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Post Number 24 Family Dinner With The Grandparents

Posted on Fri May 24th, 2024 @ 4:34pm by Rear Admiral Paul Sanderson & Commodore Cyndi Song & Piper Sanderson
Edited on on Fri May 24th, 2024 @ 4:35pm

Mission: Aftermath
Location: Palace Courtyard on Klavor Cyndi's Home Planet
Timeline: Current


Cyndi and Paul arrived at the Palace and true to his word Cyndi’s father Drew had ordered the press to stay away from his daughter and her family, Cyndi had enough to deal with and didn’t need the press anyway near her family. Violators would be arrested.

Cyndi had chosen a pair of white shorts and green tank top, walking into the courtyard Cyndi hugged her father. “Your ribs smell wonderful, what can I do to help?”

“Nothing,” Drew said shaking Paul’s hand “I wasn’t sure how your kids would feel about ribs so if they don’t want them I’ll put hotdogs on for them. Speaking of the kids where are they?”

“They’ll be along,” Cyndi replied.

Paul was given the gracious task of bringing the children to the main courtyard. Either way, but he was also escorted by one of the members of a palace. He stayed close to Brent's side, and Piper followed behind them.

“On your best behavior Piper, and you too Brent. Paul said as they got ready to enter the main courtyard. He met his children at the entrance.

“Yes Father.” Brent simply said, trying to be all proper like. He didn't want to upset his father, or his mother. He doesn't want to face their wrath.

Piper was walking with Brent to the palace. Their parents were ready before they were. Piper wore a blue sundress that matched her eyes and came down to mid thigh. She had her hair French braided down her back.

“I’m proud of you.” Piper said to Brent. “You didn’t say a word about last night.” She smiled then. “It was fun going swimming in the moonlight.” Their grandfather had told them he used to sneak out when he was a kid.

“I can keep my word, but I don't think this is the best place to be talking about things like that. You know Dad's right there, he already wants us to walk through the courtyard. Brent could smell the barbecue cooking.

“You’re right.” Piper nodded. “But I’m going again, tonight.” She took a deep breath. “Something smells really good!” She looked around. “Are these people all relatives?”

“Hi Piper, Brent,” Drew said “No, the only relatives here are your parents, the two of you, grandma and I. The others were just helping getting the tables out chairs set up so I could make the BQ Ribs, but if you're not into my famous BBQ Ribs I have hot dogs I can grill for you. Your grandma has spent the morning making food for today,”

“I’ve made both traditional Klavorian dishes and some Earth dishes too,” Tasha said It’s so good to have you all here. It;s been far too long.”

Once the dishes were out, placed on hot plates to keep the warm dishes heated and the cold dishes put on cooling trays, Cyndi dismissed the the cooks who had helped her mum in preparing the meal. Cyndi walked over to where everyone was and placed her arm around Paul’s waist. “You kids look great.”

“Why did mom, boss those people around?” Brent asked, a little confused. He looked to his father to see if the man he idolized could make sense of it.

“You're part of the royal family, and it's customary for the royal family to have servants. It is a responsibility of the royal family to treat their servants with respect. Just because you have authority over somebody doesn't mean that you have to be mean to. Your mom it's just fulfilling her obligation as Princess of Klavor.” Paul said they can he probably just confused his son more.

Brent was not sure what to make of what his father had said, it seems silly for servants to be serving people in that kind of fashion. Even on the old Amadora, Mommy barely got anybody to serve them. Granted she had her own captive but it wasn't the same like he saw here; they weren't all dressed up and saying ‘you're majesty.’

Piper thought it was kind of different but she promised her father she would behave so she kept silent, waiting for someone to officially say they could.

Paul and Brent we're also waiting for Cyndi to say it was time to eat. She was the Royal Princess. And there are certain etiquette and protocols that needed to be followed.

Drew after dishing up the ribs and putting them on a platter along with some hot dogs, naked potatoes fresh off the grill and french fries that he’d deep fried. “Dinner is ready!” he called

“We’re not standing on formality at all, everyone just have a seat and dig in,” Tasha said as she uncovered the food. “Coleslaw, potato salad, some native dishes and some Earth dishes. I hope everyone brought an appetite. There is a cooler with cold drinks in it and we have some wine if anyone is interested.”

“Mum, dad it looks good and I don’t know about anyone else but I’m hungry. Been waiting all day for this,” Cyndi looked at Paul and the kids, “Just have a seat and as grandma said dig in.”

Piper took a plate and put some ribs on it, along with some fruit and a dish that resembled broccoli salad which she really liked. She grabbed something to drink and sat down. She politely waited for the others to sit down, remembering her grandmother’s instructions.

Brent did the total opposite, he only grabbed the hot dogs and a couple pieces of fruit. Everything else on the table look disgusting, in his eyes.

Paul filled up his plate, and then took a seat. He is keeping an eye on both of his children to make sure that they're behaving themselves. He knew they didn't really want to be there, but this is family time and they need to be around family.

Piper took a bite of the ribs, they were really good. She was hungrier than she thought. She looked over to her parents after taking a drink. “Is it okay for us to swim in the pool when we are finished eating?” She hoped they said yes.

Paul grinned as he looked over to his lovely wife. “Do you have any afternoon appointments?” I'll ask his lovely wife, you couldn't remember if they had any appointments this afternoon.

“Of course it is,” Tasha said “Anytime you want to use it.”

