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Post Number 1

Posted on Sat Jun 1st, 2024 @ 1:12am by Commodore Cyndi Song
Edited on on Wed Jun 5th, 2024 @ 11:57am

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Star Base Danvers/Planet Surface
Timeline: Current


This starts the new mission, Posting returns to Number one. Remember the new ship is not here yet.


Cyndi after getting orders to return to Star Base Danvers that the new Amandora would be arriving in a few days and to recall her crew. Walked onto the bridge and over to the communications officer “Please recall my crew and have them report to the planet. I’d like to have a cookout while we await the arrival of the new ship.”

“Understood,” commodore the man said as he tapped a few commands and sent out a message to all the Amandora’s crew to report to the planet below for a cookout while the new ship was enroute to the star base. “Recall orders sent commodore.”

“Thank you, I’m beaming down to rejoin my husband and kids. Keep me apprised on things,” Cyndi said

“I’ll keep you posted,” he assured her “I do have one question.”

“What’s that?” Cyndi asked

“Well I was wondering as are some others if you know who is getting command of the star base?”

“I haven’t heard,” Cyndi commented “Right now it’s still me until a new commander is sent out. You have the com, keep me posted.



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