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Post Number 33 Going home

Posted on Wed Jun 5th, 2024 @ 12:01am by Lieutenant David Montgomery & Lieutenant JG Kalina Johnson
Edited on on Wed Jun 5th, 2024 @ 12:11am

Mission: Hijacked

Earth - Just outside of San Diego

“Well, here we are.” David said with a smile as they got out of the shuttle that taxied them to his family home. He smiled over at Kalina. “Be prepared, my family is expressive.” As they walked up towards his childhood home, he pointed towards the right side of the house where rows and rows of grapes grin ew. “As far as you can see, my family owns. This vineyard has been in my family forever.”

Kalina wondered why she agreed to meet his family. They were not even dating. Just shipmates on the Amandora, well the late Amandora. “Wine huh, I may like it here.” She said with an approving grin.

“I’ll make sure we get a few bottles to take to your family.” David promised as they walked up to the door. He paused as his hand went to the door handle. “Are you ready for this, the Montgomery Clan can be like a tornado.”

“As ready as I'll ever be.” Kalina said, thinking that maybe he was over exaggerating about the family. Sometimes when you're caught up in a family dynamic you tend to think things are worse than they actually are.

David opened the door and walked in, Kalina at his side. “Honey, I’m home!” He called out and it was like a thunderstorm of kids running in the room and jumping on him. “Hey Hey!” He laughed as he finally got them settled down. “These are my nieces and nephews. The three boys belong to my brother and the four girls are my sisters.”

A very pregnant woman came up to them, she smiled at Kalina. “I’m this lughead’s sister Tessa. As you can see, we are trying for that boy my husband wants. This is his last hope.”

“And are you having a boy?” Kalina said, trying to keep up with all the commotion going on around her. She can see the excitement and the joy and the little one's eyes as they saw David.

“Yes.” Tessa leaned forward and whispered. “But no one knows yet. I am telling my husband on his birthday, Friday.”

“Don’t scare her off.” David said good naturedly. “I am not going to tell you all their names.” He looked at Tessa. “I’m going to take Kalina to the guest room and drop my things off.”

Kalina thought David was being a little hostile towards his sister. Maybe it's just because she was embarrassing him in his mind. So far she was mildly amused by his family. “Tessa we definitely got to catch up later, just give me a few minutes to get my stuff unpacked.” She said with a big grin on her face.

David smiled at his sister. “It’s good to see you, Sis. I just need to change and we will definitely be back down.” He turned to Kalina. “You are right down the hall from me. I’ll wait for you to change and you can meet my parents. I’m sure they are hovering in the background.”

“Lead the way.” Kalina said as she smiled at David. She had her bags in her hands. His family seemed very nice.

David changed quickly and waited in the hall for Kalina. He was glad she had seemed so at home with his family. They could be a little overwhelming at times but he wouldn’t trade them for anything. Hearing a door open, he looked down the hall and saw Kalina headed his way.

Kalina started to unpack, when he heard David from outside of the room. , so she poked her head out and she saw David at the end of the hallway. She said to herself, ‘I guess he's ready.’ she walked over to him. “Your parents have a lovely home.” Kalina said with a smile.

“It has been in our family forever.” David smiled at her. “Generations of producing wine. It is something it seems will always be in demand.” He paused. “You are going to hear about how I broke family tradition and left to become an engineer and join Starfleet. How I should have wanted to stay and work here. It is just my Dad’s way.”

“You have other family members that can take care of the farm. I personally think you made the right call.” Kalina said she also felt the call to reach out to the stars and become a part of Starfleet.

“I appreciate that.” David said sincerely. “I am the first in a long line of winery owners to walk away. It just never has appealed to me. I used to dream of joining Starfleet when I was young.”

“I get it, I also get how important the family business is to your family. Speaking of your family, your sister seems nice.” Kalina said, waiting to see what kind of spark she would get out of him.

“Tessa is great.” David said with a smile. “She met her husband in the sandbox in grade school and the two of them have been inseparable ever since. I couldn’t see her with anyone else and she was born to be a mother.”

