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Post Number 33 Bodies Picked Up

Posted on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 4:43am by Rear Admiral Paul Sanderson & Lieutenant Tara Herculoid PhD

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Star Base Danvers
Timeline: Current


How is everyone liking the mission so far? Still lots we can do.


Paul made it to the landing bay, keyed in the access codes on Cyndi’s shuttle to disarm the alarms, dropped the ramp, boarded it, closed the ramp. Walking into the cockpit he took a seat in the pilots seat, ran the flight check, fired the engines and lifted off and headed out of the star base.

Tara seeing the commodore’s shuttle leaving the base tapped the comms on the fighter “Admiral I’ll escort you to where the bodies are and will run cover for you. I’m cloaked and will stay that way.”

“I do have the coordinates you sent over but if your cloaked and they should happen to attack. You’ll have to drop the cloak to fire,” Paul said

“I have a few surprises for them if they do attack. Trust me when I say you’ll be safe,” Tara said as she flew alongside the shuttle.

Paul zeroed in on the drifting bodies and beamed all ten of the dead star fleet officers aboard the shuttle.

Tara had been watching and was relieved that so far so good but this had seemed too easy. Almost as if they were expected to pick up the bodies. Tapping her com “Admiral this was too easy, I’m going to extend my cloak to cover you. I’ll match course and speed but we need to get back to the base. I have a funny feeling over this.”

“Is your cloak powerful enough to do this?” Paul asked

“It will work just trust me,” Tara said as the shuttle came about while Tara tapped some controls on the fighter’s instrument panel and the cloak extended to cover the shuttle as both crafts made their way back to the Danvers.

On the bridge of the Danvers Ferdrick had seen the shuttle leave and head out into space. “Where is that shuttle going and who does it belong to?” he demanded

“It’s heading toward that planet, the markings on it are not Star Fleet, I’ve never seen them before.” Mund responded from her position at tactical. “The shuttle seems to be searching for something…wait it’s heading for those bodies that were supposed to be going to the Amandora,”

“That means there are Star Fleet personal trying to undermine us,” Fredrick growled “Track that shuttle, let it pick up the bodies and the second it turns back here destroy it. And someone find out what the markings on that shuttle are.”

“Boss the markings on that shuttle are Klavorian, that means the commanding officer of the Amandora, Commodore Song is somewhere on the base. She was supposed to be on one of the planets,” Shelia called out from her place at operations.

“Boss, the shuttle just disappeared from sensors,” Mund said

“WHAT!” Fredrick yelled “Klavor does not have a cloak, did it blow up?”

“No sir, one second it was there the next it was gone, there is no trace of it,” Mund said

“Any space distortions?” Fredrick asked “Like a cloaked ship?”

“Nothing boss, it’s just gone,” Shelia called

“Scan for that shuttle, find me a warp trail,” Fredrick ordered

Tara and Paul had taken a roundabout way back to the Danvers just in case anyone was looking for them.

“Lieutenant can you still cover me as we fly into the base?” Paul asked over the coms

“It’s tricky, but yes I can just keep going, I’m right behind you,” Tara responded as the shuttle entered the star base followed closely by the fighter. Both set down a few minutes later. At that time Tara dropped the cloak on her fighter, shut down the engines, set the controls to recharge, raised the canopy, climbed out and dropped her helmet onto the seat and climbed down but not before closing the canopy again. Tara walked to the side of the fighter, tapped a panel, opening she pulled out a Romulan disrupter and an extra power pack. After strapping the weapon on and the power back in the pocket of the belt, set the alarms on the fighter and walked over to where Paul was.

“Thank you lieutenant,” Paul said “I used the shuttles transporter to beam the bodies to sick bay. We need to get there too.”

Tara drew the disrupter and nodded “I go first, this has been to easy so far and I’m not taking chances, you may be retired but your still an admiral and I don’t want to feel the commodore’s wrath if anything happens to you.”

Tara and Paul walked from the landing pad and onto the star base, it was eerily quiet. They hadn’t gone far when someone shouted for them to stop. Paul turned to see who it was and saw a dirty, greasy long haired red man looking at them with a long beard that reached to his chest.

Tara aimed the disrupter at Paul, but not before checking to make sure it was set to kill, she gave Paul an ever so slight wink “This man is my prisoner and I’m taking him to the brig.”

The greasy and dirty man eyeballed both of them as he walked forward “I don’t believe you, suppose you both come with me to see Fredrick,” he said aiming a phaser at them.

“I don’t think so,” Tara said as she shoved Paul out of the way, spun on her heel and fired her weapon at the man, he dropped where he stood without getting a shot off. Blood spattered on the wall behind him as the man fell to the floor, he was dead before he fell.

Paul got to his feet and walked over to the dead man and took the phaser he then looked at Tara “I’m glad you’re on our side. We better get going no doubt that shot was heard, I suggest sick bay.”

“Me too,” Tara said as they headed for sick bay,



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