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#56 The End of the Legacy

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2024 @ 5:25am by Lieutenant David Montgomery

Mission: Hijacked


David lowered his weapon at the sight of Sabbath and Cosmo. “You are a sight for sore eyes.” He said as he moved forward. We need somewhere to hold up so we can make a plan.” He was determined to take the ship back.” He looked around. “We don’t know when we will cross their paths again.”

Sabbath nodded in agreement.

" It is clear this has happened. Clearly someone went to great detail to accomplish this. Do you have any suggestions how to take back the ship successfully?

“I do.” David nodded as he looked around, not really thinking out in the open was a good place to talk. “I want to head to engineering and disable the engines. They think they have us locked out but all I have to do is pull one little piece out.” He grinned. “And even if they find the cause, they need that part.” He looked at Cosmo and Sabbath. “You will get the hard part of taking out their people, a few at a time until all they have left is those on the bridge.”

“We keep them off balance, if we get the part.” Kalina said in agreement with David. His plan had a good chance of working. Now how do they distract the enemy.

" That may just work . Ensign Frazier from security is in the catwalks awaiting my return." Sabbath replied.

“That is good to know.” David replied. “I am assuming we are all that is left here from our crew. We have no one to help us and I do not plan to wait for a rescue. We are all well trained and I know that we can do this.”

“Most of them are on shore leave. “His command code should be enough to lock down the ship once we get the engineering and regain control.” Kalina suggested, she knew that he was the key to regaining control of the ship. “Do we split up in teams to be subjective or do we stay together. Both have merit, the more numbers we have the better chance we have to defend a position if we go on smaller teams about to get in and out as soon as possible. We need to retake the engineering Bay.”

“It is my thought that you and I shut down the engines.” David replied to Kalina. “Once I have removed that piece, we will head up and meet with them to see how many they were able to stun and secure. Then we will take the bridge together. Thoughts?” He looked around. “Going to engineering as a group will work as well. Ya’ll can watch for trouble, it is not going to take more than ten minutes for them to realize they have engine issues.”

“We’re not certain how many are in engineering.” Sabbath suggested. “I am leaning towards sticking together. Once the engines shut down we can start lessening their numbers.”

“Let’s be clear.” David said seriously. “We will be stunning them and securing them somewhere. If there isn’t a choice, I will understand but we set our phasers for stun.” He looked to Kalina and Cosmo. “You good with this?”

It was a nod conversation she thought, but she just assumed you wanted to be clear about their intentions. “Yes, I'm good with this.” Kalina simply said?

“Let’s head to engineering.” He pulled out one of the two weapons he has and handed it to Sabbath. “Can you reach Frazier and have him meet us there?”

“Yes.” Sabbath nodded, taking the weapon. “I will contact him now.”

David turned to Kalina while Sabbath was getting a hold of Frazier. “This is a really good plan.”

“I'll take the six.” Kalina called out. She did not want anyone sneaking up on them.

“Let’s move it!” David called out to Sabbath. He saw Cosmo coming along and wondered why he hadn’t spoken. Frazier had better be there when they got there because they needed to move fast.

Cosmo rolled up close alongside Lieutenant Montgomery as they kept moving. “I can override the intruder alert system and flood sections of the ship with anesthazine gas. Even a stout Klingon would be down for about fifteen minutes.”

Kalina wondered how lethal that gas was, because if they're dead they can't stand trial for the crimes they have committed. “How lethal is that gas?” She asked as she looked over to Cosmo.

David looked over to see what Cosmo would reply with. He was a bit leery. What if one of them got a dose by accident.

“Let’s put that on hold until we take engineering.” David replied. He thought shutting the ship down came first. That way whoever was stealing it would be dead in the water.

“Then let's head out.” Kalina said foolishly, thinking the sooner than get the ship back the sooner they can get on with their lives.

David led the way. He hoped this went smoothly. “More than likely we will run into obstacles. We will take them as they come our way.”

Cosmo rolled along with them, glad that starships had carpeted floors in most sections. His rolling along was as quiet as their steps. “Anesthazine is non-lethal. It is named after anasthesia, so they found it both fitting and comical when they named it.” These were crew, so they needed to know what others already knew. “I have Commander Green’s access and command codes in my memory banks, should we have cause for them. Should I find myself about to be captured I will self destruct with a thermalytic internal combustion system. The records will be destroyed, as will I.”

“Are we to that point yet?” Kalina asked, hoping they were not to that point. They still had a chance to get to Engineering, and save the ship. She hoped they did. Blowing it up without even trying seemed pointless.

“We are not.” David assured her. He looked to Cosmo. “You are too valuable to think about self destruct. We are going to find a way one way or another.”

“I appreciate your kind evaluation of my personage,” Cosmo said. “However, it is my duty, indeed my programming, to give of myself so that others may live. Self termination is not a priority, Lieutenant Montgomery, merely a necessity at the right time. A failsafe, if you will. Master Ro was quite thorough in her programming.”

