens over the doors. The missiles impacted, causing appreciable damage to the doors center, with Jackson backing up that damage with his own phase cannons. Alona, for her part, dropped her cloak as they began their attack, charging her plasma torpedoes. Once they reached two-thirds effectiveness she fired. The two green Romulan torpedoes shot passed the Major, impacting the doors he was currently firing at. The plasma searing did even more damage and causing a catastrophic weakening of the bay doors. The internal pressure pushed on the doors, which had sprung air leaks. Seeing this, Barnes continued to fire his cannons even as he rammed his fighter straight through the doors.

The nose of his fighter was totaled, and the wing damage was irreparable even as he hit the deck on the belly of his craft, sliding forward as the fighter began to spin around to starboard, his cannons still firing and causing even more internal damage. The port side of his fighter impacted the bulkhead at the back of the bay, jarring him significantly but thanks to his combat harness, he weathered the storm. As he had predicted, the force fields activated automatically to prevent any further personnel or craft from being sucked out into space. Money and Alona, both, came in in their own craft, landing quickly and gathering their weapons as they began to vacate their craft.

The infiltration was a success, and the fight was on...




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