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#5 Seamother/Acolyte Named

Posted on Thu Jun 13th, 2024 @ 12:16am by Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Sheyla {Meji}

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: current/somewhere in between


Doctor Sheyla, after having done her share of socializing, needed a break from the myriad of emotions and feelings swirling around. It was strange that she could now sense, more than ever, the things around her. Her antennae already provided her with extra sensory input on a physical level, but this was something more and she knew why. As had been explained by Master Ro. If one was attuned to the Core, and had midi-chlorians within their respective bodies, then those intelligent microscopic beings would change the person to be able to access the Core energy of the universe and be able to manipulate it. Ever since she had taken the serum, and being a Doctor, Sheyla had spent the past few months meditating on the Core, the Meji, and merely to center herself. She often went out into the Preserve, alone, exploring for exercise and knowledge, and always paying attention to herself and what was going on with her. Like any good physician she was making sure that the serum she had injected was doing what it was supposed to do, even though Green had told them that some people may have a connection to the Core, but may never be able to access it. The Core was the energy of life so it only made sense.

Getting up from the table she as at, alone, Sheyla made her way through the crowd and walked out to the beach. Over these past few months she had come to realize that the Core was alive and well within her, and that she could manipulate it. When she needed more strength or stamina for something she would focus her thoughts on that need and would and could actually feel the Core flowing around her and within her. She had come to know the first two disciplines fairly easy: Control and Sense. Alter, however, she had yet to find how to access, and truth be told, she was a bit anxious to try without having Kara or Ro around to guide her. Master Ro had told them that Alter was the one discipline that could lead them quickly down a dark path, and once they slid into that pit of darkness it was rare for a being to be able to climb back out.

With all this passing through her mind Sheyla pulled her boots off and then began to unzip her Andorian leather catsuit, exposing her leather Andorian undergarments, which looked to be a leather bikini to the outside observer. And, with her being in the open, she was definitely being observed as she peeled the catsuit down her legs, bent at the waist to pull it free of her feet, exposing her rather comely backside as she did so. A group of males not too far back behind her all smacked each other on the arm and chinned at the sight. The brown leather go-go shorts and bikini top accentuated her every curve, dimple, and sinew. But, Sheyla did not care about that, or even think on that. Her goal was a night swim, that was it. As she adjusted her outfit she suddenly felt a rush of knowledge from the Core. She could feel the lustful intent of the men behind her, and their attraction to her body. Facing the sea, her back to them, Sheyla grinned to herself and began to walk out into the surf. The lazy waves lapped at her feet, then her calves, and up to her waist before she finally raised her hands up and dove forward into the waves, swimming beneath them and using Control through the Core to extend her time under water while holding her breath. If it was training that needed to be done to strengthen the connection to the Core then a swim was perfect for that. Strength, stamina, and watching the surroundings was perfect for exercising her Core powers.

Sheyla swam out under water as far as she could before her body began to let her know that she had reached her limit. Breaking the surface, her head back so that her hair would lay back with the water naturally, she tread water as she looked around. For a being who grew up on a planet covered in snow and ice Sheyla found Danvers to be absolutely beautiful. If she were to call a place home from this day forward, Danvers was it. Not only for its beauty, but also because she was now Meji. As an Andorian, a warrior culture, she was determined to train hard to get the Core under control and learn how to work with it to accomplish goals, not use it as a mere tool of convenience. Sheyla's ultimate goal was to be one of those who would achieve the title of Champion and stand side by side with Champion Ainkara and Master Ro.

As she floated and tread water, Sheyla closed her eyes and, using control, allowed her body and mind to relax and become one with her surroundings. As she did this and her body became lighter than air in her mind, floating perfectly to keep her head above the water without the need for physical movement to do so. Through the Core her Sense reached out and connected her to every living thing as far as it could reach. Fish, birds, mammals, bugs, trees, grasses, and even the very planet itself. She could feel the balance of life here and the Core was telling her that she was an integral part of life itself even as she also felt the death of things, detected their decomposing bodies or the bodies being used to give life to others by becoming a meal. The circle of life was a constant and when it was defiled, or thrown out of balance then that was when darkness and corruption began to enter. It was a lesson the Core itself was placing on her, to make her see where she was in the great scheme of things.

