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Post Number 55 Rescueing Amber Phase 1

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2024 @ 4:28am by Captain Alesha Rivers & Lieutenant Alister McKeon

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Unknown Locatoin
Timeline: Current


Alesha had managed to grab about four or five hours of sleep. The thought of getting her daughter back was weighing on her mind. Alistar and his people would get Amber and she was going to take out the target the Klingon's wanted.

Walking over to the window in her room she looked out the sun was just coming up. Sighing she picked up the phaser and strapped it and waited to the others to get up, This would all go off without a hitch and everything was well planned. Timing was everything.

Alister walked out of the kitchen clad in a pair of urban fatigues holding out a cup of coffee to Alesha, “Manage any sleep?”

Alesha took the offered coffee and nodded, "I managed to get a few hours of sleep," she took a sip of the coffee "Nothing like a cup of coffee to get the day started."

Alister gave a nod of his head, “Try to eat something as well,” he recommended, “Any last minute questions or concerns.”

"No questions my only concern is Amber, I know she'll be in good hands a you and your people are the best. I know what I need to do and I'm ready. As for breakfast I've made breakfast for all of us. I've been up for a few hours," Alesha said.

Alister nodded his head, “Thank you,” he said taking a sip of his coffee. “We’ll get your daughter out Captain.” He reached out and squeezed her shoulder, “Remember yourself no heroics I’m not explaining to the Captain or your daughter what happened to you.”

"There will be no heroics, the commodore, my parents or The Amazon Government does not need that either," Alesha said as she walked to the oven, opened it and pulled out a breakfast casserole she'd made and placed it on the table. "This is one of my favorites, I hope you and your people like it. We all have a job to do and i know it will work out and I'll have my daughter soon."

Alister nodded his head, “Thank you,” he said moving toward the table and putting some of the casserole on a dish. The smell of food and coffee brought the rest of his team to the table and the group sat down to breakfast. “Everything still a go,” he asked glancing up from his breakfast.

Connor’s nodded his head, “No uptick in communications from any of the targets.”

“Second team is in position and just waiting for the go order to begin their assault,” the Chief said speaking up, “Double checked our gear and we’re good as well.”

“We’ve got the sedative ready and a change of clothes along with documents for the Captain’s daughter,” Sibe said from her seat, “We’re also booked on the cruise and all documents where accepted by their checks.”

Alesha picked up the coffee pot and set it on the table as she took a seat and dished up some of the casserole "As soon as we're finished here I'll be ready to go as well. I've double and triple checked the fighter's weapons and they're good to go. Just give the word once we're in position and I'll begin the assault."

Alister nodded his head taking a bite of breakfast, he glanced at his watch, “We move out in twenty minutes, remember we go in hard and fast. I don’t want any outside force to have time to respond.” He took a deep breath, “Let team two know they move in ten minutes.” The Chief nodded his head and pulled out his PADD sending the message before turning his attention to his meal.

Twenty minutes seemed like an eternity but Alesha also knew things took time to come together, after dishing up some of the casserole she began to eat. She really wasn't hungry but she knew she had to eat. In a few short hours Amber would be back where she belonged. Alesha finished her breakfast and put her dishes in the sink and returned to the table with the rest of the team.

Alister stood up from the table taking his plate to the sink, "Alright let's get moving," he said with a nod to his team who proceed to gather their gear and head out, "Alesha," he said putting a hand on her shoulder, "Good hunting."

Alesha picked up her helmet and nodded "Let's do this and good luck to you as well. I'll see you at the rendezvous and thank you. This mean a lot to me,"

Alister gave Alesha's shoulder a light squeeze before grabbing his kit bag and following his team to the vehicle that would take them to their staging point.



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