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Post Number 58 Attack Run Completed

Posted on Mon Apr 8th, 2024 @ 1:33am by Captain Alesha Rivers

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Unknown Location
Timeline: Current
Tags: Alistar


Alesha stepped out of the vehicle that had taken her to the landing pad where her borrowed Klingon fighter was parked. Looking at Alister and his team Alesha nodded, “All my hope and prayers go with you. I’ll meet you at the rendezvous,”

Alesha watched as Alistar got back in the vehicle and headed out to bring Amber to her. Everyone had things to do. She had a facility to destroy for the Klingons and Alistar and his people were responsible in getting Amber from her ex-husband. Sighing Alesha tapped a few commands on the fighter disarming it.

Alesha climbed aboard, dropped into the seat, donned her helmet and ran the flight check, Everything was fine and green across the board, weapons were fully charged and hot. Alesha closed the canopy, fired the engines and after making sure no ships were in her flight path engaged the cloak and lifted off. Setting course for the facility she was to destroy.

The facility was on the far side of the city and only took a matter of minutes for her to reach the target. Staying cloaked Alesha flew over it and scanned every inch of if so she’d know just where to fire to do the most damage in order to destroy it. “Minimum defenses, too bad you don’t know what’s about to happen to you, maybe that’s a good thing,” Alesha said to herself as she looked at the picture of Amber that she’d tacked up on the console.

Once the scans were done Alesha banked the fighter and shot up, rolled, dropped cloak and began her attack run. Torpedoes were launched followed by the full attack run with full phasers. The facility erupted in explosions and burst into flames, spotting a landing pad with several ship, shuttle’s and cargo ship Alesha spun and targeted them and fired a volley of torpedoes.

By the time Alesha was done with her attack runs on the facility and the landing pad where ships, shuttles and cargo ships where there was nothing left but smoldering ruins and parts of the facility would burn for hours yet. To prove things had gone as planned Alesha made sure to capture everything on sensors so the Klingons could see that she’d done what they’d requested she do. Cloaking again Alesha shot straight up dodging space traffic until she was clear of the planet and into space.

Not sure how long the process was going to be to get to Amber and meet her Alesha remained cloaked and flew to the planet’s moon and hid behind it where she could keep sensors trained on space. Putting the fighter’s engines on thrusters to maintain her position it became a waiting game.


Tags Alistar


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