While she enjoyed this moment of communion with the Core it suddenly dawned on Sheyla's brain that she was floating in the water without movement. Without even recognizing it Sheyla had accessed the Alter discipline, the Core now being used to merely keep her afloat enough to keep her head above water without effort. She felt it give a bit as she grinned to herself, easing off from her focus as the happiness for the moment began to intrude on her own Core discipline. Regaining the focus on her body through both Control and Alter Sheyla set herself to floating again and immediately she was back to full buoyancy. It took no effort, really, since the salt water already kept her somewhat afloat through salinity. At that moment Sheyla sensed a creature close to her a few seconds before she felt something brush up against her left calf beneath her.

Sheyla's immediate thought was to spring into action and deal with it, to hurry and see what it was that had touched her. However, with her senses reaching out they already had this animal on notice so Sheyla focused her Sense on the creature as she pulled it back. She felt no aggression but did feel curiosity. Whatever this thing was, some kind of porpoise she could sense, it was more interested in what she was than in eating her. Ten meters away several of them broke the surface and blew out their air holes and took in fresh air, then they dove under once more. Using Control Sheyla took in a breath and let herself sink as she went under the waves to look around. As was expected her eyes became blurry under the surface, and the water was like black ink at night so, Sheyla called on the Core once more and corrected her eyes to see properly, as if above water and enhanced her night vision even as her Sense was used like sonar to see where they were.

Having controlled her fear and gut reactions, Sheyla had demonstrated to the intelligent porpoises that she was not a threat, merely another animal in the water. But, being more animalistic in their mode of thinking, the matriarch of this porpoise clan felt drawn to this strange being. She had had her pod mates stay back with the younger ones as she went in to investigate. The closer the porpoise got to this gangly surface dweller the more she felt at peace, calm, and non-aggressive.

As her eyes adjusted Sheyla saw the animal in question as it came back to swim towards her. Having been on Earth for years while at the Academy, Sheyla had taken leave during breaks in curriculum and had gone to Puget Sound. There, without the need for a dry-suit to stay warm since she was Andorian, Sheyla had donned scuba gear and gone into the water. The Orcas had finally began to come back to the Puget Sound after world war three had left it desolated for many years. This animal, now, here before her, reminded her of an Orca. Instead of a black hide with white patches this whale had grey hide like that of the grey whale, and where the Orca was white, this animal was black. Even as she watched the whale it swam in close, almost to within arms reach as it passed her by slowly, its eye on the right side moving up and down her form to examine her.

Sheyla did not move towards the whale, she simply remained where she was and spun to follow the animal and look at it, in turn. Her body began to tell her she needed fresh air so she waved at the animal trying to get its attention. Surprisingly the whale turned enough to acknowledge that she did so, even as it went on its side under water and raised its own fin to copy the waving as best it could. Grinning, Sheyla then used a hand to touch her fingers to her lips, then used both hands to touch her chest as she made the sign of air breathing as best she could, then pointed upward. After making the sign language she began to rise slowly and broke the surface, with the whale coming in right next to her to do the same. Using its body it bumped hers, rubbing along her left side so, Sheyla reached out and laid her hand along its side, rubbing back and forth even as she sent forth feelings of friendship and respect.

The whale felt that peace from this strange thing in her domain and her previous anxiety for the safety of her pod diminished. This was not a threat, nor a predator.

Feeling the whale relaxing as it perceived her non-aggressive stance, Sheyla sent forth feelings of happiness and joy at being accepted. And, with that in mind, and still touching the whale as it floated right next to her, Sheyla accessed the Core to be able to mind meld with the animal. Placing her left hand on the dorsal fin for support, and the other just behind the whale's right eye she closed her eyes and focused on making the connection. It took effort but eventually it happened. She could hear the thoughts of the whale, and even though it was not familiar with Federation Basic, somehow the Core had provided understanding between two living creatures not of the same kind. "Greetings. I am Sheyla. That is my name. Do you have a designation?" She asked.

"I do not have what you call a name. I do not know your kind. What are you?"

Sheyla smiled at that. "The basic word used would be Humanoid." She sent images of Humans to the whale from her memory, then various other Humanoids. "I am an Andorian from a world called Andor. Humans come from a world called Earth."

"I see. You came from the stars?"

"We did, yes." Sheyla answered. "Is that a problem?"

"It has been in the past. Humanoids, as you call them, do not respect the sea or the life within it. They leave their leftovers in the water and destroy without thought."

