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Post Number 2 Recalled

Posted on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 4:11pm by Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long & Lieutenant Tara Herculoid PhD & Captain Alesha Rivers
Edited on on Wed Jun 5th, 2024 @ 11:58am

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Planet Amzock
Timeline: Current


Rayna walked into the garden where Tara, Kristian, Alesha, Amber and Jimmy were enjoying the coolness of the morning. “A recall order has come in from Cyndi that your all to report to the Danvers planet, that the new ship is on her way. She’d like everyone to join her on the planet for a BBQ.”

“So she’s getting another ship, I’m glad,”Alesha said

“How could they deny her one? None of that was her fault,” Tara commented

Jimmy walked over to Kristian his eyes filling with tears “Do I have to go? I don’t want to,”

Kristian reached out and pulled the boy into a hug “I won’t force you to come with me, but you should as we do need to find your family.”

“Can’t you be my mom?”Jimmy asked

“I can, let me see what I can do about it,” Kristian said as she looked to her aunt “Will you be fine with him staying here?”

“Of course I am,” Rayna said as she walked over and knelt in front of the boy. “You can stay here with my husband and myself. You can talk to Kristian anytime of subspace and should you want to go join her I’ll see to it you get there.”

Jimmy hugged the Queen tightly “Thank you, I just can’t go back there.” He started to cry “:Come with me,” Rayna said taking the boy’s hand as she looked to her niece “He’ll be fine, you go on and report back to your ship.”

“Thank you Aunt Rayna,” Kristian said giving the boy a hug before getting to her feet “I’ll go pack, Jimmy you need me you can call me. You’ll be safe here with my aunt and uncle.”

“Alesha why do you let Kristian or I take your fighter back and you and Amber go on my shuttle as it’s a long flight out to where the star base and the planet are and it might be too much for her,” Tara suggested.

“Alesha nodded “I agree, I’ll meet you two at the landing pads, give me an hour.”

“I’ve put a number of the glass plants in the shuttle to replace the ones that were lost when the ship was destroyed. Safe flights all three of you,” Rayna said “Come on Jimmy I have a surprise for you.”



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