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Post Number 25 Loose Ends

Posted on Fri May 31st, 2024 @ 12:51am by Captain Alesha Rivers & Lieutenant Alister McKeon

Mission: Aftermath
Location: USS Comberland/Star Base Danvers
Timeline: Current


Alesha had spent a couple days getting Amber settled down and acquainted with her. She's explained what she could to a small child but Amber had understood. Figuring the ship was safe enough as Raul had no idea where they were Alesha took her daughter by the hand and headed from guest quarters for ten forward. She'd sent Alistar and his team a message letting them know where they were.

Alister entered ten forward and looked around spotting Alesha and Amber, he slid into the seat opposite smiling down at Amber as he did so, “How’s everything going?”

"Not too badly, she had a crying fit for Raul which I expected and I had a talk with her, told her he was sick and I was her mommy. It's going to take time but she'll be okay. She's scared and that's to be expected but I think somehow she remembers me,"Alesha said

Amber looked at Alistar, waved at him before taking a bite of her french fry. "I remember you, you mommy friend."

“That’s right, I’m your mommy’s friend,” Alister said giving Amber another smile. He glanced back over to Alesha, “Glad things are going well.”

"Me too, she'll forget him in time, I'm going to make sure there are no pictures of him anywhere," Alesha said handing Amber a sippie cup "I'll have Kristian give her a good check up, she seem well cared for but I want to make sure."You and your team are good. I'm glad your on our side. I've heard rumors among the ships crew that out ship has been destroyed and that a new one is being commissioned have you heard that?"

“Except for Connor, all my team are veterans of the war,” Alister said from his seat, “Connor is more than likely the best hacker I’ve seen but has an issue that when he’s bored he starts to hack things he shouldn’t. As for the ship yeah, Ashley gave me what she knew, a mercenary group got onboard and attempted to take the ship.” As he spoke his hands unwrapped and handed a single small piece of chocolate over to Amber with a wink. “If you want Ashley’s CMO can give her a once over. I filled her in on somethings during dinner and she was almost ready to turn Cumberland around and start hurling photons till someone turned Raul over to her.”

"I'm good with Ashley's CMO giving Amber a going over. I'd feel better. As for Raul, he'll get his one day. I have my daughter and that's what counts," Alesha said "He better pray I never see him again."

Amber took the chocolate and popped it into her mouth and grinned after she'd eaten it. "Yummy!"

“If you walk into the med bay I’m sure they can fit you in, Ashley asked for their discretion in the matter,” he said grinning over at Amber. “Anything else you need help with? I’ve got Connor digging in deeper to Raul and quietly out out Raul’s name to see if anything pops up.”

"I'll do that now," Alesha said "She's done eating. Please let me know what you find out about him and I'll forward things to the Amazon Government as well. I think I'm good, I will let you know if there are any questions or if I need anything," she looked at her daughter then to Alistar. "Right now she's what I need."

“Glad to hear,” Alister said with a smile as a second piece of chocolate seemed to teleport over to Amber, “If you need anything let me know, I remember when my niece was that age and she gave my sister fits.”

"I'll keep that in mind as I'm sure once she opens up more and asks question about Raul that I won't answer. I;m also sure she'll give me fits as well," Alesha replied "I'm looking forward to her meeting my family and my shipmates. I plan to keep her with me for a while. I don't even know how to thank you and your team."

Alister waved his hand, “Don’t worry too much about it. I was glad to help, same goes with my team.”

"I'm glad you and your team are on our side." Alesha said

"Why you had help mommy?" Amber asked "You say help mommy glad to. I don't member her but she said she mommy and we look same. Where daddy?"

"Remember I told you daddy isn't feeling well. He's in a special place," Alesha said

Alister smiled down at Amber, “Your mother just needed help while she had to help another friend in a difficult situation.” He said quickly thinking on his feet.

“Besides, I know Alister spoils his niece and from the chocolate wrappers, he’s on his way to spoiling you,” Ashely said slipping into a chair. “Just dropped by to say we’re about five hours out, and to see if someone wanted to help me eat a whole bowl of ice cream with hot fudge before she left my ship,” she added giving a smile over to Amber.

"I never had ice cream, was told it was bad for you," Amber said looking at Alesha with questioning eyes "Can I try it?"

Alesha nodded Of course you can and ice cream isn't bad for you. I think you'll like it. Maybe the captain will put sprinkles on it too."

Ashley widened her eyes, “You’ve never had ice cream then extra sprinkles.”

Alister chuckled in his seat, “Don’t forget a peanut butter sauce.” He glanced over at Alesha, “Let me know if I can help in anyway with Amber, as this one,” he nodded his head toward Ashley as she started making the ice cream sundae, “said I’ve spoiled my niece but I also didn’t get a reputation as the fun Uncle for nothing. I’ll pull up a few holodeck programs of resorts and the like when we get back to the ship make up for some lost time.”

"Thank you, I'll defiantly do that," Alesha replied "Amber your going to love ice cream."

"I wanna try some so I can know why it bad. It looks yummy and mommy said it's good," Amber said watching Ashley as she got the ice cream ready.

“It’s the best,” Ashley replied with a smile handing over the sprinkles for Amber to put on top.

Amber picked up the sprinkles and dumped some on her ice cream, picked up the spoon and took a big mouthful. "It cold, yummy. Daddy told me it was bad, mommy right it good.”

Alister chuckled slightly from his seat leaning back in a relaxed manner, “Never met a kid who doesn’t like a bowl of ice cream. Anyone teach you to swim yet Amber?”

Amber shook her head "Don't know what swim is, daddy didn't teach me lots. Was always busy, nanny took me places."

"I'll teach you," Alesha said "It something you should know how to do."

Alister nodded his head, “Always important or you’ll miss out on a ton of fun activities.” He glanced over at Amber and Ashley eating ice cream. “You guys are in good hands, I’ve got some paperwork to catch up on. If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask,” he said standing up to give Amber a brief hug and a squeeze on Alesha’s shoulder.

Alesha thanked Alister again as she looked to Ashley "Captain I'm going to get her checked out by medical and then with your permission I'd like to take that Klingon Fighter and head to my home-world to let my parents see her before I have to report to the new ship."

Ashley nodded "That captain won't be a problem, have a safe flight."



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