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Post Number 12 First Leg

Posted on Thu Feb 13th, 2025 @ 11:19pm by Lieutenant JG Tabatha O'Neil
Edited on on Fri Feb 14th, 2025 @ 8:53pm

Mission: Are You Worthy?-2
Location: Star Base Danvers
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant J.G. Tabatha O’Neil arrived at the base awaiting transfer to a shuttle the following day to the Palai System where she would meet up with the USS Amandora; a new Vesta Class ship to start her new assignment as ship’s Computer Systems Specialist.

In the meantime Tabatha would settle in here until tomorrow. Walking up to an information desk she smiled at a young female Ensign “Excuse me Ensign” she stated as the young women looked up “Hi, I’m Lieutenant J.G. Tabatha O’Neil. Star Fleet was supposed to set me up with quarters until tomorrow when I’m to board a shuttle for the Palai System to meet up with the USS Amandora” she explained.

The Ensign smiled back “Let me check Lieutenant” as she brought up a screen on her console “Yes on both counts. We’ve arranged guest quarters for you on deck seventy five; room thirty one. There’s a lift over to your right that will take you there. Also the Shuttle Atlantis will be ready to transport you tomorrow to the Amandora at zero ten hundred at docking arm four” she explained.

“Thank you for your help” Tabatha replied “By the way, any good places to eat around here.”

“Yes actually there’s a quaint little eatery just down the Promenade a little ways called Zeb’s Diner. Good home cooked food at a reasonable price” the Ensign answered.

Giving a polite nod Tabatha grabbed her duffel and started towards the Lift “Deck seventy five please” came the request. Minutes later she exited then walked down the corridor to room thirty one. Keying in the security code given to her, she entered the room going straight to the bedroom placing her duffel on the dresser; no sense of putting things away for such a short stay.

Afterwards she grabbed a water from the replicator then sat on the couch taking a long drink while resting for a few minutes. While she was finishing her water Tabitha heard her stomach rumble “Yes, I know I need to get some food in me; it’s been a long time since breakfast” and with that she left her quarters heading straight back to the Promenade Deck.

Walking into the diner she noticed red and white checked tablecloths and rustic, almost antique, looking tables and chairs. Seeing a good location with two chairs Tabatha sat waiting to be recognized by the staff as she noticed menu boards towards the ceiling on the back wall.

Minutes later an older gray haired gentleman, dressed in civilian attire wearing a white waist high apron, walked up to her table with a smile “Welcome to Zeb’s Diner darlin, what can I get for you” he inquired with a smile.

Returning the gentleman’s smile “I’ll have a hamburger, deep fried potato sticks, and some sort of cola drink please” Tabatha replied.

“Coming right up” he stated then turned to go into the Kitchen. Several minutes later he came carrying a tray with one hand about head height. Lowering the tray he then placed the food in front of his patron “Enjoy your meal and if you need anything let me know.”

“Thank you I will” she replied as he turned to attend to another customer. Grabbing a packet of ketchup she emptied it’s contents onto her burger and began to enjoy her meal. After eating replicator food for so long, fresh food was amazing to taste and enjoyable to eat.

When finished with her meal Tabatha walked up to the counter to pay for her food. After paying the older gentleman commented “Say you’re not from around here are you; I don’t see very many redheads on the Base and one so pretty to boot.”

Hearing the compliment Tabatha smiled “Thank you, that’s very kind of you to say so. Actually I’m originally from Earth and I get the hair color from my father” she explained “Thanks for a delicious meal” the gentleman nodded as she turned to return to her quarters for hopefully a good nights sleep.

After a restful nights sleep Tabatha woke, then sat on the edge of the bed for a few moments trying to wake up before heading into the bathroom for a nice warm shower. Once finished she dried off, brushed out her long auburn hair before placing it into a ponytail, and dressed in a crisp clean uniform making sure all the insignias were in their proper places since she wanted to make a good first impression. While she waited for the time to leave, she packed up her duffel then brought it out into the living area to relax before the next phase of her journey.

Finally it was time to catch a ride aboard the shuttle and she definitely didn’t want to be late. Grabbing her duffel, Tabatha secured the quarters and headed for the nearest Lift “Dock Arm Four please” came the request.

Minutes later she spotted a Type 9 shuttle waiting with a pilot standing outside the back hatch as he smiled “Hi, I’m Lieutenant Davis your Pilot; you must be Lieutenant Tabatha O’Neil.”

“Nice to meet you Lieutenant Davis…..actually it’s Lieutenant J.G. but I won’t split hairs” she relied returning his smile.

“If you’re ready climb aboard and well get going; it’ll take a few hours to arrive at your destination” Davis commented.

Walking onto the shuttle Tabatha stowed her duffel under one of the seats then sat looking around “Am I your only passenger, considering the size of this shuttle I would have thought there would be more.”

Davis grinned “Considering we’ll be traveling in an unchartered area of space to the Palai System, my superiors were nice enough to provide us with a more powerful and armed shuttle” he explained then turned forward “Traffic Control, this is Shuttle Atlantis, requesting permission for departure.”

“Shuttle Atlantis departure granted at vector heading 2…1…7. Have a safe trip” Traffic Control replied.

“Understood” Davis answered, then calling out to Tabatha “Relax and enjoy the ride.”



Lieutenant J.G. Tabatha O’Neil
Computer Systems Specialist
USS Amandora


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