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Post Number 32 Family Time/ Meeting Amber

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 12:20am by Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long & Lieutenant Tara Herculoid PhD & Captain Alesha Rivers

Mission: Aftermath
Location: Planet Amzock
Timeline: Current


After a long flight Alesha after convincing The Amazon Space Central who she was and why she was in a Klingon Fighter touched down on the landing pad next to her own fighter. Seeing it was intact was a relief, but then both Tara and Kristian were good pilots. Shutting down the engines, Alesha raised the canopy climbed out and gathered up Amber.

Marlaina having been alerted that Alesha had arrived in a borrowed Klingon Fighter was waiting when they climbed down. “Alesha is that? Is that Amber?”

Alesha nodded “It is mum, I owe her to the Intel Officer on the ship and his team.”

Amber hid her face in Alesha’s shoulder as she looked at Marlaina.

Marlaina walked over and looked at her granddaughter “You look just like your mommy did at your age. I’m your grandma.”

Amber looked at Alesha then to Marlaina “What’s grandma? I’m hungry and thirsty.”

“It has been a long flight,” Alesha agreed, she took Amber’s hand and headed into the Palace. They walked into the kitchen where Marlaina fixed a lite lunch for Amber and a glass of cold milk and set it on the table.

Amber picked up the sandwich and began to eat

“How is she?” Marlaina asked

“Fine, I had her checked out and she’s fine and healthy,” Alesha said

“That’s good news, you’ll have to fill me in,” Marlaina replied “And how you came by that fighter you arrived in.”

“I will mum,” Alesha assured her

Over the next few days Amber had gotten to know, her grandparents, Tara and Kristian and had settled into being an active three year old. At Aesha’s request any and all pictures of Raul had been destroyed and no one was permitted to even mention his name. Amber was young enough that over time she’d not remember him.

Alesha had filled everyone in on how she’d gotten Amber back and why she had a borrowed Klingon fighter.

“What are you going to do with that fighter?” Tara asked

“I don’t know, I’ve not heard when or if I’m to return it,” Alesha commented “I don’t want to take a Klingon fighter to the Amandora. Speaking of has anyone heard if the commodore is getting a new ship?”

“We’ve heard nothing,” Kristian said “I can’t see how she’d not get one,This wasn’t her fault.”

“What are your plans with Amber?” Marlaina asked

“I’m keeping her with me for now. I have three years of catching up to do, if it gets too hard mum I’ll have you come pick her up. But right now she needs to get to know me and I need to get to know her,” Alesha said. “Speaking of Amber I need to get her to bed. I’ll see you all in the morning.”



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