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#24 Magnetic Poles

Posted on Sat Jan 27th, 2024 @ 10:19pm by Major Jackson "JJ" Barnes {Meji} & Warrant Officer Shannon Money {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: current


Warrant Officer Money and Major Barnes dropped from warp back at the Danvers star system, racing through the planets and back to the Class-M world the space station was in orbit over. Upon appraoch they still noted that there were no Orion ships to be had, and that left them both perplexed. If no ships then where did all the soldiers come from? Being so close to one another, and keeping their comms between them, they spoke freely. "Still a dead zone," Barnes said. "Glad we sent that message out to Starfleet on the way back. Otherwise, we're jammed at the source."

Money gave a sigh. "But, why? How the hell did a bunch of assholes take over a sophisticated station like Danvers? Pretty sure someone's career will take a dent or two over this."

"Personally, I'd drum their asses outta Starfleet," Jackson retorted. "DS9 was on the front lines and was taken over due to overwhelming odds, not sitting by idle and allowing all this horse shit."

A thought suddenly came to mind, so Shannon voiced it. "I just had an epiphany. If there are no ships for troop transport, then it stands to reason they are either cloaked, or hidden."

Barnes nodded to himself at what she said. "Okay. Sounds reasonable. What are you suggesting?"

"Magnetic poles can hide vessels in orbit," Money went on. "The poles muck with sensors, making them hard to detect. We could go do a visual check on the north and south poles. See what's what."

"As a team," Barnes said. "We're not splitting up, Warrant Money."

"Not what I was saying, Major." Money replied. "Of course we go together. We're fast and agile, but two targets is always better than just one."

"Lead the way, then." Barnes said, lining up alongside her as a good wing man should. Money turned her fighter, checking her sensor data for the best approach. The southern pole was actually further away than the northern pole from the planetary facilities. So, it made sense to check the north pole first. Finding a course she felt would keep them better hidden on the approach, and from outside sources, Money increased speed and turned into it. Barnes followed, his eyes glancing up and down for both visual flight and using instruments. If there were any Orion vessels up there then he hoped they would catch them unaware of the threat climbing up their backside.



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