Feeling a bit ashamed at being Humanoid now, Sheyla gave a few nods of agreement. "There are those who are that way, but not all of us share in that kind of behavior. Just know that there are some of us here on this world that are here to protect you. Such behavior will not be allowed to continue within the Meji Nature Preserve, which you are inside of as we speak."

"You lay claim to these waters?"

Sheyla felt a bit of a challenge in that query, realizing that if these were territorial waters for this breed of whale then admitting you now claim it could really turn things in a bad way. "We claim a territory, yes, but we do not enforce or interfere in the natural order of things. Our claim is for the humanoids, to keep them from causing harm to you or any other life within the borders of the Preserve. We are not challenging you or your kind, we only wish to live in harmony. To aid one another when needed and to rely on each other for protection and safety."

"And knowledge," the whale added. "Your lack of experience with the waters outside this pool is great. There are beasts out there who do not take kindly to trespassers."

~Pool?~ Sheyla thought to herself, separate from her link to the whale. "Pool? This is a rather large area of water between several islands and the peninsula." Then, Sheyla's brain connected the dots as to why this whale would call it that. It was an animal who had an entire ocean to live in, so one small area could, by the whale's understanding and definition, be called a pool. Sense told her that if the whale was capable of smiling at something amusing, it would be doing so right now. Her lack of knowledge was amusing to it.

"There is a natural sea wall of coral and underwater plant life forming a large, encompassed area of calm seas against the currents, and a natural barrier against most predators. We use this pool to give birth to our young since it is much safer than the open ocean. As the matriarch of my pod it is my duty to see them safely to this area three times a year."

That information made Sheyla smile. As a doctor she had taken several courses in veterinarian medicine, even including some sea life on Earth such as dolphins and whales. She loved the sea since she had grown up all her life on rolling hills of snow, and living beneath the surface to survive. The oceans of the worlds she had been to were an escape, a freedom she rarely found with other activities. "May I see the young ones being brought into the world? I will keep my distance and not interfere. I am a healer for humanoids, so seeing a life brought into the world is something I live for."

"I will go let the others know. The mothers will be anxious at your presence and ready to strike should you interfere. I ask that you maintain a distance that is acceptable."

Out of nowhere Sheyla was inundated with whale song, her mind filled with every nuance of their sounds and dialects, the clicks and moans, all of it. Within minutes, due to the Core and its discipline of Control Doctor Sheyla could now understand whale song. It gave her a bit of a headache but with another does of Control that irritation was offset. "Thank you. That was quite a bit to take in but I have managed it. Seamother, that will work."

"Seamother," the whale asked.

"Yes." Sheyla responded. "If you don't mind that is the name I give you. Seamother fits since you are the Matriarch of your pod. On Earth there are whales there that are called Orcas. You have a very similar resemblance to them. And, like you, they have elder females running their pods and guiding the young in life and experience. Would you honor me by accepting such a name?"

"Seamother it is. Hold my fin as we move. I will bring you into the conversation even though you seem incapable of producing the sounds needed underwater for open language. As long as you are with me and allowed to touch me the others will not become aggressive and attack."

Sheyla got excited and mounted the back of Seamother, the dorsal fin right in front of her like a tall saddle horn which she would use to hang on. Still touching Seamother left the meld open. "I am ready. If you wish to dive I will nudge your sides with my heels when I need fresh air. And, if you could, would you pass on how to hold ones breath that much longer underwater?"

"You are not a creature of the sea, but I will try to expand your knowledge and see if it helps. For now, the pod needs to know. We go."

With a couple of thrusts of her tail Seamother got moving quickly as Sheyla took a breath and the whale dove under. She had to close her eyes as the water took over from the air, but once under then her eyes were opened as they moved along at a fast pace. As they got closer to the pod Sheyla began to hear the whale song between them, all of them asking what was taking so long and why was Seamother not back yet. They were anxious and worried, with a few of them preparing for an attack. Seamother began to sing back, letting them know she was fine, and that the situation was not a threat. Indeed, the creature they had witnessed in their waters was in fact a friend and ally. At that pronouncement the pod began to talk all at once, excited over the prospect of being safe to bare their young and to know that a surface dweller was an ally. Using her heels Sheyla nudged Seamother and she rose to the surface so she could take a breath, then back under they went.

