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Post Number 25 Meeting The ACMO

Posted on Tue Jul 9th, 2024 @ 2:21pm by Commodore Cyndi Song & Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long & Lieutenant JG Jaxia Enja

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant jg Enja Jaxia had arrived to the Starbase by shuttle and disembarked. Her new ship had just arrived and she walked to the docking bay. She entered the Amandora and headed toward the bridge to check in with the Commodore. Once on the bridge she headed to the ready room and chimed the door.

Cyndi turned from the window "Come in," she called.

Enja entered and stood at attention in front of desk. "Lieutenant JG Enja reporting for duty ma'am."

"At ease lieutenant, I wasn't aware I was getting a new officer. Do you have your transfer orders for me?" Cyndi asked "Please have a seat."

Enja handed the Commodore her orders and sat down in the chair that was offered. "Those are my orders Ma'am. "

Cyndi took the PADD and read the transfer orders "Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Long will welcome the help. I'll get her up here." Cyndi tapped her com-badge "Doctor Long please report to my ready room."

Kristian acknowledged the call and headed to the bridge and Cyndi's ready room and entered when permission was given. "You wanted to see me commodore? Are you okay?"

"Doctor this is your new assistant, she just transferred aboard," Cyndi said nodding to Enja.

Kristian walked over and offered her hand "Kristian Long welcome aboard."

Enja shook her hand. "Enja Jaxia, ma'am. I look forward to working with you. "

"As do I,"Kristian replied taking a seat. "Has Doctor Shelya reported aboard yet?"

"No, Captain Green's been offered a command she accepted it and Doctor Shelya went with her. Enja came to us at the perfect time," Cyndi said "Check your supplies and if there's anything you need get the request to me so I can send it to the star base. Enja this is a new ship and a big on. If you want to take the day and get used to it that's fine. Find your quarters and and if you want to jump in see Doctor Long in sick bay. I
l'll leave that up to you."

Enja nodded, "I believe I will set up my quarters and get my bearings, if that is okay."

"That's fine lieutenant," Cyndi replied, "I'"get you logged in and active on the ship and again welcome aboard. Long have you checked out your quarters yet?"

"I have and there are boxes everywhere, between my parents and my aunt and uncle I've got quite a bit to unpack and put out," Kristian replied "Not to mention what Tara has on her shuttle."

"Then your to head to your quarters and unpack. If your needed needed I'll contact you," Cyndi said.

Enja nodded. "Yes ma'am." She stood up and then left the ready room.

"I'll check supplies and get it to you by the end of the day tomorrow," Kristian said as her assistant left. "She's going to be a good asset."

Cyndi nodded "I think so too."


Lieutenant jg Enja Jaxia
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Amandora


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