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Post Number 51 Gaining Control

Posted on Wed Apr 3rd, 2024 @ 2:35am by Commodore Cyndi Song & Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long & Lieutenant Tara Herculoid PhD & Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Major Jackson "JJ" Barnes {Meji} & Lieutenant Alona Tal "Centurion" {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Marcus Resch {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Ainkara "Kara" {Meji} & Warrant Officer Shannon Money {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Star Base Danvers
Timeline: Current


Kristian had mixed up a drug and conned the two guards outside of sick bay to drink it which in seconds had them out cold. Then a couple of the Danvers security officers had dragged them to the brig and locked them inside and put things in play where the brig was soundproof so despite how much they yelled they'd not be heard. They'd waked up with bad headaches and stomach achs but they'd live.

Cyndi and Tara had just arrived in sick bay when the base shook violently, lights flickered but remained on.

"What the hell just happened?" Cyndi wanted to know "Herculoid see what you can find out."

Tara grabbed a phase rifle and stepped into the corridor and looked around pulling out her tri-coder she scanned the base, "Commodore it's coming from one of the landing pads, a short distance from where your shuttle and Alesha's fighter are parked."

Cyndi grabbed a phase rifle "Doctor stay here, Herculoid your with me. I want to know what the hell is going on."

"Commodore you need help. The EMH can take over," Kristian said picking up a phase rifle,

"Your needed here doctor, that's an order," Cyndi said as she and Tara took off at a run for the landing bays, being careful of any of the mercenaries that were on the prowl.


Major Barnes vacated his fighter quickly, peeling off the fighter coverall and tossing it aside as he grabbed his weapons and equipment from the cargo space on his now defunct fighter. He patted the side of the still steaming fighter. "Sorry, girl, but it was the only way."

Alona, once landed, took up her own combat belts and web gear, donning them as she then vacated her Romulan runabout and closed it up behind her. The locks would keep any would-be thieves from commandeering the craft. And, if they got inside and were actually able to get it up and running, her own failsafe anti-thievery system would set of the impulse fusion reactor within, obliterating the ship and whoever was on board. She beat feet over towards the Major, the only male in a SFMC uniform, even as Money came in from vacating her own fighter.

"Good, we're all in one piece," Barnes said. "We'll have bad guys heading this way so keep your eyes up and your asses down."

"Not my first combat experience, Major. But, I do appreciate the concern." Stated Alona. "You are the senior officer, and I am here to aid Starfleet. Orders?"

Jack gave a few nods as she had spoken. "Fight our way from here to the Operations deck. I don't plan on stopping until this base is back in our hands, no matter how many assholes are between us and them."

"Damn skippy," Money said, backing up her fellow Marine.

The ladies were checking each other's gear, with Barnes gussied up already. Out of the corner of his eye the Major caught movement, and when he turned his head that way he saw a man step out and aim their direction. With practiced reflexes he shoved Money away hard, since she was the furthest from him, and tackled Alona to the deck just as an energy bolt came their way. The bolt clipped Jack's left thigh and kept going, slamming its energy into a tool crate where it gave a minor explosion as it sent sparks, smoke and miniscule fragments up in the air. "Aargh!" Came from Barnes as he hit the deck, covering the Romulan's body with his own.

Alona, not expecting to be grappled, went down easily. But, even as she hit the deck she was scrambling out from beneath the Major, now realizing it was him, and hearing his cry of pain. She scrambled in a belly crawl and stayed down behind cover, peering around the corner of another cargo crate. She could see three people with rifles, but the flickering lights and shadows played hell with identification. Oh well, she thought, we can sort the dead out later. Nobody shoots at me without paying for it.

Money, after her pratfall from being shoved away, clambered her own self behind another tool crate, kneeling so as to pop up and fire over the top of it. She saw a green bolt fly from somewhere in their vicinity, recognizing a Romulan disruptor bolt, so she came up and looked as three shadowy figures went to duck for cover. Using the open sights, not having had time to raise her scope, Shannon put a shot out that struck one of the bad guys in the side of his torso. That individual hit the deck as their rifle slid away from them, and they were not moving. Ducking back down she spoke out. "Major? Centurion? You two alright?"

Barnes sat up with his back against the cargo crate Alona was hiding behind next to him. "Yeah, I'm good. Took a glancing shot to my thigh. Gimme a moment." Reaching up to an elastic band around his left bicep, pulling forth a single dose hypo, he pulled the plastic cover off of the device with his teeth and spat it away, then pressed it into his leg near to his wound. The hypo hissed its contents into his skin, after which he tossed it away.