After a good fifteen minutes, and two full breaths later, Sheyla had been granted the right to touch them; all of them. In turn, one by one, they would swim up and allow her to touch their sides and rub their flesh and their snouts. The rows of pointed teeth were a bit intimidating but she soon realized it was just their appearance, and she had no worries. As she touched each one the Core told Sheyla which were pregnant and which were not, and which were male and which were not. Dismounting Seamother, Sheyla free floated and would dunk under to observe, allowing their matriarch to be involved with her pod as each new youngling was brought into the world. She made no move to touch them or to involve herself, but the exuberance and happiness of the pod was so intense that she almost cried with joy. Their happiness was infecting her and she was glad for it.

Two hours later they had given birth to all the newest members of the pod. Seamother once more floated still, letting Sheyla use her as a buoy to hold onto. The pups were allowed to come up and inspect her even as they were told that this one was to be approached whenever they saw her, but that others like her were to be viewed with suspicion until they proved to be friendly and non-threatening. This time, despite her best efforts, Sheyla had tears rolling down her face as she was accepted by the pod, so much so that they trusted her with their young. It was an epic feeling. But, all things must end. Knowing she had to get back before others began to worry, especially since her clothing was in a pile on the beach and several people had seen her enter the water and then not come back.

Seamother and the entire pod escorted her back to the shoreline closest to the soiree, where Sheyla said her goodbyes, making sure to touch and rub each whale with respect. The pups especially. Like all other children they were excitable and were under constant instruction about what not to do. Such as; don't get any closer to the shallows or you may end up getting stuck. Leaving the pod, which was one of the saddest things she had done in a while, Sheyla promised to visit again before she had to leave the world and go see to her own pod mates. Seamother and the rest understood duty to family and pod and they too were saddened by her departure this evening. But, such was life.

Walking up through the waves and eventually getting to dry sand, Sheyla looked around for her clothes. They were gone. She spun around this way and that, her eyes looking all around. They could not have been washed away because the waterline did not reach this far up the beach, and there were footprints all over the place so trying to follow any particular set would be a practice in futility. "It figures," she sighed to herself. From a distance further up the beach, from the small picnic area her randy observers had been sitting at as she entered the water, came a female voice.

"Missing something?" Green sat at the table the fellas had been at earlier, but they were all gone as the party was winding down due to the lateness of the evening. On the table next to her were Sheyla's catsuit and boots.

"Whoa! Thank the Core," Sheyla giggled out as she began to approach, and upon arrival, sat down on the bench across from her Master. "I thought those horny devils took my things as some kind of joke."

Ro would not let her get away that easy. "They thought about it but I dissuaded them. I can be quite persuasive when need arises."

"I have no doubts." Sheyla said with a smile, her skin drying quickly in the night air. Being Andorian was helpful since the cool night air did absolutely nothing to her in the form of chills. "I was communing with a whale species, Master! Brilliant beings very similar to Orcas from Earth." She could no longer hold in her excitement. She had to tell someone and who better than her Master. "Ro, they are magnificent! I rode one like Aquaman through the ocean and spent time among them as they gave birth to the next generation. They know me now and I'm pretty sure Seamother will make me an honorary member of the pod!"

Green's eyebrows had lifted and her face showed a bit of surprise intermingled with astonishment at what she was being told. Even with this very small tidbit of the story Ro now knew that out of all who had taken the serum and added the midi-chlorians to their bodies, Sheyla was showing a natural affinity with the Core. She could feel the power emanating from Sheyla as she was not trying to keep it on the downlow or hide it. As Sheyla's Master, Green was both enthused and cautious. If it came to her that easy, thought Ro, the chance for mistakes and corrupting the Core to serve her own self interests was a high probability. Sheyla did not seem the type who hungered for power but, the use of the Core, and what she could do with it, could very well change that mindset and attitude. She was, after all, a member of a warrior species. Green reached out and took her hand as their arms lay on the table, squeezing it in a friendly manner. "I'm glad you have found yourself in the Core, Sheyla. I have no choice but to name you an acolyte of the Meji Order. As for these whales, good on you for doing that. The preserve is an archipelago so dealing with the sea life and being aware of their needs and presence is essential." She was smiling as she was feeling the wave of joy coming from the Andorian.

"The Matriarch of the pod, I named her Seamother. She was accepting of it once I explained why I thought of it. She was also the one I rode to meet the pod at the underwater seawall." Sheyla explained.

