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#4 Father and Daughter

Posted on Wed Jun 12th, 2024 @ 6:59am by Captain Rogue Green {Meji}

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: current


After sipping a couple of beers each, and finding out how each other had been doing over the past year, Captain Green and Admiral Stone got up and began to walk towards the shoreline. As they passed by Barnes they snatched two more bottles of beer and kept going. When Barnes gave a pseudo-complaint towards them with a smile on his face the Admiral scratched his temple with his middle finger towards the Major, while the good Captain waved her hand behind her backside like she just blew off. They heard Jack laugh as they kept going, popping the tops on the beers and tossing them into the bin.

Now, a distance away from prying ears, Aaron Stone glanced over at his daughter multiple times as he spoke. "First I want to congratulate one of the newest captains in Starfleet. Well done, Ro. I couldn't be more proud. With that said, though, it begs a question. Are you ready for your own command?"

"Dad," Green said. "I've been ready. But, Amandora is my home, my family. I've gained so much while there despite what I have also lost. Cyndi needs me as much as she needs all her department heads. In short, the Amandora needs a Number One who will go to great lengths to protect them, guide them, and lead them through the best and worst of times."

"I see," Stone responded, giving what she said some thought. They both had found the beers unappealing at this time so they tossed them in a bin along the beach, which provided Aaron the opportunity to think on it a few moments longer while they did so. "You have a runabout on Amandora, don't you?"

Ro gave a giggle and a smile. "I'd like to know who on board you hired to watch over me? How could you possibly know that?"

Stone chuckled and gave her a 'really?' look. "Captain Green, I do know how to read after action reports." His gaze was cynical yet full of mirth. "Not hard to figure out that every time you go out on a mission with a small craft, you choose the USS Euphrates as your chariot. The ship is assigned to Amandora as her mother ship, so I get it. As the Director of Starfleet Personnel I also know you spend quite a bit of time maintaining the ship and tweaking its systems to have them work better than originally designed. Not to mention the additions you've added." He let her absorb all that before going on. "What if I was to assign the Euphrates to you, as her official captain, with Amandora listed as your mobile port of call?"

Green had been thinking on what he was saying, her eyes cast towards the ground. When he said that last part her face came up with renewed interest. "How would that even be possible? You know Cyndi will have a hundred questions about it."

"So. So what?" Aaron retorted. "You are her Number One. Euphrates is under her nominal command as it is attached to the Amandora. But, when out in the field you are the Captain of the USS Euphrates. That means even with missions in tandem with Amandora you can make command decisions to save your ship and direct your people the way you see fit for survival and away missions. You do not outrank her, nor can you override any orders she gives in regards to where you go and how. She is still 'your' CO. The only time that will not be the case is when your ship is used for Meji business, then you are your own CO."

"Interesting," Green responded, contemplating the idea. "I'm sure Cyndi would understand all that, and it does give me points in my career for commanding a ship. Like I said, Amandora comes first, dad. I am content with my place in life."

Stone gave her a nod and patted her on the back as they kept walking. "It shows. Oh, and I mentioned the Meji. So, the next addition to your career and life is acceptance. Starfleet Command has read all you provided on the Meji, as has the UFP Council. Due to our family connection I have been assigned as the liaison between Starfleet and the Meji, as well as, representing the Meji to the Council. They feel you would be more open and forthcoming with me than with anyone else."

That news brought a smile to Green's face. "I'm glad. For the acceptance, that is. You as our liaison is perfect because they are right. I will be more frank and open with you than with others. Just know that there will be times I will designate a situation as Meji business, and will not tell Starfleet or the UFP unless it becomes necessary. We are free beings and we will not be caged. The Councilors who showed up here guaranteed me that. They better keep their word or I will walk out on all of you. Starfleet, the Federation, all of you."

"Understood, and I will pass that on." Stone said. "I wouldn't have it any other way, but that's me. I know you, know what you're about and how you go about it. I would like a tour of the Meji Preserve when we find a minute."

"Consider it done, dad." Green said. "I think a tour can be arranged. It's a nature preserve to protect just that, the natural life that lives within the borders. No fences, no massive building of technical structures, except those to be used by the Meji. There is no hunting or commercial fishing. Private boats with nets, spears, and spear guns are allowed to fish but their number on catches is limited. Plus, some of the fish out there are big enough to swallow us whole. I'm pretty sure one is all anyone will need from a day of fishing."

"Geez, I would hope so." Aaron answered. "I might take you up on that, though. Been a while since I snorkled or went spear fishing. Would you mind having Starfleet science teams come down for research and discovery, or even Federation scientists?"

"As long as they obey our directives and don't damage or harm the environment in a purposeful way, they are welcome." Green explained. "However, at the first sign of them crossing a line they will be asked to leave or be forcibly removed. Whichever they choose."

"Damn," Stone said. "You truly are this Master Ro, now, aren't you? First an engineer, then a PhD in emergency medicine, a stint in Starfleet Intelligence and strategic operations, and now founder and Master of the Meji Order. I could write a best seller just on my daughter's life." He laughed. "Sorry, that caught me funny."

"Make it fiction, change the names to protect the innocent, and go make some latinum." Ro said with a giggle. "We'll build you a retirement villa on one of the larger islands..." Her voice trailed off as she had a thought, and her face really lit up with a smile. "Better yet, Admiral, why don't we build you an office inside the villa. Nothing like working from home when you live in a tropical paradise. But, the rules apply to you as much as anyone else. Muck with the environment, get the boot."

Stone laughed. "Whoa! Getting told what to do by my own kid." He gave another heart felt laugh and grasped her in a hug, patting her back with vigor as he did so before stepping back.

"What was that for," Green had to ask as his laughter caught her up and she too started to chuckle at his exuberance. It had been years since she had seen him like this. ~Maybe a bit of serum, no, push that out of your mind, girl~ Ro thought to herself.

"I love you. Do I need more of a reason?" Aaron got them turned and started to walk back towards the picnic area. "As I said, Ro, you've made your old man proud. I will back you as a flag officer and as a citizen. As for the villa, please build it. If nothing else it could be a vacation home."

The two family members continued to talk and walk, with Ro giving him more details on things she had in the works and things she had already accomplished. Some of which she stated were Meji business. It was a good time for both of them, quality time as family. Aaron had never married nor had children of his own so Ro was all he had. She was his everything when it came to family since he was also an only child and both of his parents had been deceased for over a decade now. He remembered watching his daughter bawl her eyes out at their funeral. It had crushed him to watch her go through so much emotional pain. It had taken Ro over a month to start speaking more than a few words at a time, to smile, or to care about anything. She had totally clammed up at their deaths. Stone was pretty sure that that was the PTSD from losing her own family on Rigo IV, when the pirates attacked and wiped out the entire populace. Except for Ro, of course, who had grabbed her handy backpack she toted everywhere as a kid and took off into the woods after loading up with as much food as the pack would carry.

All this went through his mind as Aaron simply enjoyed spending time with Ro.



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