"I'm good, Warrant Officer," Alona said. "I see you hit one. The other two are out of view."


Tara and Cyndi made it to the landing bays rifles at the ready, "Heavy stun only Tara," Cyndi ordered as they headed into the landing bays, seeing three figures "Stop where you are, we're prepared to fire. I'm Commodore Song and you'd do well to surrender,"

Tara moved to stand next to Cyndi as the figures were in the shadows as the lights in the landing bays were flickering. "Unless pain is something you like, and we're not afraid to fire,"

Cyndi signaled the security officers that had proven trust worthy and were not part of the mercenaries who had taken control of the Danvers "Spread out, and follow me, remember weapons on stun."

Tara seeing movement out of the corner of her eye set her rifle on wide beam, double checking to make sure it was on heavy stun fired.

Cyndi seeing movement grabbed a tri-coder and scanned making sure they were well hidden, seeing a reading she recognized "Major is that you?" Cyndi called "It's me Song if that's you call out, Herculoid, myself and several base security personal are here. We picked up the signs of an attack and the base shuddered."

Alona, as well as the other two, heard the call out from the CO of the Amandora. The Centurion glanced back over her shoulder, keeping it between herself and the Major. "The Commodore is here, I feel safer already," She said sarcastically before returning her eyes to where the enemy was.

"That's enough, Centurion," Barnes replied quietly. He then angled his face up towards the overhead to shout back. "Yes, this is Major Barnes. I have Warrant Money and a Romulan Centurion with me. Please, don't shoot either of them!"

Cyndi turned to the security officers "Lower your weapons and remain here, Herculoid your with me," Cyndi and Tara walked forward relieved to hear Barnes voice as they followed the sound of his voice. Both still were keeping a look out for anyone that they didn't know. It took a couple minutes to find Barnes and Money. Cyndi seeing Alona smiled "It's good to see you again, it's been a while."

Alona, still in the prone firing position, glanced back over her shoulder at the standing flag officer. "You, as well, Commodore. However, you might want to kneel to avoid being shot in the face. No offense." She then went back to keeping an eye out for any movement their way.

"Colorful, isn't she?" Barnes asked/stated in a slightly cynical tone. "We have a few people hiding over that way." He gave a broad thumbing in the direction that Alona was pointing her weapon. "But, as you can see," he motioned towards his busted up and crumpled fighter. "I did some damage when I landed and skidded to a stop at the wall there."

"She always was," Cyndi agreed as she crouched behind a crate and looked at the crippled fighter then back to Barnes "I'm glad it's the fighter and not you, Herculoid has Rivers fighter in another landing bay under cloak recharging. Tara back up Alona and be careful, I don't know how may of those mercenaries there could be."

"I killed a couple earlier," Tara said as she carefully made her way over to where Alona was and lay alongside her rifle ready.

"I have ten base security officers that I know I can trust, the rest I don't know about," Cyndi said brushing a strand of hair out of her face. "How badly are you hurt? Long is running sick bay. I don't advise using com-badges as the mercenaries have been able to track them."

Money had been listening from her own crouched position. "The Major and I have hand held comms, Commodore. No marine worth their salt wears a combadge. Too easily tracked, and they can provide enemies with bio-data on the user if they hack them."

Alona quickly pulled her upper body back and sat up with her own back against the cargo crate Barnes was leaning against. She reached over and snatched one of his frag grenades from his web gear. "Sorry, need to borrow this." Giving a nod to Cyndi she then added, "Good to see you again, too." She then got up into a crouch and peeked around the crate. She gave slight nods to herself as she counted 1-2-3 seconds, then she was on her feet and running parallel across the hangar, away from her group and slightly away but closer to the enemy, who began to open fire on the moving target. Diving to her belly as she saw a grav cart to hide behind, Alona slid along the polished deck plates and into her cover. Once there she got up on her knees, gave a quick glance over it, then thumbed the activate switch on the grenade. She counted two seconds and then threw it as hard as she could while kneeling, the last three seconds on the timer causing the grenade to go off a meter above the deck, and sending shrapnel in all directions as the explosive force sent a few tool chests toppling and sliding.

As Alona had ran off, Barnes gave a grunt with his sore leg as he got up into his own kneeling position. The meds he had injected was a cocktail that had been made for him by Doctor Sheyla, with combined anti-rad meds, a painkiller, an anti-inflammatory, and an antibiotic all rolled into one. "So, how many people are still left on this shit heap, Commodore?" Barnes asked, none too happy with the current events as of late.

