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#52 'Blue'berry Harvest

Posted on Wed Apr 3rd, 2024 @ 8:42pm by Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Sheyla {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Ainkara "Kara" {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: USS Euphrates
Timeline: Current


Doctor Sheyla had spent time walking around the gardens with Corporal Kevin Jacobs. He was pleasant to be around and a good talker. The gardens may have been a wreck, for the most part, but it was still beautiful despite all the damage done to it. After an hour of that they went back to the building, with Jacobs kicking back in his chair and closing his eyes to continue his watch over a friend and colleague. Sheyla went back to helping with triage, glad that when she returned to it, it was now a trickling stream of people rather than a river.

Sometime into her second hour a Security officer rushed in through the entrance doors for the medical building, the look on his face that of a man who had heard great news and could not wait to share it. "Everyone! Everyone, listen up! The orbital station just went to yellow alert and has sent out distress calls. The battle is over!" The room erupted in sighs of relief mixed with a few cheers. The cheers were solemn and quiet despite the relief they felt. Every dedicated medical officer standing there glanced around at the wounded and the dead. They were pleased that the fighting was over but the cost had been very high indeed.

Sheyla had just finished with a patient so she was free to step away from her triage post, telling those who had been working with her that she needed to try and contact her ship, or the command staff. They understood, all of them shaking her hand and thanking her for her assistance. Going to the locker room Sheyla removed her smock and tossed it in the refuse, then took up her tunic from the locker and put it on, zipping up and adjusting properly. With her uniform on she tapped her combadge. "This is Lieutenant Sheyla trying to contact anyone associated with the USS Amandora. Please, come in."

Aboard the Euphrates both Green and Kara heard the voice come through the hailing frequency. They looked at each other with smiles, their eyes saying 'yes!' to hearing one of their own aside from the Commodore and who she was with. Kara tapped the comm key and responded, isolating the signal to Euphrates. "Doctor, this is Ainkara. I'm with Commander Green aboard the USS Euphrates. Are you alright?"

She was sure her sigh of relief was heard, but Sheyla continued. "I'm fine. Just glad to hear some friendly voices not stuck down here with me."

"Stuck?" Green asked. "Stuck where, Doctor?"

"I'm on the planet, Commander. I've spent the better part of the last 48 hours aiding in triage." Sheyla explained. "We lost a few of our own marines along with the planetary marine unit. Both fought hard and took the brunt of the attack. Sergeant Scabbia and Corporal Kevin Jacobs are down here, too. Recovering."

As Sheyla had been speaking through the speaker, Kara got up and went back to the standing station behind the other four seats. That put the two-person transporter pad right behind her. "Sheyla, I'm locking onto your badge now." Kara said. "We're bringing you aboard. We're going to need a physician for a boarding action."

Down on the planet Sheyla's eyebrows raised at that bit of information. A chance for payback would make her feel much better. "I'm ready, Lieutenant. Energize." Within moments she was aboard the USS Euphrates, looking out from the two-person transporter alcove. Seeing Kara standing before her, the Voran having spun around to look at her as she beamed in, the Doctor stepped in and gave a quick hug of camaraderie. "So good to see you, woman."

"You, as well." Kara said, giving the Andorian another hug.

Green set the auto pilot and stood, coming in to give a hug of her own. When she stepped back she held Sheyla by the upper arms in a friendly manner, lovingly squeezing her arms. "So glad you're well." Her hands dropped and she began to go back to her seat slowly, talking back over her shoulder. "Grab a seat, Sheyla." She sat down. "We're headed for the moon and the Orion vessel hiding behind it. We have a hidden secret weapon with us." She gave a knowing grin to Kara.

Kara returned to the co-pilot's seat while Sheyla took over at the standing station, adjusting it for Tactical use. Kara kept the sensors on passive, so as not to send out a wave of active energy. "We have a Romulan runabout making the run with us. She's cloaked."

"Nice," Sheyla said even as she adjusted her station to fit her own preferences. "Tactical is ready, Commander."

"Excellent," Ro said. "Glad to have you back, Sheyla."

"Glad to be back, Commander." Sheyla responded. "Are we actually boarding the ship, or just taking it out?"

Green looked back over her shoulder, any pretense of humor gone. "Boarding. With purpose. If they refuse to surrender they will die or be subject to aggressive incapacitation." Her eyes went back forward as she continued to speak. "I will try to take prisoners but I will not be bogged down by 'proportional' garbage. They slaughtered hundreds, and bombarded a planet that was not a threat. I have no doubts we'll find abductees being held for the slave markets. That is the main reason we need to take the ship intact."

Sheyla, being a medical officer, could not disagree with that reasoning. "I'll go in back and gear up. Kara, my station is on standby and tied in with yours." She turned and left the Bridge of the runabout.

After the door closed behind her Green looked over at Kara. "Seems that someone else is ready for some payback. I can see it in her eyes."

"She may be a medical officer, Ro, but she is also an Andorian. If she begins to overstep, or gets caught up in her need for vengeance, then we'll need to step in." Kara said.

Green spoke as she watched out the window. "She has a strong spirit and an ethical mind. I feel that she will do what is required, nothing further. Her dedication to healing will override any need for revenge."

Kara had gathered that sense about Sheyla too. But, as with all living things, each responded to different stimuli in different ways.



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