“I am certain she was.” David nodded. “I have the utmost respect for her but you are a member of this crew and no one dies on my watch.” He probably sounded ridiculous to the others but he didn’t care.

“Will call that plan b, but for now lets try to get control back of the ship.” Kalina said, hoping they still had time to regain control over the USS Amandora.

“That is the goal.” David said as they turned a corner and the engineering department was ahead of them. “Weapons drawn.” He said to the others.

Joining them at Engineering also with a weapon was Ensign James Frazier the Brig Officer.
“ Look what I found.” Frazier smiled. “ Oh and One less pirate.”

“Good news.” David said with a smile. “We need numbers right now, I am beginning to think there are a lot more than I realized.”

“ I remember the work crew manifest showed 20 assigned to board. I saw that when I ran the Brig report,” Frazier added.

“We need to get the engineering and run the scanners and hopefully maybe lock the pirates out of key area so we can contain them, cuz if not I hear that we're going to have to use Cosmo suggestion.” Kalina said, not really like an idea of blowing up the ship.

“I concur.” David nodded. “It isn’t our first choice but we cannot let them get away with the ship. Who knows what they might use it for. We cannot take that risk.”

Hearing those words Sabbath mentally paused to himself . Truly the needs of the few outweighed the needs of the one.

“ Perhaps I could make a distraction to clear out the engine room?” Sabbath co ented

“That is a good plan.” David nodded “Don’t go getting yourself caught. We need to stay clear.”

Sabbath nodded and then moved forward. Frazier was concerned and watched as Sabbath slowly walked up to one if those just inside the engine room. Seconds later after applying a Vulcan nerve pinch that person was on the floor. Sabbath then drug the male being out of view and looked for anyone else he might over come.

“Let’s proceed.” David said in a quiet but commanding voice. They started to enter the room and spread out, trying to not be seen. “We need to know how many there are here.”

“ Damn, my codes have been changed.” Frazier grumbled as he checked a security point in engineering.

“ The engine is at full thrust. I can tell by the color of the plasma flow. “ Sabbath added.

“I have a back door code.” David said as he moved over and started typing. “I don’t like the sound of the engines. These idiots probably have no clue what they are doing.”

“Are they trying to blow up the ship?” Kalina asked if you looked over to David. She wondered why would they be engaging the engine that full thrust.

Cosmo watched his colleagues talk back and forth. They had made their decisions, and being an automaton, he was no longer needed for that task. But, the orders from his beloved Master and creator, Commander Green, were to be followed as per his programming. Aside from that, she did not require any form of restraint on him. Cosmo’s willingness to follow and listen to his master came from loyalty, from the knowledge that no matter what happened she would always work to protect him and keep him safe, to allow him to fulfill his purpose. It was a trust that went both ways. Whenever Master Ro sent him out with orders it was left to him, even as an automaton, to complete them however he saw fit, with the least amount of harm to living creatures as possible. But, as with any confrontation, there was always the chance that such actions were, unfortunately, unavoidable. And, he was willing to kill to save the innocent if it came to that. But, it was not something he sought.

Going over to a maintenance crawlspace hatch low on the bulkhead and close to the deck, Cosmo used his manipulator arms to unlock and remove it. Spinning in place he then backed into the crawlspace and adjusted the hatch to where the internal face of it was now facing himself, and slid back into its slot with a clicking lock sound. Turning his little domed head to the internal crawlspace Cosmo began to roll further into it, quietly humming a tune to himself as he went. Mister Montgomery had been correct in his assessment of these vagabonds not knowing how to operate a starship. The engines were strained, the sensors all wonky, and even life support had been fiddled with. If they needed him while he was busy with Master Ro’s orders to him in regards to enemy boarding parties then they could use their comms and contact him.

Luck or fate had befallen them as Sabbath realized a truth. “ Who ever is running engineering is doing so from the auxiliary bridge. That avails you full access to do what ever is necessary Chief.” Sabbath discovered.

“Doesn't seem like they're doing a good job to me, or maybe they're an experience Starship.” Kalina pointed out to them.

David started looking at the engines. “What the hell….” He walked around to the other side and then turned back to them. “This is not good.”

“ From your tone that sounds dire for us? Is it the reactor?” Sabbath inquired.

“ What's wrong with the reactor?” Frazier asked as he heard Sabbaths's question.

Kalina nicely tapped him on the arm, telling him please continue everyone wants to know what the hell's going on.

Cosmo, while within the crawlspace, had caused a glitch in the system. Locking in just the combadges for those in this little party, Cosmo spoke to David. “Mister Montgomery, I have to make a call so I will be fiddling with the chamber’s coil. It will distract them and cover any transmission being activated. I will be contacting Commander Green to inform her of our status.” Having announced that his little manipulator arms popped out and he began to adjust for communications. He hid the signal within the ambient background noise of the universe itself, in that area of all audio where there was always a bit of static. No one ever honed in on it because no one had figured out yet that one could do that. But, the cost was dedicating a receiver to pull it in and then a transponder that could send it out. After a few seconds of adjustment, his droid brain running tens of thousands of programs through it every minute and working that quickly, he had connected. He began speaking to his Master and Knight Ainkara, informing them of the situation with bursts that lasted for a tenth of a second. So, if Montgomery spoke to him while he was speaking to Master Ro then he could respond.