"Roughly a third of the complement, Herculoid and Paul pulled ten bodies from space and have them in the morgue, the morgue is full and some bodies have been transferred to cargo bays. Survivors are doing what they can to assist us. Admiral Snow the base commander is in sick bay, he's going to be fine and I'm going to recommend that the base be towed to the sun and destroyed as it's too badly damaged to repair," Cyndi said as she watched Herculoid move around some crates and fire at some insurgents.

"I think we have them on the run," Tara called over as she kept an eye out for things.

"Major we need to get you to sick bay so that leg can be treated," Cyndi said.

It took willpower to not shout back at the Commodore so, instead, he gave her a terse reply. "I'm a marine, Commodore! NOT a Fleeter! I don't have time for band-aids and soft words. If you'll pardon me, SIR, I have a Centurion to assist." With all that said, his ire still up but under control, Jack looked over the top of the crate he was behind. Both of the previously wounded thugs were now clasping themselves on legs and around their guts, denoting that some of the shrapnel had found purchase within their bodies. Standing, the Major jogged over to them, rifle pointing from the hip. "Either of you move and I will kill you! Money! Get up here!"

"Aye, Sir!" Shannon gave the Commodore a nod and then joined her combat CO, her own rifle being waved back and forth over the two enemies."

Alona, now seeing that the two in the bay had been quelled, stood up and came back over to Cyndi and Tara. She held her rifle over her right shoulder like a farmer with a shotgun. Casual, but at the ready. She gave that infamous crooked, cynical grin. "The Major is a credit to his profession. With those two down, we can now proceed with you to your Sickbay command post."

"Barnes is a good man and I owe him a lot as I do you. I thank you for your assistance. There is always a place for you on my ship," Cyndi said looking at Tara "I gave you an order to back up Alona and while you did you didn't need to baby sit me. In case you've forgotten I do know how to defend myself. We'll discuss that at a later date."

Tara nodded as she looked at Alona and smiled "I'm glad to see you again and I do hope you'll join us again." she shouldered her rifle

"I suggest we all get to sick bay and see what has happened since we left. I need to know how many more insurgents and mercenaries are still alive. Herculoid I want you to scan the base and find that out." Cyndi signaled for them to follow her as she made her way over to where Barnes and Money were and looked at the two men who were holding their legs from the grenade. "You two on your feet and you try anything you'll be the first one to die."

Alona, the only Romulan here and in uniform for the Romulan Republic, did not say a word as she listened to the Commodore chew on the backside of a subordinate who was merely doing her duty. That was what had Alona stumped as she listened to the others go back and forth about the recent events. So, this orbital base was still manned, with the crew and residents under lockdown it seemed. To use a Human phrase; how the fuck did everything go so far sidewise? There are thousands of people on these bases every day and a handful of people took them down and tucked them away? She kept standing there in thought even as her eyes and ears took in what was going on around her.

Major Barnes barked at the Security people that had come down with the Commodore. "You guys get to babysit." He chinned towards the two wounded thugs. "I've got better shit to do."

"Aye, Sir," one of the security people responded.

"We'll head to sick bay, it's become our base of operations. The mercenaries don't bother Long there and Paul has secured auxiliary control. Currently the only way in there is via jefferies tubes. He's been working on regaining control of things there. He's hopeful that even though he's retired some or all of his command codes being an admiral will still work," Cyndi "Let's move out."

Barnes got in alongside Money once she joined the command group, leaving the thugs to Security. Alona, elusive as always, hung back a few paces as she observed the goings-on around them. Seems that Starfleet was suffering a lot of these internal excursions all around the Federation, with enemies testing their resolves since the UFP had been in conflict with someone, continuously, for right around twenty years now. The Dominion war had greatly reduced the number of ships in fleets, and resource allocation was just now finally getting back to normal when it came to shipping and receiving.

"Lead the way, Commodore." Barnes said.

Cyndi checked the corridor, not seeing anything or anyone headed out keeping a close eye out for any mercenaries.

Tara kept her rifle at the ready as they walked. Sick bay was not far from here.

They arrived at sick bay a short time later, they'd not run into any mercenaries.

Barnes and Money followed the others in, with Centurion Alona checking the corridor in either direction as she backed into Sickbay. The door slid shut and she locked it. She then turned to face the others, giving a nod to show that she now felt secure with a locked door between herself and the enemy.