“That is a strange place to meet, for the high school sweethearts?” Kalina asked, curious to know more about Tessa’s history.

“Javier,” David said with a smile. “He came down a difficult background and he ended up living with some friends of my parents. Those two were inseparable.” He paused. “My parents weren’t happy when they eloped but they got over it.”

“Wait they eloped?” Kalina said a little fascinated by this whirlwind romance story unfolding in front of her.

“Yes.” David nodded. “Got a shuttle and took off to Vegas and got married. I was really glad I wasn’t in on it because my Dad was on a tare. His baby daughter didn’t let him walk her down the aisle.”

“I'm sorry but on the same token they have to live their lives. But I wonder if my dad would be upset if I didn't allow him to walk me down the aisle, like she did?” Kalina said, thinking to herself, would that be the case?

“Are you the only girl?” David asked her. “I think that is a big part of it and he is really old school. But now he and Javier are really close. It helps that Javier worships grapes like my dad does.” He said with a laugh.

“I don't have any siblings.” Kalina said to him. She was an only child, so for her it is all new. She would always want a sibling.

“Yeah.” David said with a sigh. “It might be something your father has always thought about. Giving his little girl away.”

“I'm an only child, and honestly we have never discussed it.” Kalina said feeling a little guilty. He hadn't had those conversations with her father yet. But then again, she wasn't in a serious relationship yet.

“Well it’s also possible that your father isn’t hung up on it.” David shrugged. “My father thinks if I ever get married I will come back here.”

“What makes him think that?” Kalina said, thinking everything she knew about David which wasn't much wasn't true at all. He was an explorer just like she was. It seemed like he was just as dedicated to Starfleet as she was.

“Who knows why he thinks the things he does.” David grinned. “I will get married where ever my intended and I decide. If that even happens.”

“I detect a little bit of rebellion in your voice.” Kalina said, thinking to yourself there is more to this family than was getting at first glance

David laughed. “Sorry about that. My father can be like a bulldozer smashing down the opposition. I love him but he doesn’t like change, especially when his kids do it.”

“Well that is an answer, it's not an answer to the question I ask.” Kalina pointed out to him, as she gave him a serious look.

“Rebellious?” David thought about it. “There could be, I love what I do. Being an engineer is all I ever wanted and he still will throw digs at me.” He frowned then. “I don’t like the thought that I am like that.”

“It’s not unheard of, to be rebellious to your parents.” Kalina pointed out to him, with a concerned look on her face. Was he a rebellion or a good boy?

“I know.” David nodded .”I just meant that so far every choice I’ve made was what I wanted. I don’t what to be the person who does something just to prove they can.”

“I get it, I was just curious to know more. I know you don't owe me an explanation, but thank you for giving me one.” Kalina said, as she looked down the hallway. “We probably should rejoin them.” She said with the smile on her face.

“Yes.” David grinned. “Later, I’d like to take a walk through the vineyard if you don’t mind.”

“Ok?” Kalina said, not sure why he would want to take her to the vineyards.

David led her down to meet her parents. He hoped they didn’t overwhelm her as the scene fades away.

Location: The Montgomery grape fields

Several hours later..

It was several hours later, after they ate dinner and Kalina got to meet his parents and brother in law that David led her through the vineyard to a pole barn. “This is where I was inspired to be an engineer and join Starfleet.” He said. “I want to show you something.”

“A vineyard made you want to be an engineer?” Kalina asked, a little confused. She hoped he would explain.

David opened the door to the pole barn and walked in with Kalina. He flipped the light on. It was a large room with some machinery on it and a work area to the left. “I built those machines for my family to better the vineyard. That area over there is where I spent my spare time, pouring over engineering manuals to build things when I was growing up. This was my haven when I was a kid.”

“Surprised you still have hearing, it's super loud in here.” Kalina said to him. She would prefer to talk somewhere less noisy.

