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#23 Cliff Diving

Posted on Thu May 23rd, 2024 @ 4:00am by Piper Sanderson & Rear Admiral Paul Sanderson
Edited on on Thu May 23rd, 2024 @ 4:00am

Mission: Aftermath
Location: Klavorian Cliffs

Piper checked the time once more. It was almost midnight. She got up and walked over to her bedroom door and looked down the hallway. Everything was dark. She walked silently down the hall and looked under her parent’s bedroom door. It was dark, which meant neither of them were up reading.

She headed back and looked in Brent’s room. He was sitting on his bed in his swim trunks, grinning at her. She put her hands to her lips and waved for him to come with her. Brent shut his door quietly and followed her down the stairs. Once they went out the sliding glass doors and were across the back lawn, Piper spoke in a low voice.

“I can’t wait to jump in the water.” she said with a smile. “We better only stay a couple hours though. We both need to get some sleep.” She felt a little guilty but grandfather said it was a tradition to dive off the cliff at night. And he was right, it was cool to swim by the pale moonlight.

“Is there going to be enough time, I want to get some good jumps in.” Brent had said, feeling a little sleepy but super excited which was overriding his tiredness for the moment. His adrenaline excitement was starting to kick in. He continued to follow her. He was ready to jump off the cliffs again.

“I’ll make certain we both have lots of time.” Piper said. “I want to do a backflip and a half. Last night, I almost did it! I feel like tonight is the night.”

“Dont you think that's dangerous. You'll be able to see the wall when you jump.” Brent said, a little more cautiously he was in his brave as his bigger sister.

“It is I guess.” Piper could tell that Brent was a little nervous. What if she got hurt and he was alone. “Maybe I will stick to cannonball.” She liked spending time with her brother.

“I bet I can get a bigger splash.” Brent said with a big grin on his face. You didn't wait for us, it should go first, he ran in and did it with a big cannonball as big as his little body could create. The next thing he knew he was in the water treading and starting to head towards the shore as he waited to see if his sister would jump in.

Piper took off and jumped high off the cliff, doing a cannonball. She came up and started swimming after Brent. “As much as we are having fun, I think we should take a few days off after tonight. I am feeling a little guilty about doing this behind mom and dad’s back.” She waited to hear what Brent said.

“Why, it's so much fun. You know if we ask them they'll never let us do this.”’Brent said, trying to persuade his sister.

“I know it is.” Piper said. “But what if Dad and Mom go to check on us and we are gone?” We will worry them and be in a lot of trouble. I think it’s better to make this our last time.”

“Fine fine fine.” Brent said in a pouting voice. He wasn't very thrilled about this idea. How could they have fun for the last 2 days, and then have her say let's not do it again. That was just so rude. They got closer and closer to the shoreline.

“Maybe we can come one more time.” Piper said, feeling guilty about disappointing him. “I just feel bad, like I’m afraid one of us will get hurt and then what is the other one going to do?” She shook her head. “I hate it when they look at us with disappointment.”

“You're right, why do you have to be a party pooper sometimes.” Brent said a little sadly. He just wanted to have fun, and his parents wouldn't let him do that. Why wouldn't they let him jump off a cliff? It was safe; he's done it several times now and hasn't gotten hurt.

“I’m responsible for you.” Piper said. “I’m your older sister. I think we should just ask Dad and Mom to bring us here. During the day. That way we aren’t getting in trouble.” She followed him onto the sand. “It is the right thing to do.”

You're starting to sound like them. What happened to us never being like our parents?” Brent asked as he felt a little betrayed.

Piper stared at him for a minute and a grin crossed her face. “I do sound like them!” She shook her head. “Let’s just have fun and come here when we can then. I’ll beat you to the cliff!” Piper said and she took off on a run.”

Brent did his best, to keep up. But she quickly called me and she was older so her legs were longer. He wanted to cry out not fair, but he didn't want to draw attention to the fact that they were doing something they should have been doing in the first place.

Piper stood at the top and waited for him. She smiled when he got there. “You want to go first or me?” She waited for him to answer.

Brent did not hesitate to sprint out into the dark and jump over the cliffside like he had done several times before over the past couple days. It took everything he had not to say, “we.” As he splashed into the water, he turned around and waited to see his sister jump in.

Piper watched him land before she jumped off the cliff and landed next to him. “You're right!” She called out. “Let’s just enjoy this, we will be leaving soon enough when Mom get’s her new ship.

The two of them started to swim back to the shore, but Brent could see a dark silhouette of a man at the shoreline. He couldn't make out who he was but he was a little nervous.

“What’s wrong?” Piper asked Brent, noticing he had stiffened. She looked off to the shore and came to a stop. “I think we are about to be in trouble.”

“Do you want to swim away?” Brent said, not realizing there was nowhere else to go. They were busted, and it was only a matter of time.

“What if it isn’t Dad?” Piper said. “Or Grandfather even.” She was nervous now. It had been dumb to come here alone. “Let’s see if we can swim around the cliff to the other side.”

“I thought you said there was no way out on the other side.” Brent said, not sure if he had the energy to swim back and forth through the water all night long.

“I’m thinking.” Piper felt like she had let Brent down and her parents. She finally looked at him. “I’m going to go up on the beach. You swim over there and get out of the water and run home while I distract whoever that is.”

“I get scared in the dark, don't leave me.* Brent said as he is afraid to do as a sister had asked.

“Okay, let’s swim that way then and see what he does.” Piper said quietly. “Try to stay where it is darkest, maybe we can sneak out and run.” She was scared now, more for Brent than herself.

Brent followed his sister, and a man in a security uniform was standing there. “Your majesties you should not be out here.” The security guard said as he saw the Young children playing in the water.

Piper recognized him as one of the guards she had seen around. “We lost track of time, we are heading home right now. Thank you!” She said with a smile.

“We should get you back before anyone realizes you're gone.” The guard said, trying to get the children out of there before they were spotted by others.

“Come on, Brent.” Piper said to her brother. She looked to the guard. “We know the way home, just through those trees and across the field.” She wanted him to go away, next he’d ask to talk to her parents.

“You could feel that way, and be risk being caught or you could take the employee entrance and avoid your parents seeing you potentially in the halls but it's your choice.

“Employee entrance.” Piper replied, turning to Brent. “We need to hurry! We don’t what to get seen.”

“All right young ones, I mean your Majesty's let's go quickly.” The security guard said as it seems certificate away.

Brent was relieved that they were able to get away with another night of swimming. This Night guard seemed really nice, unlike that big old jerk from earlier today.

Piper was relieved once they were home and in bed. She was relieved they had not been caught.


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