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#22 Day of Torture #2

Posted on Wed May 15th, 2024 @ 3:13pm by Piper Sanderson

Mission: Aftermath

The Palace

Piper was glad she only had to train with Reginald twice a week. He had been called away for some pressing palace business and she had taken advantage of it to grab a sandwich and something to drink. She just finished up and walked back into the practice room and there he stood, glaring at her.

“Where have you been!” Reginald declared. “My time is valuable to waste on a rude, disrespectful child like you. Since I have waited over twenty minutes for you, you will stay an extra hour today until I am satisfied with your performance.”

“No disrespect but I cannot stay.” Piper replied politely. “My parents…”

“I will have them notified that you will be late.” Reginald replied. “No more being insolent. We have a lot of work today if we are going to turn you into the princess one day.”

Piper didn’t say a word. She really did not like him but she was raised to be respectful, no matter what Reginald said. She started going over the dinnerware once again. After several times of going through it, he moved on to the waiting for the Queen to arrive.

Piper made the waiting a game. She used her imagination to make up a story in her head where Piper was stuck in a tower, locked away by the evil Reginald. As the story developed, she suddenly jerked around. Reginald was glaring at her, his hand was wrapped around her arm in a tight grip.

“Let me go!” Piper pulled on her arm. “That hurts!” She continued to try and get away from him but he wouldn’t let go.

“Maybe if you concentrated on your lessons I wouldn’t have to shake you to get you to listen.” Reginald declared as he finally let her go. “I sat there for ten minutes and you ignored me. You sit when the queen sits.” He shook his head. “I am starting to believe that your human genetics are too much and you will never learn.”

“There is nothing wrong with my human side.” Piper replied. She started to say more and saw the look on his face and stopped. “I am ready.” was all she said. Reginald left the room and she stood once more behind the chair. Her arm hurt but she wasn’t going to say a word or give him any satisfaction by letting him know.

The rest of the afternoon Piper did exactly what he said. She even managed to walk across the room without dropping the book. She did the exercise so many times that her body started to ache but she pushed herself through it. Reginald would not win.

“Let’s work on your courtesy to the queen.” Reginald spoke up. He showed her how to do it and Piper almost laughed. Her first attempt was a failure. She tried several more times before she finally got it right.

“I am not used to training someone who doesn’t want to learn.” Reginald declared. He looked at the time. “You may go home now.”

Piper headed out the door, sighing in relief. Her family was going out for the evening, to eat at some restaurant her parents liked. She didn’t want to go, her body ached and her arm hurt. She pulled up her sleeve and saw that there was a red mark that was starting to look purple. Piper went straight to her room and put on a long sleeved blouse with a skirt. She didn't’ want to ruin their evening, if her parents found out they would flip.


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