"What Gives?" Barnes asked. Money was to his left and leaned her upper body/shoulder against him, which he adjusted his stance to support comfortably.

"I'm curious, too, Commodore." Money Said. "Not every day that an installation gets boarded and then allows stragglers to run about without killing hostages. Is there something you're not telling us?"

THAT did pique Alona's interest, an eyebrow raised as she looked to the Commodore to see what would be said.

"Paul and I were on the planet when this all happened. Admiral Snow told me that when the Amandora left she fired on the station and warped away. When we saw the flashes of light we came here instantly only to find things way out of control. The admiral was seriously injured and is alive and recovering. Apparently this had been well planned for sometime and these people who took over my ship and the station had been aboard the station for some time waiting for the right ship they could steel and when the Amandora came in for some supplies and down time they jumped at the chance to grab a Galaxy Class ship. I jumped all over the admiral and even accused him of this," Cyndi said "Bodies were found drifting in space that were the real skeleton crew assigned to be on the ship. These thugs impersonated Starfleet Officers and no one picked up on it."

Hank hearing Cyndi's angry voice walked into the room "Cyndi and several of the people here have been quietly taking charge of things. I have a lot to answer for and I'm going to be up on charges for this. I'm too damned old to be running a star base of this size. Cyndi's about gotten the station back under control. She did it quietly as not to draw attention to things."

"I've been running scans of the station and there are about thirty mercenaries left the rest are either dead, confined in cargo bays or the brig. This room is sealed off, if the admiral or the commodore give the order I can have the station flooded with gas," Tara said "The commodore's husband is in aux control."

"Anesthazine gas," Alona stated, remembering some things from her last time serving aboard a Starfleet vessel. "An aerosol. Wear re-breathers and you'll be fine. Once the people begin to go down, depending on species, you have anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour before they begin to awaken." She saw everyone looking at her and gave she gave a grin and a shrug. "What? I remember things. I was a Starfleet Security chief, if you recall."

"She was and a damned fine one too," Cyndi said "I hated to lose her. Herculoid send a message to Paul tell him we're gong to gas the station to be ready, Barnes you have people guarding prisoners get word to them. I'll give this ten minutes. Doctor hand out the re-breathers and be ready, make sure the boy Jimmy is fitted with one. Hank this is my call."

Barnes gave a nod when he had been spoken to, and when the Commodore turned to address others, he got Alona and Money moving. They gathered rebreathers from a locker and all of them strapped on Starfleet utility belts, taking pistols from the weapons cache to place in the tac holster. "Once the order to move is given, we move as a spear head. Alona on my right behind my shoulder, Money you take left. Sweep and clear, weapons on heavy stun." All three clicked their weapons to heavy stun. Alona was not impressed by that but she followed the orders. She was a guest at this time, after all. The three of them came back to the main group, showing they were ready when things got going.

Kristian handed Tara a second re-breather "Get this to aux control and to Paul Sanderson,"

"Tell Paul fifteen minutes and deploy the gas," Cyndi said "That will give the major and his people to get to the security personal."

"Lieutenant tell Admiral Sanderson thank you and once the gas is deployed to take control of the station and beam everyone who is down directly to the brig and tell him thank you," Hank said looking at Cyndi's people "I want to thank all of you for this. Let's do this,"

"Move out!" Cyndi ordered

The three soldiers went to the door, with Alona lining up as point this time. Barnes and money got in on either side, with the Major hitting the hatch key. Alona stepped out into the corridor, rifle set in her shoulder as she swept all the way from left to right, finding no targets. "Clear." She said quietly, then stepped further into the corridor and went to a knee to wait for the others.

Money and Barnes followed deftly, taking up their own defensive places in their small perimeter to allow for plenty of covering fire for when the Commodore stepped out.

Tara stepped out with the re-breather for Paul hung on her belt Her rifle at the ready, looking at Cyndi she nodded

Cyndi stepped out her own weapon ready, looking at Long "Secure the door and don't open it without my order, keep Admiral Snow safe." she then looked to her people "Let's go, Tara get to Paul, remember he may be retired but he's still and admiral."