"Underwater seawall?" Green asked.

"Yes,"Sheyla replied, going further. "It's a natural barrier of coral and underwater plant life. It forms a concentric half moon circle around the Preserve, causing a natural lagoon-type environment. The currents are forced to break up, keeping the tides within the pool at a calm pace. I can't wait to see it in the daylight! I am so excited."

Ro could now understand why the whales used it as their delivery room for their young. Orcas did the same thing, finding calm waters to give birth so as not to stress the newborns with exhaustion as they learned how to surface and take their first breaths of outside air. "I'm glad. Keep in mind, Sheyla, that your excitement is worthy of what you accomplished. Be aware that your sudden attachment to these creatures could cause discord. You must let them be who they are and not interfere in their daily lives unless asked. If not, you will destroy all for which they fight and suffer."

"I understand, Master." Sheyla responded. "My heart is grounded in what you've taught me, so far. It will take some control to not get involved but I do understand why I shouldn't."

Green gave her hand another squeeze and then pulled hers back. "That's good. And, speaking of Control, how is your Core use commencing? I can sense that your power is growing."

"It is, Ro." Sheyla admitted. "The control and sense I found rather easy to step into. Alter took a little longer. Like, happened tonight, longer. While treading water in the bay I used telekinesis on myself to remain floating while I used the other disciplines to reach out and experience the natural flowing energy of life. It just happened. I was careful to discern what I should and should not do as of yet."

"Get dressed." Green ordered as she stood up and walked a distance away, near to the water's edge, giving them plenty of room for whatever it was she had planned.

Sheyla stood and brushed the sand from her feet, now that she was dry. Her leather undies were still a tad damp but not enough to be uncomfortable. If they had been she would have stripped down. Thankfully, that was not the case. Donning her leather Andorian garb and putting on her socks and boots, Sheyla went and joined Master Ro at the water's edge. The lapping of the waves and the sound of the surf was part of the distractions she was told as Green instructed her to stand ten meters away. Sheyla watched as Green unhooked the saber hilt from her right hip.

With saber hilt in hand Green spoke to the newest acolyte in the Mejo Order. "Now, show me what you can do, Acolyte. By that, I mean you need to use telekinesis and take the saber from my left hip and call it to your own hand."

"But, Master, I don't think that..."

"Don't think, Sheyla. Just do. Cast away your doubts. Unlearn what you have learned all your life and rely on yourself. No fear, no doubt. If I can lift the Euphrates with the Core, you can surely take a saber off my hip."

"Alright, I'll try." Sheyla replied.

"No," Green said. "You either do it or you don't. There is no try."

Fine, Sheyla thought to herself, her Andorian mind determined to succeed. Her right arm came up fully extended towards Green, her hand open as if ready to catch something flying threw the air. Her brain envisioned the saber hilt in her hand and she gathered the Core around herself quickly as she reached out with it to claim her prize. It surprised her when it worked, much quicker than she had anticipated, the saber hilt leaving the Master's hip and ending up in her hand as it was perfectly settled in her grip to be used immediately. Her eyes went wide as Sheyla saw that it was done.

Ro had been amazed at the level of power Sheyla already possessed as she saw her secondary saber fly free of her person to end up in the hand of the Acolyte. "Well done. Your grasp of the Core is impressive. Remember to always practice control in all things, even the use of Alter powers. Now, with that blade in your hand ignite it and stand ready. Once in your stance you will close your eyes and keep them closed, no matter what you hear around you. Focus on your feelings and the sense of things around you."

Sheyla did as instructed even as Green spoke each instruction. She was nervous at having to close her eyes, whatever that was about, but she did it out of trust for her teacher. She activated the blade, feeling the hilt kick a bit in her hand as the blade shot forth and thrummed with power. But, her control and sense had her ready for that inevitable little motion as she kept a firm grip on the blade, remembering Kara's stance from earlier, her eyes still closed. She then heard another blade ignite and using sense she saw it was Ro. "You want me to fight with my eyes closed? Why?"

Green was impressed. Even while standing with eyes closed, and hearing the activation of another blade, Sheyla kept her eyes closed. Even asking questions without opening them again. "Your eyes can deceive you. Don't trust them." Off to the right a small group of about a dozen people were watching the Meji swordplay, the cloud blue blades ignited and hard to miss in the night. "This is a test of your ability to sense danger, and then transfer that knowledge to the body through control so you can defend against attack and strike back if need be. Prepare to be attacked."

