Post Number 13 New Challenge
Posted on Sat Feb 15th, 2025 @ 8:12pm by Lieutenant JG Tabatha O'Neil
Edited on on Sat Feb 15th, 2025 @ 8:24pm
Are You Worthy?-2
Location: Various
Timeline: Concurrent To Post #12 “First Leg”
< Shuttle Atlantis >
Tabatha looked out the viewport as the hours passed on by in route to her destination. Her thoughts went back to her past assignments. The Hermes, a Nova Class Ship, was a good first assignment being fresh out of the Academy. The ship was on the small side so the Crew wasn’t all that large and it was easy to get to know people. The Chief was a great women who made it a point to work with her Team, especially those who hadn’t had much experience. The five years aboard the Hermes went by quickly but Tabatha was able to hone her craft. Next was the Endeavor, a Sovereign Class, with a much larger Crew but more opportunities to be recognized by her superiors for her hard work; she served there for three years. During that time she had received a promotion from an Ensign to Lieutenant Junior Grade. Soon Tabatha would be working on a new Vesta Class with the latest computer systems Star Fleet had to offer.
Having been so focused on her career Tabatha had taken little time for much of a social life which she planned on changing once she was settled in on the Amandora. Other than logging into the Holo Deck a couple times a week to keep fit, Tabatha had remained focused on her duties.
Suddenly she was snapped back to the present as the Pilot call out “Lieutenant we’ll be within transporter range in about two minutes” he informed Tabatha.
Rising from her seat she grabbed her duffel and made her way to the transporter pad “Thank you Lieutenant for the ride and please have a safe return to the Base” she commented.
Turning in his seat “You’re welcome Lieutenant JG O’Neil….good luck with your new assignment and yes I’m sure I’ll have a safe trip back” he stated with a grin “Ready?” As Tabatha nodded “In 3-2-1” then she was on her way to the Amandora.
< Amandora >
After materializing on the Pad, Tabatha grabbed her duffel and walked towards the Operator as she handed him her orders “Lieutenant J.G. Tabatha O’Neil reporting for duty” she stated with a smile.
Returning the smile “Welcome aboard the Amandora Lieutenant, we’ve been expecting you” he replied while tapping on his screen “There you’re registered and are officially a member of the Crew” then grabbing a padd and handing it to Tabatha “This contains your quarters assignment, security code, and a map of the Ship. Best of luck on your new assignment.”
“Thank you Sir, it’s nice to be here and thank you for all your help” she replied then turned and headed out the door. Once outside the Transporter Room she paused as she brought up a map pf the Ship and located the nearest Lift and entered “Computer Deck Four” and she was off to her new home.
Exiting the Lift Tabatha walked down the corridor until she spotted her Quarters… 41. Keying in her security code the door swished open and she walked in noticing her personal crate was already there waiting for her “Impressive” she thought as she made her way to the bedroom then emptied the duffel and put things away.
Returning to the living area she grabbed a water from the replicator then sat on the couch for a few moments of rest as she looked around her new abode. Being a Junior Officer the place wasn’t large by any means but just large enough to feel comfortable with everything being all new and shiny.
After finishing her water Tabatha figured she should get settled in her new home while she had the opportunity. Walking over she opened the crate and got to work. First she grabbed all her uniforms and placed them in her bedroom closet. Next she put away her civilian attire thinking “A girl has to be ready if a date should happen to come along” which put a smile on her face.
The next thing was some personal mementoes including a few holo photos of family and friends, with some going in her bedroom on the dresser and night stand and the balance distributed between an end table by a chair as well as a bookcase. Then came all her computer books and journals that found a home on the bookcase behind her deck. Lastly Tabatha grabbed a duffel that contained all her rock climbing gear.
“Now that’s a job well done” she thought to herself as she tapped her comm “Cargo Chief, this is Lieutenant O’Neil, my crate has been emptied if you would be so kind as to beam it back to your area” Tabatha commented with politeness.
“Lieutenant O’Neil welcome aboard the Amandora and yes I’ll beam it back here straight away” came the reply.
“Thank you Chief for your promptness and I am looking forward to being here” she replied; moments later the crate disappeared.
Tabatha realized it had been a long day, and as much as she would like to grab dinner at the Lounge, her body decided otherwise. It was time for a shower and some comfy clothes then some dinner in her quarters and maybe some relaxing music while she rested. Tomorrow she would go and meet her new C.O. Commodore Song and probably the Chief of Engineering as well.
Lieutenant J.G. Tabatha O’Neil
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Amandora