Hearing that come out of the Commodore's mouth sent a spike of negativity directly into Jack's brain. It took all he had as an officer and gentleman not to pop off, even his face remaining coldly stoic. Yeah, the guy is a retired admiral, we get that. But, RETIRED was the key word. He holds no station and no position. He is no longer a flag officer he is just another civilian needing to be protected. To show him favor over another simply due to his past service was both wrong and immoral. Last he had checked, and even when he entered service and gave his oath, it was to protect and serve the citizens of the Federation, not use your position as Starfleet to seek preferential treatment. It was obvious that what he and Commander Green had discussed privately, on several occasions, was true. The Federation was changing, with Starfleet starting to think of themselves as special, in need of praise. Before he let his thoughts and feelings get the better of him he flipped the switch in his brain and went back to being professional. "Let's move. Centurion, attach yourself to my hip and stay there. Money, you slow your roll and maintain arms length from the Commodore. If the proverbial shit hits the fan you are to smash her face into the floor and lie on top of her to prevent her becoming a casualty. If the Commodore gets hit, you're fired." He then gave her a wink and grin, to show he would be disappointed, but that she would not be fired if the Commodore took a bolt of energy to her ass. All the negativity he had felt, and any doubts he may have been entertaining in his mind immediately cleared. Amazing how that worked, he thought.

Money gave a nod, grinning in return. "You got it, Major." Her eyes went back to scanning the corridor.

Moving in tactical crouching, Barnes patted Alona on the shoulder twice as he moved passed her, letting her know that she was to move along with him as he passed. One thing about Romulans, like the Klingons, they were well trained in battle tactics. It did not take much for her to adjust her training to his since, in the grand scheme of things, it was all relatively similar. All humanoids used the same type of tactics at one time or another. Without a moment's hesitation, Centurion Alona was moving along next to him, her eyes mainly to their right as his eyes were mainly to their left as they moved.

Cyndi wanted to say something about her safety but she was now a flag officer and keeping her safe was important. Not that she couldn't defend herself. Cyndi kept her weapon ready for anything as they moved. Herucloid had dove into he Jefferies Tubes to give Paul the heads up. "Let's take the bridge, let's get those re=breathers on as soon as Herculoid tells Paul he's going to gas the station."

Alona got in closer to Jack, and with both of them ahead of the others playing dual point, she had to ask in a low tone. "What's with the jeffries tube?"

"No idea," Barnes replied, keeping his tone as low as hers to keep the conversation private. He gave the hand signal for all to halt, which Money saw and got the others to stop.

"For a Major, you don't know much." Alona said, her face twitching and moving like someone who wanted to smile, but instead of actually smiling she played at trying not to smile to add to the humor of it all.

Barnes looked over at her with a cynical expression and a mirthful gleam in his eye. "I'm sorry, isn't it Romulans who crawl around in the shadows and attack people? Why don't you tell me."

The Centurion met his gaze, this time allowing a slight cynical grin to cross her face. "No reason to make racial statements, Major. Be careful, I might report you. Isn't bigotry a no-no in Starfleet?"

"Centurion, don't make me whoop your ass," he chuckled.

"Now that's a date," Alona said. "It has been a while since I tossed a Human around like a pillow. Would be nice to experience that again." She then tilted her head in a pointing fashion. "Shall we get going before the others think we're lost?"

Jack gave a couple of nods in agreement. "Let's do this. Remember, our ship is missing and..."

"No, it's not. It's in the Badlands, Orion territory, last I saw."

"Good to know. So, that just reinforces my next directive. We need prisoners, not corpses. The dead can't speak." He got moving with Alona at his side again.

Cyndi seeing Barnes and Alona were missing held up her hand signaling them to stop "Where did Barnes and Alona go?" Cyndi wanted to know, she turned the way they'd come and kept her rifle pointed down the corridor, "Herculoid should be in Aux Control by now so once we get to the bridge Paul can gas the base."

After checking ahead and seeing that there were no further obstacles in their path, Barnes turned back leaving Alona to maintain a hidden spot and observe anything that changes. She acknowledged and began to find a hiding spot when they both heard a serious commotion going on a few levels down on the Promenade. As he came around the bend to see the group following, there was a loud boom and there was no mistaking an explosion. With his trained ears the Major knew a concussion grenade when he heard one. Bending at the waist he waved the others to himself as he went to the edge of the overhang, making sure not to be standing tall as he looked down through the handrails. Alona had joined him and the others as she had heard it too.

Money nudged the Commodore with a smile, her eyes going around to everyone. "Seems we're not alone here. Maybe some of the others were able to get free of their quarters."

"We had prisoners beamed to the brig, level ten force fields, most of the base officers, crew and civilians left in escape pods. All that should left will be the insurgents," Cyndi commented just as Herculoid joined them

"Commodore your husband said just to give the word and he'll gas the base. He's ready, I programed the science console in Aux Control to beam anyone who is down once the gas hits to the brig," Tara reported "But that explosion sounds close."