"I'm about as prepared as I can be, Master."

"We shall see," Green offered. "Remember. Focus the Core for knowledge and defense. The Core partially controls your actions but it also obeys your commands. In time its use will be second nature, like breathing. Now, we begin." Ro waved her own saber a little back and forth, not approaching Sheyla, just letting her hear it moving through the air. She could see the scrunching of the brow on Sheyla as she tried to use her secular senses to determine where Ro was and what she was doing. So, Ro began to walk back and forth several meters from where she originally had been standing as she spoke, to further confuse the brain of her Acolyte as long as she kept refusing to rely on the Core. "You're not focusing the Core, Acolyte. Begin again."

The crowd watched this training session with great interest. They could hear what was being said and saw how the trainer was continuing to instruct as she tried to get her pupil to do as she asked.

Sheyla got frustrated with herself. She had been fine with using the Core while out and about by herself, But, now, she was hesitant and it was showing.

Green gave a sigh. "Sheyla, stop thinking about failure and embarrassment. It's just me, Master Ro. I will not judge you. This is what the training is for. I made all the same mistakes when I first began my training. That's why it is called training. No need to feel shame because you are learning."

"Yes, Master." Sheyla took what had been said to heart. Ro was right, she was trying to not be shamed by her inability to fully know the Core just yet. All trainees, no matter what they are doing, have times when they fail. But, failure was a good teacher. So, setting her feet Sheyla's stance became far more refined, the Core now flowing through her as she anticipated an attack. She knew it was coming before it began, and whereabouts it would strike at her.

Having distracted Sheyla with her instructions, Ro stopped walking and faced towards the Doctor. With a sidearm style throw her saber was set loose and flew through the air like a boomerang, going passed Sheyla only to curve back around and head straight for the back of her neck. The crowd watching all caught their breaths audibly as they saw that Sheyla had her back to the saber coming around to her. Green was ready, just in case, to shut the blade down with the Core if Sheyla failed to sense where it was and defend against it.

At the last possible moment Sheyla spun around in a perfect pirouette and spun her blade in her hand before she brought it up and deflected the other blade from striking her. The moment the two blades made contact the one Green had thrown shut down and flew back to her hand before hitting the ground. Using the Core to 'see' where Green was, Sheyla kept her eyes closed as she spun back to face her Master.

"Excellent, Sheyla." Ro hooked her saber back on her belt. "Until you construct your own saber you may hold onto that one. A borrower so you can practice your technique and combat skills."

Hearing those words, and also hearing the other blade still shut down, Sheyla closed down her own saber and opened her eyes. She smiled. "That was weird, and thrilling, all at once." The fact that Ro was letting her have a saber now was something she did not expect. "Thank you, Master Ro. I'll make sure it is used properly."

"You better," Ro grinned and walked over, giving Sheyla a quick hug and a clap on the shoulder. "You're one of us now. Acolyte Champion. When you pass your trials then the Acolyte portion will be removed from your title. Until then I need to know. Do you wish for me to train you, or Kara?"

"Either is fine, Master. I look forward to learning from you both."

"I'm sure we both could learn a few things from you, as well." Green said. "That is what it means to Meji. Knowledge is the best form of defense and as long as we all can still learn then we will succeed. When you think you have learned all you can, that's when you truly fail."

Sheyla gave nods to the instruction, agreeing with the sentiment. Then, she hooked the saber hilt to her right hip beltline. "That will take some getting used to. Unusual to have something there on a regular basis."

"The odd feeling of having it dissipates quickly once you realize that that weapon is also a very efficient tool. And, one the Meji will use above all others. It is our weapon of choice and the symbol of our Order."

Sheyla acknowledged that instruction. The two of them began to walk back up the beach, with the small crowd who had watched them saying that what they witnessed was amazing. In time, Green knew, the sight would become a common one. Unfortunately, the commonality was that Meji training was usually secluded away from outside eyes so, anyone seeing Meji using their sabers would most likely be witnessing a violent confrontation. But, that was not on the discussion list this evening. Continuing to discuss their training and the Core, both women began to head towards the BBQ portion of the picnic area. Ro's dad, the Admiral, was currently sleeping, along with his Security escort, aboard the Euphrates. Once this night was finished then Ro would give the grand tour to her father the following day.



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