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#22 A Need To Be Filled

Posted on Thu Jan 25th, 2024 @ 5:52pm by Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Lieutenant David Montgomery

Mission: Hijacked
Location: quarters
Timeline: backpost


Commander Green left her quarters after a hearty lunch, which had been calypso style since her lover was a man who loved the tropics. Fruits, vegetables, and various seafoods. It had been delicious, and the kids had been full of energy as they talked about everything under the sun after their studies. It was amazing how intelligent they were, but their knowledge about the outside galaxy was limited.

Arriving at the door for David Montgomery, Ro tapped the chime and waited.

David headed over and opened the door. He was surprised to see Commander Green at his door. “Please, come in.” David said as he stepped out of the way.”

"Thank you," Green said with a pleasant smile, entering so he could close the door. "I know we haven't seen much of each other these past weeks, David. We've both been rather busy. Did you have a chance to read my message?"

“Message?” David shook his head. “I am afraid I haven’t. I had a meet with the commodore earlier and I just got back here. She wanted my report.”

Ro grinned at that. "When you hadn't gotten back to me, I figured you were busy. It wasn't anything that needed to be rushed. But, now that I'm here we can discuss it."

David smiled but he was a little nervous though the first officer didn’t seem like it was something he had done wrong. “Of course.” He simply said.

Green gave a friendly nod. "Well, it comes down to needs for Amandora, Mr. Montgomery. As you know we have no CEO, which leaves me to look after Engineering with everything else I have to deal with on a daily basis. So, after talking to the Commodore, and seeing your credentials, I was wondering if the Chief Engineer position is something you would be interested in."

“Yes.” David said with a smile. “I am definitely interested and I am honored you thought of me.”

"As an instructor once told me; honor thyself." Ro grinned. "Your hard work and need to tinker has paid off. As someone who served on two ships as CEO, it is a reward in and of itself. Congratulations. Oh, and, I did make Lieutenant Ainkara the Assistant CEO. She is qualified and it keeps her busy as she settles into her commission. Her other discipline as far as Starfleet is concerned is the Sciences."

“Understood.” David nodded. “I appreciate having good people to work with.” He was excited for this new position.

Green gave a nod of agreement with a friendly grin. "I have no doubts you're exactly what the Amandora needs to keep her at a premium. I'm sure Miss Johnson will be a great help in that with her Operations department. Any questions, Lieutenant?"

“No Ma’am.” David grinned. “Except when can I head to engineering?” He was anxious to get started.

Green could appreciate the eagerness, having been a CEO herself twice in the past. With a grin she tapped twice on her PADD and then looked up. "Whenever you're ready. You are now assigned as Chief Engineering Officer. Send Mister Resch all your duty notes and datafiles for Operations Manager. He'll be slotted there with you changing positions."

Glad to have filled the CEO position from within, rather than requesting one from SFHQ, made Green feel that much better about the changes. Montgomery's record spoke for itself, showing her that the man was qualified. Giving a nod of goodbye Ro spun on her heel and left the man's quarters.



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