"Wait, look." Alona said, pointing down towards the entry foyer for Security, seeing two people fighting and taking down thugs. Reaching to the back of her belt, feeling the box shaped pouch, Alona opened it and pulled out her small pair of macrobinoculars and put them to her eyes. The male she saw went forward and blasted two thugs in the chest and face with a pistol as they stumbled out of the smoking Security office. "Those are definitely Starfleet. Do you know them?" She handed the binocs to Barnes, who took a look.

"I'll be damned." Jack said, grinning and shaking his head. "Commodore, have a look. It's Marcus Resch and another officer I don't recognize." He gave her the binocs.

Cyndi took the binocs and looked "That is Resch and the woman I don't know but she is in a star fleet uniform so she's on our side, she must be one of Admiral Snow's people.Good eye Alana, thank you. Makes me wonder how many more of his people are still aboard. We need to re-take this base."

Alona took her equipment back and stowed it. "This is the right time and the perfect opportunity, Commodore. If the mastermind is preoccupied with what is going on down there, then they won't expect to be attacked from another angle. It's perfect."

Barnes nodded along, looking over at his CO. "She's not wrong, Cyndi. Now, or never. We have to get control. I was in a fighter along with Money, and all three of us know what's out there. What is ready to fall through the atmosphere and cause untold damage to the planet below. We need to get control and immediately begin to tractor all this debris away from the planet. Out of its gravitational pull."

"Major, commodore, I have Alesha's fighter, it's on a landing pad fully charged and ready. I may not be as skilled as Alesha but I can hold my own. I'm willing to assist out there," Tara said looking at them.

Money came into the conversation. "All fine and good, Herculoid. Be glad to have you out there with us. But, the Major and I kinda let them know we were out here by blowing up two Orion Syndicate blockade runners, and damaging a third. Not to mention the Major's crash landing in the shuttle bay. If you launch now they'll be ready to shoot you down. We need to get OPS (bridge) under control and prevent that."

Centurion Alona tilted her head in a saucy way, tongue in cheek. "You people really do hate Romulans, don't you?" She looked at the Commodore and Herculoid. "They forgot to mention my part in all that." She gave a cheeky grin and a pseudo-accusation. "Racists."

"Tal you were a big help," Cyndi said "I for one am glad to have you out there,"

"Let them come after me, one thing they don't know is that fighter cloaks and it will fire cloaked. They'll never know what hit them," Tara said looking to Tal "There was a time when our people didn't get along, that's no secret but we've come a long way and I consider you a friend. Let's go kick some ass."

Alona gave a grin. Her eyes, as always, were usually set with a sarcastic gaze, or cynical, depending on topic and situation. "Pardon me, but I'm not going anywhere." She met Cyndi's gaze with her own. "If you don't mind a Romulan watching your back, I'm with you, Commodore." She knew well the mistrust that some Amandora crew had for her people. But, she could not help herself in reminding them of their bigotry and stereotyping. "You are a flag officer, and a CO. I cannot, in good conscience, leave you on your own."

"Agreed." Barnes said. "Money, you and Herc head back to the shuttle bay. Get out there and cause a distraction. It might just make them think that the attack on the Security office was you, and you are now trying to escape. I just ask that if you fire at the base don't hit the OPS area too much since we'll be heading there."

Tara nodded and looked to Shannon "Let's kick ass, the fighter is charged and waiting. Tal, commodore and Major we'll be back,"

"I don't need to tell the two of you to be careful as I already know what you'll say,"Cyndi said she turned to Tal, "There is no Romulan here, just what I hope to be an officer on my ship again. I know it's pointless to argue about protection so I won't. Let's get to Ops, Long has sick bay secured. Paul will gas the station once the word is given."

"Jolan Tru, Commodore." Alona said to Song, looking her directly in the eye. This time she did not have that cynical, sarcastic, and arrogant gleam in her eye. This was a statement of fact she wanted the Commodore to understand, all other things aside. "I would be honored to serve under your command. Also, the whole protection thing is covered according to regulations. You have an armed escort while entering into a dangerous area. That's all they require." As that last bit was said the snide grin and the eye set she usually sported returned in full force.

Barnes gave a grin to that. "She's not wrong, Skipper. Regulations are being followed to the letter. So, on that note, where to?"