“Let’s go back outside.’ David said he forgot how noisy it could be. Shutting off the light, he closed the door behind them. “I just wanted to show you where my desire to become an engineer started.” He was quiet for a moment. “It was weird at dinner, my father seemed very supportive of me.”

“I can see one of two reasons, one you finally accepts and support your decision or two because you had a visitor.” Kalina suggested, but not knowing enough about his father to determine which one was true.

“I’m thinking it was partly you were there.” David nodded. “And somewhere along the line he has decided to accept that I am not a wine maker.”

“Something tells me you are though, you may not want to be for your career but some tells me you know how to make wine. I would argue you are a winemaker.” Kalina said, just having a feeling that he was.

“You know what.” David smiled. “I like making wine when it’s for me or for fun. I just don’t want it as my job, something I have to do.”

“Granted I don't know you will, but I'm pretty sure you have a couple bottles that you made a year back that you probably have in your parents seller somewhere.” Kalina said having a sneaky suspicion that he was a winemaker, but it was probably more of a hobby than an actual profession.

“I do.” David smiled at her. “I can go grab a bottle if you like.” He wouldn’t mind sharing some with her. “I think there’s a whole case, I could take it back to the ship and share some.”

“Getting a little friendly aren't you.” Kalina said, with a smirk on her face. Deepen your thoughts of, it was not too long ago that he allegedly went on a date with her friend Aleasha. He can try to downplay it all he wants, the date is a date.

David frowned. “Sharing a bottle of wine with a friend is too friendly?” He shook his head. “I still think someone did a number on you. Your trust level is low.”

“Don't spin this on me, you went on a date with my friend. So excuse me if I'm a little hesitant.” Kalina said, a little annoyed, she didn't come over here to meet his family just so she could shack up with him. She thought he was being sincere when he said that he wanted time to heal and she was trying to be a friend to him.

“I still didn’t see that as a date.” David replied. “But in any case, we came here as friends and that is what I intended it to be.” He shook his head. “You second guess everything I say and do like I’m some man whore who wants to get laid the first chance I can.” He looked her in the eyes and spoke honestly. “Am I attracted to you? Yes I am, I’m not going to lie but I came home to heal, with my friend who I know can help me attain that. Is that so wrong?”

“Yoy said it buddy, not me.” Kalina said not. What he said she truly believe. You couldn't blame him he was a guy and they had animal instincts. Don't know if you didn't blame it didn't mean she had to sleep with him. If you want it down your pants he was going to have to try to be chivalrous or atleast romantic. You would need to sweep her off her feet in a whirlwind of romance.

“I am honestly too messed up right now to think about that.” David said with a sigh. “For a while today I actually put aside what happened and it felt good not to think about it. I am here with you as a friend. Can you just accept that please. I give you my word I won’t make any advances on you.”

“It's why I came, to make sure you're all right. Even though I didn't get the order, I know you're going through. Their deaths weigh heavily on me too.” Kalina said she supported his decision. She felt like she was taking part of the burden.

“I appreciate you coming.” David said with a smile. “It means more to me than I can say that you are here. I don’t feel so alone. No one here understands what we went through.” He fell silent for a moment. “Do you think what they say is true? Does it get easier with time?”

“I truly want to believe that, cuz if it doesn't, this is going to suck.” Kalina said that she was trying to shake off the bad feeling she was having.

“It has to get better.” David said with a sigh. “I hate this feeling.” He looked out across the field.

Kalina put her hand on his shoulder. She was standing a little behind him, looking at the same field. “Your family has a remarkable place here.” She said trying to comprehend, and also trying to distract him from the pain.

“I stand here and look out across the field and I know that what we do keeps planets like Earth safe.” David whispered. “We did good, we saved lives. Why can’t that just be enough?”

“Because all life matters.” Kalina advised him. She knew deep in her heart that taking a life wasn't easy. Never has been and never should be.

“And that is the whole thing in a nutshell.” David murmured. “I can’t forget those people on the ship. No matter what they did, they were still someone I killed.”

