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#59 Debris Field 'Canyon Run'

Posted on Mon Apr 8th, 2024 @ 2:13am by Warrant Officer Shannon Money {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Fighter
Timeline: Current


Warrant Officer Money had seen the Orion ship make its way towards the starbase, and to make sure they were not fired upon Number One had sent out a message to inform all exterior craft that it was a captured vessel filled with civilian captives. With that threat no longer looming Money banked her fighter hard right and upon straightening pointed her nose towards the debris field. This area of debris had larger pieces, all at various heights and planes in accordance with her own craft. Beyond this field of larger objects was another field behind it, with far smaller pieces twirling through space and heading for the planet. Most of what they consisted of would burn up in the atmosphere. But, not all of it, and there were sizeable debris that could cause death or damage if they fell to the surface. She smiled to herself. Herculoid was still out there somewhere dealing with the same type of situation, but on the other side of the base. No one had yet informed Money or Herculoid as to when any Starfleet vessels would arrive.

Slowing to an all-stop, Shannon began to tap away at her controls, setting her phase cannons for rapid fire, reducing the AG by 25% to add to their power and to the maneuvering thrusters. After that she played with her music, setting the song Freebird by Lynard Skynard, but just at the beginning of the musical interlude/guitar solo as the vocals hailed and faded. The fast beat and squealing guitars would mentally set her timing for maneuvers, a trick she had learned from Commander Green. As Ro had put it; if you're gonna die you might as well die while jamming to your favorite tunes. With the music set for a key tap and settling herself in her seat, Money hit the thumb switch for the max thrusters, the Viper starfighter immediately leaping forward and getting to maximum impulse speed in seconds. Cutting thrusters and staying at full impulse Shannon tapped the music key and it came at her full bore.

With the beat of the music in her ears Money began to maneuver through the larger debris field, zooming passed the pieces as she maneuvered around them. The flotsam flew passed her craft, and her peripheral vision, as she focused on her piloting. Threading the needle, Shannon felt the G-forces within the craft, putting pressure on her body and causing her to breathe heavily as she was thrust into leaning against the cockpit sides with each turn. The AG (artificial gravity) reduction allowed for a bit of bumping and leaning, but the added power was ideal for her thrusters, and in time, would be vital for her cannons as she blasted the smaller pieces into chunks small enough to fully burn up in the atmosphere. She could feel the pressure in her body all the way up to her eyes. This caused her to squeeze her eyes closed for a split second every now and then, to keep them clear. It was the most exhilarating feeling, and one she lived for. Coming out the other side of the mountain-sized debris field Money let out a large exhale as she could now breathe easier, the tough part being over. Her eyes looked to the timer and saw that she had cleared that field in two minutes-thirty eight seconds. Shannon gave the inside of her cockpit, along the edge of the canopy, a few fist bumps as she laughed to herself. "Good shit, girl," she said to her fighter.

Now, dead ahead, were the smaller pieces she intended to kill with extreme prejudice. Activating weapons and defense she adjusted her targeting sensors and slowed her speed. Right hand clutching the stick, Money zoomed in and began the first volleys of fire at the 'enemy'. If nothing else it was great target practice. Content to stay out here for however long, Warrant Money proceeded to clear the orbital skies.



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