
Post " Urtzi Basque part one"

Posted on Fri Feb 21st, 2025 @ 2:40pm by Lieutenant Sabbath

Mission: Are You Worthy?-2
Location: USS Amandora
Timeline: Concurrent


Close to three hundred years ago colony ships from Earth left after the eugenics wars. One such group was a scientific couple that wanted to rebuild their way of life and continue their faith with out fear.

All went well in their cryogenic vessel until they were knocked off course by some unknown reason heading them to the eventual system with 12 planet.

Ironically the last of the 12 was a class L water world containing an old civilization with the science to build inter planetary vessels. As their population was limi5ed these new humanoid beings proved most helpful to sustain their society. But as the humanoid society has grown the old non humanoid civilization abandoned their technology and have secluded themselves away from the humanoids.

Now with all this technology the Urzoi as they call themselves have again begun the eugenic process of creating bigger, stronger, and smarter progeny.

The practice of naming a child and assigning a number based on their educational calling eventually became their system which resulted intoncreation of a neural net or hive society.

Having a skill set was the way and served this society for a long time until a power fluctuations occurred when some of the old technology began failing.

This season of lack of power caused some to fear for their lives and a small group escaped in a ship looking for another means of survival.

The leader of this small group is Maden 100, a dear soul whose main job was to attend to 12 boys and girls in a school pod.

Sadfully with the power down their positioning implants that gave them great knowledge of the artificial intelligence system no longer guided them and these poor youth found themselves all alone when Matron 100 suddenly collapsed.

Pursued by authorities from the Military the fate of this small band was certainly doomed until they were found by alien beings.

To be continued.....