“The engines are tied to an explosive.” David informed them. “One that doesn’t have a colored wire to cut or some shut off switch.” He continued to look and spoke. “Kalina, while I am checked this out, see if you can log on to that terminal and get an idea where we are headed, I have a feeling this is a suicide mission. Frazier or Sabbath I need to know how many people we are dealing with.”

Frazier looked at the Screen and soon found the answer.

“ 28 … with three heading our way according to internal sensors.” Frazier reported.

“Four against 28 aren't good odds, can we narrow the playing field by locking them out of key sections maybe isolating them?” Kalina asked as she looked around to the others.

“I am concerned about whether they have remote access to the bombs.” David said quietly. He wasn’t really prepared to say what he was thinking, so he went back to the console and started accessing their systems, or attempting to.

Cosmo offered an idea. “We can use the Security force fields to isolate certain sections, Mister Montgomery. If need be.”

“Cosmo how long can we hold them off with force fields?” Kalina asked. She wasn't sure if they could hold them off long enough to get reinforcements, or to take them out, one by one.

“ There is a time to stand and a time to regroup. I would prefer to regroup and fight another day. On my way here I found an access panel leading to the hanger deck. Surely between us all we can board a shuttle and get the Hell out of here.” Ensign Frazier suggested.

“I agree.” David replied seriously. “Unfortunately, we will all be saying goodbye to Amandora.” He looked at them. “This ship is on a course to take out an important starbase where untold thousands currently reside. The president of the Federation is there.” He looked over at them. “I can override their codes and set the self-destruct, along with putting some explosives on the engines that they won’t be able to disengage in case they find a way to stop the self-destruct.”

Cosmo’s little domed head turned, his lens focused on Lieutenant Johnson. “I could hold them off for quite some time, Miss Johnson. However, I believe that Mister Montgomery’s plan is sound. If we abandon ship and activate self destruct they cannot win. Even if they escape there will be no prize to claim.”

“ As Chief Science Officer I agree.” Sabbath added.

“ Yea let's kick some ass and take names,” Ensign Frazier agreed.

“I am counting on you to get us as far away as possible.” David said to Kalina. “As fast as you can.” He knew she could do it, she was an excellent pilot.”

“I can override door locks as we move,” Cosmo offered. “But, if we are going to do this then every minute we waste is more time to be discovered.”

“I’m setting the explosives now.” David went to work and set them on a timer they would activate at the same time the auto destruct stopped counting. He ran to a console and soon they could hear the computer starting the auto destruct. “Run to the shuttle day” he looked to Cosmo. “Lock the doors behind us and make certain you are on that shuttle.” He looked to Kalina as they ran. “You get the shuttle up, Frazier and I will watch for trouble. Once cosmo is on board take us out of here full speed ahead.”

“I'm on it. Cosmo make sure the bay door is on automatic release.” Kalina said as she ran out of the room. She knew they did not have enough time to go through the checklist for the shuttle. She needed every second she could get to fire up the engines on the shuttle. Her request to Cosmo was more of an order than a request.

As his bipedal friends ran, Cosmo rolled along behind them. With each door they went through he stopped, opened the access panel and locked the door in a way that physically removing the lock was the only way to get through. Each time he did this took no more than a minute and he was off and rolling. With his companions ahead of him in the shuttle bay, Cosmo rolled over to a console and used his internal repulsorlift, levitating up to access the station. Three of his manipulator arms came out and began to tap away, overriding all commands from the Bridge or Engineering in regards to the shuttle bay door. His dome spun around to see where his friends were, and saw them ascending the ramp for a shuttle. Making the door free to open from all craft, Cosmo then added in Commander Green’s personal command codes, ensuring that no one could stop them from leaving before they were able to defeat them. Dropping slowly, his job done, Cosmo rolled his rotund body to the shuttle as fast as he could and zipped up the ramp. “Bay door unlocked, Lieutenant Johnson. We are now prepared to leave.” He rolled over to a corner of the shuttle Bridge, staying out of the way for the others moving around.

Sabbath and then Frazier entered the craft just as fast. Now only minutes separated them and fate.

Kalina was going through the checklist as fast as she could. The engines started to fire up. “Are we ready to go?” She asked rhetorically, it was basically to warn them to buckle up. The doors started to open at the same time as the seals from the shuttle started to close. Kalina could see that Cosmo was already working on the shuttle bay doors. “It’s going to be a bumby ride, do not have time to get the internal dampers online.” Kalina said as the ship took off.

Everyone was jolted by the sudden movement from the shuttle. Kalina barely stayed in her seat. As she punched full impulse power. The doors started to open from the shuttle bay, started to shake violently as the shuttle raced outside of the Amandora’s hull. As soon as they were cleared, she set a course to Danvers Station, the USS Amandora started to explode. Kalina had little to jump to warp, before the shock wave hit them.



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