Post Number 15 Meeting The C.O.
Posted on Sun Mar 9th, 2025 @ 11:05pm by Lieutenant JG Tabatha O'Neil & Commodore Cyndi Song
Are You Worthy?-2
Location: Commodore's Quarters
Timeline: Current
Now that Tabatha was aboard the Amandora and had her quarters squared away she figured she'd better make herself known to Command. Tapping her comm "Commodore Song, this is Lieutenant JG Tabatha O'Neil, I've recently come aboard and thought we should meet; at your convenience of course" she stated being a little nervous to meet the C.O.
Cyndi tapped her com-badge "I'm in my quarters feel free to come."
"Thank you Ma'am, I'm on my way" Tabatha replied then she grabbed her padd so she could locate the requested quarters before securing her own quarters and heading out.
Arriving at the Commodore's quarters Lieutenant O'Neil palmed the door chime then waited standing tall with her hands clasped behind her lower back; now things were about to get real.
Cyndi hearing the door chime put down the science journal she'd been reading, got to her feet and walked to her door and opened it. Seeing the young officer "Please come in," Cyndi said stepping back to let her in, "Can I offer you something to drink?"
Walking in Tabatha smiled "Thank you and yes a water would be nice"she replied starting to feel a little more at ease.
Cyndi walked to the kitchen and poured a glass of ice water and placed a couple lemon slices on a plate. Returning to the living room handed her the water and set the lemon slices on a table. "Please have a seat. Thank you for agreeing to come to my quarters."
Squeezing the lemon into the ice water Tabatha took a swig "No problem and thanks for seeing me on such short notice" then she paused noticing Cyndi's quarters "Theses are some very nice accommodations you have here" she stated "As well as the rest of the ship."
"Thank you, command does have it's perks," Cyndi commented "As for the ship she's brand new. Spent a couple of months working out the kinks in her before we headed out on patrol." Cyndi picked up her lap top and logged into the ship's systems "I see you arrived recently, have you gotten lost yet? I confess I did right at first as did my husband,"
Tabatha grinned "Actually no I haven't" then she paused momentarily "One of the advantages of having a photographic memory with complete recall" she replied not bragging but merely stating a fact.
"That's good and it is a perk too that the computer can guide everyone where we need to go, I just didn't want to look stupid," Cyndi giggled "A commanding officer who gets lost on her own ship is not something I was proud of."
"That would be one of those incidents you can file under stuff happens" Tabatha replied with a smirk "I have to say it's nice to see another red head on board."
"I have the temper to match it," Cyndi replied smiling "The CMO is a red head and so is my daughter when she's on the ship. With this being a brand new ship my orders are not to scratch it either. How are you liking the ship so far any questions or concerns?"
"Seeing I'm half Trill I tend to lean more into that side of my heritage and not the Irish side" Tabatha answered "The ship is amazing and I'm really looking forward to getting up close and personal with the computer systems. As afar as questions or concerns, not really; although this is only my second day here."
"I normally give new officers and crew a free day to get used to the ship, get used to where things are and get acquainted with assigned departments. If you're ready to get to work, you are active," Cyndi said "Be glad you're leaning to your Trill side, we read heads tend to have tempers."
"Thank you Ma'am. There are a couple of things I need to get out of the way before I get to my duties" Tabatha replied with a smile "I'm well acquainted with tempers. My Father is a full blooded get the picture."
Cyndi nodded "I do indeed, I had a professor at the academy who was Irish and I was five minutes late for class and he marked me absent for the day and refused to let me turn in my assignment until the next day thus making it late. I got a barley passing grade. He really blew up at me when I got assigned to a cadet cruise that he didn't think I was qualified for. He tried telling everyone that I bribed the captain to get me on that cadet cruise."
"Well that's just not right at all. I have a great disdain for people like that, professor or not" she stated sternly "My Father is a Instructor at the Academy so any foul play and he would have been all over it; especially if it came to his Daughter....of course the tradeoff was I had to toe the line at the Academy or else."
"I've taught at the academy, taught science for a couple of years but the call for space and exploring won over. That professor was forced into an early retirement as I was not the only student he didn't like," Cyndi said
"As well as he should have. I'm a firm believer in what goes around eventually comes around" Tabatha stated with a smirk "Thank you again for seeing me on such short notice; I've taken up enough of your time and I do have a few more things to attend to today".
Cyndi stood and offered her hand, "You've not taken up my time, I'm always glad to meet new officers and crew. You should have seen that professor's face when he saw my first command pull into space dock. I've not seen or heard from him since. He may have passed away for all I know."
"Thank you Commodore for such a warm welcome" as Tabatha shook hands with her C.O. "I look forward to serving under your command." Tabatha turned and was off to the next item on her list.