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#32 Hit and Run

Posted on Mon Feb 5th, 2024 @ 1:47am by Major Jackson "JJ" Barnes {Meji} & Lieutenant Alona Tal "Centurion" {Meji} & Warrant Officer Shannon Money {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: current


The Orion Blackguard starships were maintaining their hiding place, unaware of the approaching threat. Two ships were one behind the other, separated by twenty kilometers of space. The third vessel was to the port side of both by twenty kilometers, its position creating a triangular pattern. That ship, the lone wolf on the outside of the pack, was the target Money headed for. "Target acquired and closing. Permission to jam their signals, Major?" Shannon grinned to herself, having taken a page from Commander Green's book on confusion and tactics.

"Make it happen, Money."

"Hope you don't mind the jamming signal." Money tapped the key to begin the jamming. Instantly there came forth a loud song with a great bass beat and rhythm (Chris Classic Ft. Eminem "Here we go" remix from the Godzilla Vs. Kong trailer-repeating). As soon as the music began Shannon saw that she was well within range and announced, "Missiles away!" Two of her concussion missiles dropped, ignited their drives and zoomed towards the lone, unfortunate Orion starship. Which, of course, had its shields down to transport personnel to and from the planet. "Corkscrew, folks." Money stated. "They're lighting up with weapons and defense!"

The three allied vessels began to corkscrew around each other to confuse weapons lock and to keep them from flying in straight lines.


On the Bridge of the Blackguard that was Money's chosen target, the captain was yelling orders to raise the shields. As he was informed that the shields had activated the missiles struck the energy field, passing right through them and slamming into the hull. "I thought you said the shields were up!" The Captain screamed over the alarms now sounding from several areas of the ship.

"They were, Boss. I don't understand it!"

"Evasive maneuvers, get us clear of the other two!"

As the helm acknowledged the ship was rocked by more shots, their shields now remaining active, yet intermittent. The Captain could tell that several of the shield emitters had been damaged, leaving them vulnerable to the phase cannon fire coming from the two small fighters.

"Boss, we have disruptors mixed with the phasers. It's a Romulan vessel, Captain!"

The jamming signal, some form of Earth music, blared through the speakers. "Shut off that infernal noise!"

"It's their jamming signal, Sir. We shut it down we won't know when the comms are clear."

"Then do it!" Screamed the captain. "To blazes with the others, it's each ship for themselves at this point!"


Alona was rather enjoying the rather unorthodox jamming signal. If nothing else Humans did have a penchant for good music. This piece was not something she would normally listen to but, for the moment, it was perfect. Pilot Money had not been wrong; a good rhythm was always desired in any combat situation. Orion disruptors began to crisscross around them, with each of the three maneuvering to avoid being struck and keeping themselves from slamming into each other. Seeing the wounded ship ahead, already bleeding out a plasma trail from a damaged warp core and impulse drive, Alona tapped keys quickly. She began to charge a set of micro-plasma torpedoes, letting her onboard computer use the disruptor emitters for point defense and free-fire on the other two Orion vessels. They were now maneuvering away from their wounded comrade, trying to put distance between themselves and the damaged vessel in case it went critical and exploded.

The tactical display lit up, showing the dual plasma volley was ready. Alona, targeting the engineering section on the wounded Orions, let fly her micro-plasma torpedoes. Both balls of sickly green energy flew forward on a direct course, and with no shields, the damage would be extensive. Seeing a few beams of disruptor energy being fired their way, with Major Barnes to her left. She could see that the Orions were more intent on killing Starfleet than herself. Accelerating enough to play frigate, Alona swerved in and took the beam blast to her starboard side. Alarms began to sound, and after glancing at the damage assessment, the Centurion could see that it was the standard alarms for being under attack, but showed all systems still functioning. The runabout could take the hits better than the fighters could on average, and she wanted to make sure that her allies stayed in the fight.

The two plasma torpedoes slammed into the Impulse engineering section of the Orion Blackguard ship. The hull plates were spattered with plasma and even from this distance Alona could see that the plasma was doing what it was designed to do; breaking down the tensile strength of the hull plates and causing internal catastrophic damage. As the fusion reactors began to overload due to damaged machinery, the lights on the ship flickered and went out, only to be replaced by fewer lights throughout the vessel. They were down to battery power. But, that was the least of their worries. As they had been struck and the damage began to spread, the ship began to dive into the atmosphere out of control.

Barnes saw the ship beginning to dive even as he maneuvered. "One down! Is it headed for any population centers?"

Alona checked her sensors feeds even as she too continued to maneuver. "No, Major. They're heading into the north pole. If anyone survives the crash then a million years from now some scientist can dig them up and proclaim themselves as brilliant by 'discovering' a lost Orion colony." She gave a cynical chuckle.

Both Money and Barnes chuckled along with that, with Jackson coming back. "Fair enough. The other two seem to be bugging out. The loss of that ship is a huge dent in their clan expenses and resources."

"Massive loss," Alona agreed. "Do we allow them to run, Major, or do we make them join their comrades in an icy grave?"

Barnes was torn. Everything marine said chase them down, but even the marines were Starfleet. SFMC, and all. If the enemy breaks and disengages then protocol demanded they be allowed to leave the field. Other starships, not involved in the current crisis, could hunt them down and board them. For now, Starbase Danvers was their concern. "Be my guest, Centurion. However, regulations state that we, as Starfleet, see to the starbase and the personnel here. If those vessels are retreating that means they'll beam their people aboard, those still alive, and make haste to all points nowhere."

Alona gave a nod to that, even though he could not see it. "I will defer to your orders, Major Barnes. I am here to assist as best I can."

"Your help is welcome, Centurion Alona. Glad to have you." Jack said.

Money cut in after dousing the jamming signal...finally. "We need to assess the damage to the orbital station, and figure out who is in charge. This isn't over yet, Sir."

"I never said it was," Barnes responded. "What do you say, ladies. Do we buzz the tower and see what comes of it?"

Alona tapped her controls, activating her cloak after ensuring there was not enough damage to her ship to leave a trail of anything. The Raptoress was sound and doing fine. "I'll fly in behind you two as you cause a distraction. I can then get in close and see if there is an airlock that may have been missed during the attack."

Barnes thought for a few moments after Alona finished, an idea coming to mind. "Centurion, go ahead and scout for a useable airlock while Warrant Money and I distract them. Give it half an hour and then park at these coordinates." Jack tapped away, placing the cloaked ship behind a rather large chunk of station superstructure that they had hid behind earlier. "We can then beam over to you, gear up, and assault that big bitch as a fire team."

Grinning to herself as he spoke, her eyebrows raising in a very suggestive way to herself, she felt a tingling thrill of sexual excitement course through her body. Now, this man, this man was worthy of a tumble in the sheets. "I look forward to seeing you in action, Major."

Money grinned to herself as she overheard that, swearing that she heard a veiled sexual innuendo in there. But, not certain if that was correct, she left it alone. "Sounds good to me, Major."

The plan was set and the two fighters began to make their way to the orbital station while Alona went beneath, to the lower airlocks protected by overhanging superstructure, eyeballing any that could be used to enter the station without causing more death and destruction.




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