“Do either of you like fishing or water skiing? I’ve got a speed boat that I take out alone to do some fishing on. I taught your mum to water ski when she was about fourteen. And fishing there are some trout that are so big that they can be a meal in themselves,” Drew asked. “That is if it's okay with your parents” he looked at his daughter and Paul for an answer to both swimming and a boat ride, fishing and water skiing.

“Both dad are fine with me, Paul, kids what do you think? It will give you a chance to get to know your grandpa.

“I do some oil painting and I've got several that I’d like to show you and you can pick out some for your room,” Tasha said, taking a bite of the ribs.

“I would love to learn to water ski.” Piper said, her eyes lighting up. “Sorry, but fishing doesn’t sound like fun to me.” She wasn’t putting worms on a hook. “I can lay in the sun and get a tan though.

She stood up and walked over to the pool and took her sundress off. Piper walked onto the diving board and smiled over at her family. “Come on Brent!” She called out.

Brent printed across the floor, jumping and making a cannonball splashing and getting a sister wet almost instantly.

“He's definitely a little excited.” Paul said really admiring his son's energy level.

“I’m going to get you,” Piper said. She chased her brother down and dunked his head under the water.

“I think the pool is a big hit,” Cyndi commented as she laughed at the way the kids were playing in the pool.

All smiles, Paul walked right behind Cyndi and wrapped his arms around her. Making sure to give her a small kiss on her cheek as he held her tight. “A little R&R but never a bad thing, but you're right the pool was a big hit.

Cyndi turned and wrapped her arms around Paul's neck. “We have a small lake behind our house and they seem to prefer the pool. It’s good to see them so happy.”she gave Paul a kiss. “I hope the kids take my folks up on mum’s offer to show them her paintings and to let them have a couple, I hope they do the boat ride and I hope Brent does go fishing with my dad.”

“You want to take a little boat ride come out to the lake just the two of us? I like how that sounds.” Paul said is he stared into her eyes once again. It been a while since they've been alone together.

“I like the way you think,” Cyndi said “I’ll go say good bye to my parents and then I’m yours,”

Cyndi walked over to where her parents were “Mum, dad thank you for a wonderful day, the kids had fun. Let them stay as long as they want. Paul and I are heading home for some us time.”

“We understand and your welcome honey,” Tasha said

“Hopefully the grand kids had a good time too,” Drew replied as he hugged his daughter.

Cyndi returned to Paul “I’m all yours now, kids are still in the pool. Let’s go home.”

“As tempting as that is, we are not leaving the children unsupervised the pool. I am not one of those type of parents.” Paul suggested to Cyndi. He really wanted to take her up on her offer though.

“Mum and dad are here, they’ll be perfectly safe,” Cyndi replied “They raised me and look how I turned out.” she brushed a kiss on his lips “You sure you don’t want to go with me?”

“Only if you can reassure me that your mom's not going to try to make her Queen, while we sneak off.” Paul said more teasingly, as he started to smirk at Cyndi. It was his way of saying, let's go.

Cyndi took Paul’s hand “That won’t happen trust me,” Cyndi said “Let’s go be alone for a bit. Just you and me.”

Paul did not say anything as he took her hand. It was clear in his mind what she wanted, not that he blamed her cuz he wanted the same thing. Just to be alone with her. This is the first time they didn't have the children around them, and they were both going to take advantage of it.

Cyndi smiled as they walked from the Palace courtyard and back to their home. “You want to take that boat ride or go up to our bedroom?” Cyndi asked as they entered the house.

Paul smiled, he knew what he wanted. His eyes said what his body wanted. He wanted to go to the bedroom. “ You know where.” He grinned.

Cyndi smiled as they climbed the stairs to their bedroom. Walking into the bedroom Cyndi turned down the bed and walked over to her husband and began to kiss him.

Paul did I miss the opportunity to passionately return his wife's kiss. Pulled her clothes, as his arms slid down her back towards your back side. He gripped firmly, as his lips pressed against hers.

Paul had wanted to kiss her all day long. After all these years they still had the spark, the chemistry to see the romance through. His firm lips pressed against her soft delicate lips, all the problems of the world seem to fade away at this moment.

Cyndi helped Paul from his clothes as she pressed her body against his, deepening the kiss as she did so. Wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled his head closer. Paul made her feel complete, Right now he was all she wanted.

Cyndi backed up until she felt the bed behind her, fell onto the bed pulling Paul with her. She never tired of looking at her sexy and handsome husband’s body.

Always laying on top of her, and his fingers immediately slipped under her shirt slowly pulling up her blouse top that she was wearing exposing your beautiful breasts and her small curved body. Cyndi was an amazing looking woman. The site of her took his breath away.

Paul slowly leaned down to kiss her, but not before his hands caressed her breasts. The two of them started around with foreplay.

Paul made sure to hit her sweet spot, listening to his wife moan was a huge turn on for him. After both were properly stimulated they began to make love for nearly three hours. They both collapsed on the bed, he could feel Cyndi curling up next to him.

Cyndi snuggled against Paul as her fingers lightly stroked his chest and trailed down and back up again. “This never gets old, sixteen years of marriage, two kids later and you still know how to turn me on. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you but I’m glad to have you and our children. I love you so much. You make me complete.”

“I love you too.” Paul said, as he interlocked his fingers with hers. Then he stared into her beautiful eyes.

Cyndi kissed his fingers as she stared into his eyes, feeling complete, loved and relaxed stifled a yawn as she didn’t want this moment to end.

Paul stared back into her eyes, as a scene starts to fade away. He was thinking about the fact he was so lucky to have met her, and to have married and to have two beautiful children with her.



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