"I know the regulations well," Cyndi responded You are correct, but remember one thing all of you. I didn't get to where I am by sitting on my ass and doing nothing. Since we don't know what I'm getting us into an armed escort is necessary. Tal I'm glad your going to remain with me. Now where to go? Long has sick bay secured and she's in charge there, Paul is in aux control, Admiral Snow who is base commanding officer is in sick bay recovering from injuries that leaves me as senior officer. We go to ops and once the base is gassed I can over ride and gain control of the base. Let's go and everyone look sharp."

Barnes went over to an emergency station for the base. Accessing it the hatches slid open and he reached in, bringing out three breather masks. They were designed with a faceplate that covered the entire face and they sealed to the skin when put on. It would take quite a jarring of the body, or someone pulling on it to remove them. He gave the ladies one each and then donned his mask, activating the rebreather and pulling the elastic strap over his head. His voice was slightly muffled behind the mask but clear. "There we are. Gas this place and let's just walk in and take it. The only fight should be with those smart enough to keep a mask handy."

Alona had put hers on and got it all settled, looking at Barnes as she did so. "Are you single?" She gave a crooked grin at the surprised look in his eyes.

"I'm afraid to ask why," Barnes responded, also grinning.

"I was looking to celebrate after our victory. I'm Romulan, we prefer soldiers as partners." Alona gave another grin and arched an eyebrow.

"We'll see what happens." Barnes said, not wanting to tell her flat out that he was not interested. She did show up and aid with all this when she did not have to. "No promises."

Alona gave a nod of agreement. "I don't make promises..." Her voice trailed off as she looked over at Cyndi. "Apologies, Commodore. Where are my manners? Death and destruction first, then we start hair pulling and jumping about. Shall we?" Alona turned her head and looked down low on a wall at the crawlspace hatch for maintenance, using her eyes to point out the way they should proceed.

Cyndi sent a message to sick bay for Kristian too don a re-breather and to make sure anyone in sick bay that needs one has one on. "Sick bay is ready," Cyndi said putting on her own mask." tapping her com-badge "Paul get your mask on, five minutes and gas the base." seeing where Alona was indicating nodded "Lead the way my friend."

"I'll take point, Major." Alona went to the access hatch and went to a knee, pulling the cover away and setting it aside. She she adjusted the sling for her rifle and let it lay along her back since using a rifle effectively in such a confined crawlspace would be challenging. Pulling her sidearm from her thigh holster she checked its power as a matter of habit, knowing it was fully charged. Plus, holding a pistol made it easier to use a hand and a half to move about and do things instead of having to hold up a rifle by the barrel. Alona crawled inside on hands and knees, her pistol hand resting on the meat of the palm with each knew placement, her finger off the trigger as she did so. However, once through the opening the internal maintenance space was large enough and tall enough to allow them to move along at a pronounced crouch. Better than crawling around like Nefri, Alona thought to herself with her Risan caracal in mind.

Barnes motioned for Cyndi to go next. "Go ahead, Commodore. I'll cover our six."

Cyndi nodded, slung her rifle over her shoulder so it was out of the way. With Tal in front and Barnes behind she kept her phaser in her pocket. It wouldn't be hard to pull it out if needed. Cyndi foowed Tal Into the crawl space. Her ears listening for anything that wasn't right. So far it was quiet but she knew that could change in seconds.

Barnes entered the crawlspace after Song, turning and reaching back out to pull the hatch cover back into place. Looking over Song's back and locking eyes with the Centurion he gave a nod to continue. Seeing Alona turn and lead the way Barnes got in behind the two females, making sure to watch the rear of the group.

Alona, taking the cue from Barnes, led the way. They ascended several ladder wells until they were on the level for Ops. The Centurion hunkered down next to an access hatch on Ops. that would spill them out onto the command deck for Starbase Danvers.

"Let's go, by now the gas should have been dispersed so unless your in a re-breather there should be no resistance. Anyone not Star Fleet will beamed directly to the brig. I should be able to over ride things and get the base under my control," Cyndi said "Be careful just in case there are some still awake."

Barnes got up on the opposite side of the hatch. He gave three nods and then he kicked it out and dove out and rolled on the floor to come up in a defensive, kneeling position. Alona came after him, angling the other direction. Both looked around seeing unconscious people of various species before looking to each other and standing up to full height, weapons kept at the ready as they began to take slow steps forward.

Cyndi crawled out of the hatch her rifle at the ready, seeing people unconscious tapped her com-badge "Paul I'm in ops, have the transporter lock onto anyone here that is not upright and beam them directly to the brig. I'll sort out Fleet and Mercenaries later. Now to gain control of the base," Cyndi walked over to the main operations console and entered her over ride codes. It took a few minutes for the commands to go through. The computer acknowledge the codes "Star Base Danvers is now under my control," Cyndi said as the last of the people were beamed out of ops." She looked to Barnes and Tal. "Suggestions?"

