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Post Number 26 Putting Fears To Rest

Posted on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 5:00am by Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long & Captain Alesha Rivers

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: Current


Alesha walked into sick bay with her daughter, spotting Kristian in her office they walked over, Alesha tapped on the door jamb.

Kristian looked up from her computer where she’d been checking on the inventory that she had and was was going to be needed. “Come in, I need the distraction for a few minutes.”

Amber broke free of Alesha’s hand and ran over to kristian and climbed onto her lap, “I missed you.”

“I missed you too, but remember when I said once back on the ship I’d be a little busy?” Kristian asked as the little girl nodded “Sadly I’m just a little but busy as I answer to commanding officer, just like your grandma’s soldiers answer to her. I also think your mommy need to talk to me, so why don’t I get you something to play with while mommy and I talk. Would you like that?”

“Yup,” Amber said jumping down and grabbing Kristian’s glass planet “I make music with this.” Amber ran over and sat down in a corner and began to play with the planet.

“Kristian you know how to alter a memory don’t you?” Alesha asked

Kristian nodded “I do why do you ask?”

“I want you to erase any memory from Amber regarding Raul, I’m never going to let him near her again,” Alesha said.

“Has she asked about him?” Kristian asked.

“No, and I don’t want her to,” Alesha said.

“I won’t do it on her, she’s only five, she’ll forget him in time. Keep any picture you have of him put away. She asks about a father just tell her, her father is working on a far away world,” Kristian said

“Are you sure? Won’t it be easier to just erase him from her memory?” Alesha pleaded “Please Kristian,”

“Alesha I can’t, It’s just not right. She’s far too little. Don’t mention him, don’t have any pictures of him where she can see them. She’ll forget him trust me. But I just cannot do a memory erase on her. She asks about him tell her he’s away on another planet working. She’ll forget him,” Kristian said “Remember the Intel officer and his team left no trace of where they’re from. So you relax and don’t stress over this.”

“I know I did a couple of attack runs,” Alesha replied

“And you were flying a Klingon fighter,” Kristian reminded her “There is no way Raul or anyone will ever figure out what happened to her. Now have you gotten the holographic babysitter set up?”

“I have and it’s working great,” Alesha said “I better let you get back to work. I’ve got a fighter wing to set up.” Alesha got to her feet and called Amber over. “Say bye to Kristian, it’s time for your nap and mommy has things to take care of.”

“Bye Kristian, I see you later,” Amber said handing her back the glass plant as Amber and Alesha headed out of sick bay.



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