“We killed, I supported that decision, I'm just as guilty.” Kalina said, as her sidearm shoulder turned into a hug. She felt like he needed one at the moment.

“Thank you for that.” David nodded. “I wonder how the others are handling it?” He hadn’t given them a thought until right now.

Kalina really appreciated his sincerity, his tone was sincere. She did not understand why but she leaned in and kissed him slowly. What the hell is she doing, she wondered to herself? She knew she was caught up in the moment. But she had never thought about him this way before. She always thought he was attractive, but she didn't want to hurt her friends. But in this moment she had never been as attracted to him as she was at this moment. And as he said he wasn't dating Aleasha.

David kissed her back for a long moment and then pulled away. “Are you sure?” He asked her. Just a few minutes ago she had warned him about hitting on her.

“No I'm not sure, but I did it anyway. It felt right. Didn't it?” Kalina asked him. She was very confused.

“Yes, it did.” David admitted. He wasn’t certain what to do, she was sending mixed feelings to him. He felt like he should say something. “I am not trying to send mixed signals, I don’t want you concerned about my motives again.”

“But where's the fun in that?” Kalina said with a smirk on her face. I'd rather they have a real relationship, versus just one of those oh I love you fake hunky dory kind of relationships, assuming they were going to have one. Now she was the one that was starting to speculate, all they did was kiss. She also knew that this could just be a momentary thing because they were both vulnerable. He was doing her best not to overlook this situation for what it was. A moment between two people who needed each other more than anything.

“There is no fun.” David smiled. It felt good to smile, it seemed like a long time since he had felt like doing so.

“I don't know if I could kiss a man that doesn't like to have fun?” Kalina said in a teasing voice, trying to give David another chance.

“I love to have fun.” David said with a smile. “Otherwise life would be boring.” He couldn’t help it. He leaned in and kissed her back. “You started something.”

Kalina warmly accepted his kiss, and then with a sense of sarcasm in her voice she said. “Well you don't seem to be complaining.”

“No.” David smiled at her. “I have no complaints at all, except maybe it took you long enough to realize I am not going to hurt you.”

“That remains to be seen, but I'm willing to give it a chance.” Kalina said with the warm smile on her face, here's how long they're going to hide in the back from the others.

“When are we expected at your families?” David asked her. “I was thinking we could take a few days before we go to do some things we want to do.”

“Told them a couple days, as soon as you can at least take a day to get to your family and probably a day to recoup so, I told them I would see them in two days.

“That works.” David nodded. “Well stay here tonight and leave in the morning.”

“Well, we have the whole day ahead of us.” Kalina said with a warm smile.

“We do.” David smiled. “We could grab a couple bikes and ride into town.” He waited to see what she would say.

“I thought we were going to visit with your family?” Kalina said a little surprise, they barely even said hi to them.

“We are.” David said with a sheepish grin. “I forgot they are having a big lunch for us.” He was surprised at how the family had grown.

“Perhaps later tonight we can go into the town, I don't want to be rude to your family after all.” Kalina suggested to him with a big smile on her face.

“That will work.” David nodded. “Everyone pretty much does their own thing at night. It will be an early night for most of them.” He looked towards the house. “I believe we are being paged as it is.”

“Wait a moment.” Kalina said as she grabbed him pulled him close, and kissed him once again.

David kissed her back; wrapping his arms around her. As the kiss broke off he heard someone running towards them. “I have a feeling the kids are about to invade us.”

“Not if we meet them head on.” Kalina said, as she watched little ones running up towards them.

David grinned. “Let’s go for it!” He smiled as Kalina started running and took off to catch up with her.

They both made it back to the main group tell me where Kalina walked over to David's sister once again. “Sorry about earlier, your brother just wanted to make sure we were settled in.”

“It’s fine.” Tessa said with a smile. “I’m just glad you had time to stop for a quick visit.” She looked over to David. “Is he okay?”

