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#23 So It Begins

Posted on Sat Jan 27th, 2024 @ 9:08pm by Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Sheyla {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Ainkara "Kara" {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: current


Green had left the confines of the runabout, igniting her jetpack and ascending up over the tree line, sticking close to it as she made her way over towards the main admin building's roof. Landing at a trot and then slowing her pace, her helmet sensors taking in everything as much as her own eyes and the Sense trait of the Core, she observed what was going on below. "Kara, you all set?" This was said internally within her helmet, with nary a sound heard outside of it.

"All set, Master. I've tied into the system."

"Thank you, Kara." Green lifted her left arm, running a gloved finger over the apparent solid alloy bracer where there were not electronics or devices. The metal became a type of monitor, with the words and data lighting up in an eerie green color. She tapped the key that would allow her access to the intercom for this section of admin buildings. "Attention, Orion Syndicate. This is Commander Green of the USS Amandora. Lay down your weapons, now, and you will be arrested and treated well. If not--if you choose to fight us, then your deaths will be Starfleet's example of what happens when you attack our installations and kill our populace."

All around the various buildings, and outside, the Orions stopped what they were doing. Their heads were on swivels, looking this way and that for whoever was speaking, not seeing anyone. Their fear was palpable and Green could feel it through the Core.

Green grinned within her helmet, but it quickly vanished as she looked down upon the confused Orions, now bunching up for protection as she remained shielded by the roof access hut and door. "I see your choice is made. That is unfortunate. However, as an act of mercy I shall kill each of you quickly, without much suffering, if it can be helped. Just know that your deaths will be equal to those you have killed this day." Just as she said that Ro's eyes and sensors caught movement coming out of a small admin building, the individual wearing black fatigues and a tactical vest, her blue arms and white hair standing out from those around her. "Doctor Sheyla." She said to herself, and that evil grin behind her helmet returned. The Andorian lobbed an object toward a group of Orions even as she did a hip slide on the ground to slide up behind a calypso style bar. The object went off and sent the four Orions flying through the air with broken limbs, shredded flesh and blood spatter.

Launching from the roof with her jetpack, Green pulled both her pistols and descended as she began to aim and fire at another group of Orions. She landed at a trot and seeing them turning their weapons her way she did a tumbling roll and came up on a knee, arms extended as she aimed and squeezed the triggers. The bolts from each pistol struck an Orion in the torso, sending him down on his back as he cried out in pain.

Doctor Sheyla, hearing her grenade go off, then peeked over the top of the bar, seeing that that group was down and out, two of them crying out in pain at their shattered bodies. Leaving her cover and moving towards the doors for the amphitheater she had seen the civilians being herded into, Sheyla then got the sounds of a propulsion unit of some kind, and then more firing that was not coming from her. Slowing to a stop and looking towards the sound she saw an armored individual facing off with another group of marauders. Wielding dual pistols, this stranger's accuracy was spot on as they, or she judging by the chest piece, took one down with minimal shots. The other three had ducked down behind cover as their companion went down which gave the armored figure a chance to holster their firearms and pull out a hilt. Commander Green! She thought, knowing that it was the saber that Green had been seen carrying as of late.

Turning that way Sheyla kept her rifle butt tucked into her shoulder as any trained tactical soldier would. When the Orions came up, firing over the top of the permacrete bench they were hiding behind, Green ignited her saber, the cloud blue blade snap-hissing to activation and thrumming. The Orions all gave a look of surprise at that, never having seen anything like it, but determined to kill the person wielding it. Two had a chance to fire as the third took a bolt to the face and fell back dead. The Orions kept firing even as the person in armor waved her saber around in well-practiced moves, blocking the energy bolts and sending them off in various directions.

Sheyla was surprised by all that, making it hard for her to focus on the task at hand, even as the bolts careened off of the strange energy blade and impacted all around her, but nowhere near her. More Orions came from the amphitheater to back up their comrades so Sheyla got behind another bench and fired over top of it at the enemy.

Tiring of deflecting shots, Green took off in the air, saber in her right hand even as she made a fist with her left hand and bent the wrist down slightly to avoid the hand getting in the way. Her body slid sideways to her left as it flew along, blocking bolts even as she aimed her left fist at the Orions. Her target lock showed her exactly where the best spot was for the impact and she sent the fire directive through her suit. Two rocket darts were fired from her bracer as a plate lifted from it to give the missiles clearance. They were not enough to kill, but the smoke and explosions did the trick, scaring the Orions so badly that they hopped up and began to run away from the explosions, their asses riddled with small shrapnel from the permacrete patio.

The Orions ran for the amphitheater main entrance, to get inside to the safety of cover and friends. But, twenty meters short of the door another individual ran out in front of them, even as an Andorian was hitting their comrades from a third location. Another strange blade, this one emerald green, sprang up from the hilt this Vulcan woman held at the ready. This woman, however, began to move forward even as they tried to fire at her, but with them being in a pincher it was one for one. One facing the woman in leather, the other facing the woman in armor. Green and Kara closed the gap all while deflecting the bolts away from themselves and Sheyla. In close enough they committed themselves to slicing and pirouettes as they killed both the men with final cuts through their waists, separating the top half of their bodies from the legs.

"Master," Kara said casually with a grin.

"Knight Kara," Green responded. "Keep them busy. I'll return to Euphrates and remove my armor."

Sheyla was still trading shots with the Orions trying to get out of the amphitheater to set up their own perimeter and take her down. "I'll assist the good Doctor." Kara stated

A nod from the helmeted head was given her way before Green lifted off and headed for the trees where the runabout was hidden.

As good as her word, Ainkara made her way over to Sheyla, aiding in the fight at the doorway to freeing the civilian prisoners.




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