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#54 Minor Report/Blame

Posted on Fri Apr 5th, 2024 @ 12:52am by Lieutenant JG Marcus Resch {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: Current


As Resch tapped at the console he was at, he overheard the conversations around him. He had been in the system barely ten minutes, and with the amount of damage to not only superstructure but the internal sensors in whole sections, it was hard to discern what exactly the extent of the damage was. As he continued to effort at his task, trying to bypass computer circuit nodes that had been damaged, Resch began to get more data.


"Where do you need me?" Paul asked

Cyndi looked over the report before turning to Resch "How are you doing on the damage reports? Paul has a background in engineering and can and will assist in any way possible. How badly were we hit when the Amandora fired on the station?' She looked at her Husband "I know I'm breaking regs Paul and I'll chance it, I've re-activated your access, you'll be able to get into things now and as I said if headquarters nails me for this I'll take the heat and deal with it."

Paul nodded as he walked over to where Resch was while the man worked on carrying out Cyndi's orders.

[end insert]

Resch did not look up when the query came his way. "Starting to get data now, Commodore. There's a lot of broken shit in the systems, so bypasses are taking some time." His face came up and he looked at Song. He did give not two rainbow-colored shits about what the Admiral was, and really did not want his help. All of this carnage, all this death, was due to flag officers. A commodore had her ship stolen and an admiral allowed his base to be completely overrun and sacked. Right now, Marcus had no faith in anyone above the rank of captain. "As of now we're looking at most of the docking bays and docking rings being damaged. Some were not hit, and a few that were, still operate. Beyond that, I am still bypassing power and systems."

Marcus then stood up straight and cynically motioned towards the station he was at, stepping aside for Paul. "There you are, Admiral, all yours. You're the Engineer, you figure it out. I'm going to use Tactical and get all the quarters open for personnel still imprisoned. We need bodies to get things moving and expedite repairs and recovery." He gave the Commodore and the Admiral a nod of professional respect, with no warmth to it. "If you'll excuse me." He then walked over, near to Major Barnes, and planted himself at another station and began tapping away.


The Femme Brigade had been successful with their surprise attack on the Orion Syndicate vessel, which had had no choice but to surrender due to the amount of damage they had already sustained from the previous fight. They were not in the mood to die fighting for a lost cause. Green and her away team secured the vessel after landing in an empty cargo bay, and were now piloting the blockade runner towards the station, calling over to let them know they were friendly and the ship was in Starfleet hands. More paychecks had been earned this day.



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