Seeing things were now under control, for the most part, Alona slung her rifle over her back. "I say we torture the prisoners for the sheer delight of it and then feed them their own eyeballs before they go to prison."

Barnes had his own rifle slung and actually laughed at what the Romulan just said. "Very tempting, Centurion. But, my regs say no." He then added. "Unfortunately."

Centurion Alona looked at Cyndi. "Well then. I say we begin to find wounded and dead and get things cleaned up. But, since you have control would it not be a good idea to call out for some support from the fleet?"

"If only we could torture the prisoners, but I pull that stunt i won't have a command period," Cyndi commented as she tapped a few commands and brought the station to yellow alert, "I'll transmit a message for help. I'm going to need assistance here as well as securing the rest of the base. I also need to let any Fleet Personal know I've assumed command of the station."


Over on the USS Euphrates Green could feel Cyndi through the Core. She was fine and healthy. As she focused the Core that way she also detected Barnes, also in good health and he exuded positive energy.

Kara piped up. "Ro. The station just went to Yellow alert. Lit up like a Christmas tree."

Green reached out and hit the comm, angling for the orbital station Danvers. "Attention, Starbase Danvers, Commander Green. Respond."

Cyndi walked to communications and tapped a command "Commander good to hear your voice, I've assumed command of the Star Base, join me in ops and please bring me a damage report. I have the station under yellow alert."

"That's why I called, Commodore." Green said. "Sensors detected the change in tactical status. As for coming over you'll have to give us some time. We're making effort to get the largest chunks of debris out of orbit and heading for the sun. Until we have more craft to assist we will be busy for a while."

Kara spoke up. "Commodore, Lieutenant Ainkara, here. I'm with Commander Green. As for a damage report the best we can say is that there is carnage down below. The Orion Syndicate killed hundreds and began stealing everything not tied down. Doctor Sheyla and some marines were aiding the Security down there but we don't know their status at this time, Ma'am."

Alona, overhearing all that, stepped toward Cyndi. "Commodore, I can assist them. I'll head back to my runabout if you would like."

Cyndi resisted the urge to punch something "Herculoid and Money are out in fighters as we speak, they're going after the Syndicate ships, Herculoid is probably cloaked, reach out to them for assistance as well and give me a status on any Orion Syndicate ships that are out there. I'm sending another helper out. Alona Tal is here and has aided in gaining control of things here. She has a run about aboard the station. I'm sending her out now," Cyndi turned to Tal, "Go please, assist in anyway you can." Cyndi paced a few minutes "Let's get this cleaned up and as soon as I can get a damage report and stats on the planet the sooner I can get repairs underway. We need to find my ship too. Keep me posted on things. I've sent out a request for help."

As Song finished speaking Alona had already left the OPS deck. Barnes pulled his rifle aside and set it on a console close to himself as he stepped in to a station and began to tap at keys for different monitors, trying to get an idea of just how damaged the base was.

Green responded to Song. "We hear you, Commodore. We'll continue our operation. If we spot any more Syndicate ships we too will engage. Euphrates, out." The comm channel closed. Over on the runabout the two Meji looked at each other and grinned, feeling through their connection to the Core that the anxiety was diminishing all around them.


Lieutenant Marcus Resch, along with an unknown female lieutenant, stepped out of the port lift. "Thank the powers that be," he said with a sigh. "The usurper has been defeated and the throne returned to its rightful owner." He then looked to Cyndi, thumbing back over his shoulder. "Was that a Romulan? I coulda swore that was a Romulan." The Lieutenant with him crossed her arms over her chest, with one hand coming up to catch her face as it fell into her palm as she shook her head.

Barnes had turned when they came in, hand on his holstered pistol until he saw who it was. When the question was posed, and then the gal responded with cynical body language, he could not help but smile.

Cyndi hearing the question looked at him for a few minutes before speaking "That was a Romulan Centurion you saw, she was once a member of the crew and I trust her. I've asked her to return. She's considering it. I want you to run a full scan on the station and give me a damage report. I've assumed command."

"I can do that, Commodore." Resch walked over to the Operations Manager station and began to do as she asked. There were a lot of damaged sections in red, but mainly in regards to the airlocks and gangways for docking. He began to give her information as it became available.



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