“I think he will be.” Kalina said, not really wanting to go into detail about what happened with the USS Amandora. She was still trying to cope with the pain herself.

“Good.” Tessa nodded. “It’s been a while since he was home and he seems different. She looked at Kalina. “I just want him to be happy.”

“We're not dating.” Kalina said, not wanted to get their expectations up. They just express interest for the first time. And that only happened a few minutes ago. She also understood that her feelings might be compromised at the moment, just want to be a good time to declare any kind of relationship.

“Just friends.” Tessa nodded. “He told our mom the same thing, as well as everyone else.” She paused. “I think he does like you though.”

“I don't know how I feel about him yet, he went on a date with a friend of mine. But that seemed to go nowhere. And I'm not sure if the kiss we had earlier is because of the tragic incident or feelings that we are exploring.” Kalina said, she was confused by her own feelings.

“Only time will tell really.” Tessa said with a smile. “David is really a sensitive and kind person but sometimes he gets caught up in the macho man stuff our father believes in.” She smiled. “He is not like that at all but he doesn’t want to be put down.”

“I see, my first impression doesn't wear a little bit of a Playboy. He drew the attention of a girl named Tara on our ship, and a girl named Aleasha. I don't know if you're stringing them along, or just trying to avoid an awkward situation by being polite.” Kalina said, wondering if she had her first impression of him wrong.

“David a playboy?” Tessa shook her head. “He is more awkward around girls. It’s more like they pressured him.” She stopped what she was doing and looked at Kalina. “I know he’s my brother but he is a good guy, he just doesn’t express himself very well at times.”

Kalina just grinned. She could tell that Tessa is being sincere. “I'm starting to see that.”

“When David was young he was incredibly shy.” Tessa said with a laugh. “It was like pulling teeth to get him to say much. Going into Starfleet has pulled him out of his shell some.”

“Well they say Starfleet changes people, I like to believe for the better though.” Kalina grinned as she looked over to David, but continued talking to Tessa.

“I think it has.” Tessa laughed. “He was a gangly skinny kid with braces. When you came walking in I almost didn’t recognize him.”

“And now what do you think of him?” Kalina said with the teasing grin on her face..

“I think he has finally grown into his own.” Tessa smiled. “He looks confident and independent, not under the thumb of the weight of the winery. He reminds me of our grandfather, a strong confident, loyal man.” Tessa smiled. “I no longer have to worry about him.”

“I'll do what I can to make sure he stays out of trouble.” Kalina suggested to Tessa. She hoped she didn't bite off more than she could chew.

“Don’t tell him you said that.” Tessa said with a grin. “He seems pretty confident, I think he might be a little upset if he knew. He thinks he is all grown and can take care of himself.”

“Who can’t take care of themself?” David walked up to them with a grin. “It must be your husband.” He looked to Kalina. “You ready to head out?”

“I'm ready, but I do believe you ask your sister a question and an apology, that was rude.” Kalina said. He shouldn't be making comments about his brother-in-law.

“I was joking.” David protested. He saw the determined look in Kalina’s eyes. “Then who is it that can’t take care of themselves.” His eyes went to Kalina.

“I don't know, Tessa doesn't look like she's laughing to me.” Kalina said with a big grin on her face.

“Look, I didn’t mean anything…” David turned to Tessa and saw she was grinning. “I can see you two like ganging up on me.” He shook his head as he laughed.

“Yes.” Kalina simply said with a big grin on her face. His sister seem really nice, and she was a good sport. Kalina hope he was a good sport as well.

“You’ve always been easy to pick on.” Tessa said as she hugged him. “I am going to miss you.”

David nodded. “Me too.” He said. Emotional things were always hard for him. “I said goodbye to the others already.”

“What's up a few days left you know, we're just going to the city I believe you said. Will be back later tonight.” Kalina said as the scene starts to fade away.

“Don’t wait up for us.” David grinned at Tessa. “I promise to behave myself.” He walked beside Kalina as they headed out.



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