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#57 Relieved

Posted on Mon Apr 8th, 2024 @ 12:40am by Lieutenant Alona Tal "Centurion" {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Sheyla {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Ainkara "Kara" {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: Current


Still wearing her own Meji armor/robes, Kara and Sheyla met the Security platoon at the gangway, just inside the Orion airlock. "This way, folks." All the Security people just stood there and looked at her. Alona was still back in the slave cage hold, keeping an eye on things, but Doctor Sheyla was here and in her uniform of the day.

Sheyla, seeing their hesitation, stepped into more of a clear view of them all since she was behind Kara as she had spoken to them. "I'm Doctor Sheyla, a medical officer from the USS Amandora." She was sure they could all see her pips, so she would not put forth her rank since it was obvious. "This," she motioned over at her companion. "Is Lieutenant Ainkara, also from Amandora. And, she is a Meji Knight, as well. The reason for the odd clothing." The Security people all gave nods, some of which weren't too sure in action, but they went ahead anyway.

Once the entryway meeting had been dealt with they got moving through the ship. Arriving in the cargo hold for the slave cages, with the one-time captives now sitting in a circle on the deck, free from bondage. However, as the Security people came in they all saw the Romulan, in uniform, standing over the captives with a rifle slung over her chest and fully armed. Of course, not knowing the circumstances, they halted their steps and casually aimed their weapons her way.

Alona gave a cynical sigh. "Really?" She looked at Kara. "You didn't mention me?"

Kara grinned at that. "She's with us, Security. She aided in freeing these people. Please, get them to the station and to the infirmary. We need a party of Security to escort these vagabonds," she motioned to the slave cages now holding their owners. "To their cells."

"You got it, Lieutenant. Glad we can be of service after camping in our quarters for a couple days." That was when the officer addressing her finally noticed her rank pips along the embroidery on the seams of the fold over chest of her sleeveless armor.

Now that her guard duty was handed over Alona made her way around the people as they stood up, coming to stand with the two she had worked with as Green had needed to vacate to find the command staff. "I like that outfit," She said to Ainkara. "Curious that they let you wear it."

"The Meji Order has an understanding with both the Federation and Starfleet. We have been granted special dispensation in regards to our garments. When we do wear Starfleet uniforms we are allowed to sport either a pin, or a shoulder patch denoting our affiliation." Kara explained.

With Security now in control here the three women left the cargo hold, walking through this disgusting vessel to leave as quickly as possible, their conversation continuing. "Meji? The same Meji Order that attacked a Romulan installation?"

Sheyla walked along, listening in, and had only recently read about the Order. It had caught her attention and she was planning to speak to Ro about it. However, the time for that chat had not presented itself. So, for now, she remained quiet.

"Yes," Kara answered. "I wasn't a member of the Order yet but Commander Green did assault the installation along with others. She caused a distraction while they gathered what they were sent for and then escaped. I'm surprised you know about it since your government does not like to admit to anyone, especially its citizens, that they got beat."

"My knowledge is first hand," Alona admitted. "I had family there. Family Tal is one of the larger families on Romulus, with power and influence throughout the Empire entire." She then glanced over, up and down, at Kara. "You are quite emotional for a Vulcan. It is refreshing to see." The Centurion did not miss the knowing grin that crossed Doctor Sheyla's face. "Why is that amusing?"

Kara spoke up so that the Doctor would not have to explain for her. "I am emotional because I am not a Vulcan." She reached up and touched the plus-sign looking cartilage beneath the skin near to each eye. "This isn't decorative, nor done on purpose. I am Voran, not Vulcan."

"Ahhh," Alona let out. "I was wondering about those. I did not want to show dishonor, nor appear to dishonor you."

Sheyla finally decided to speak up. "Honor? According to Klingons, Romulans have no honor. In my experience it is all in how you treat people that determines honor."

"Well said." Alona responded. Both of her companions looked her way as they left the Orion ship and began to walk through the starbase. "Let me explain. At the center of the Rihannsu code of behavior is the importance of "mnhei'sahe." It is an abstract measurement of a Rihannsu's personal honor and is often used as a status symbol in their culture. Mnhei'sahe, which translates loosely to "the ruling passion," centers around a strong respect and appreciation of honor, duty, courtesy and strength. In all interactions between Rihannsu, it is imperative that all parties leave afterward feeling that their honor and "face," is intact. If not, it is paramount to denying mnhei'sahe to the offended party. If the offending party feels he can apologize without himself losing face, he does so. Wars, executions and deaths of entire households can be required to satisfy mnhei'sahe. If mnhei'sahe is always intact within the Empire, the Rihannsu believe that they can never lose. If the disgraced party is beyond redemption, those present may simply execute him or recommend he commit ritual suicide by sending him swords in order to prevent further disgrace and loss of mnhei'sahe. Above all, mnhei'sahe is sensitive to the context of the situation and is a rather interpretive concept. It is not a specific codified set of rules, but an unspoken understanding which guides the actions of all Rihannsu throughout life. Rihannsu honor their word when it is given to another Rihannha [fellow Romulan]. To break with one's word means dishonor and a loss of mnhei'sahe, a fate worse than death. Politeness, respect, and quiet dignity are always required if mnhei'sahe is to be satisfied." After that long winded explanation, and glad it was over, Alona gave a sigh of contentment. "So, you see, our honor is more about us than others. Until proven otherwise everyone we meet is an enemy."

Centurion Alona looked over at Sheyla. "As for Klingons they are a brutish lot but worthy adversaries. Having said that, if I were to hand one a book I am sure they would eat it before they read it." She gave a cynical grin. That comment caused grins on the faces of the other two.

The three of them continued to chat as they walked, not really sure where they should head to. They could see starbase personnel seeing to the damage done, recovering bodies, and the like. Along with them were the civilians, the business owners, looking to their livelihood and needing to get things back in order.



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