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#50 Charge of the Femme Brigade

Posted on Tue Apr 2nd, 2024 @ 10:06pm by Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Lieutenant Alona Tal "Centurion" {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: various
Timeline: Current

OOC: This post takes place after an upcoming JP involving the Commodore and a few of my PC's.


After leaving the Commodore, Alona Tal, Centurion to the Romulan Republic, made her way quickly back to the landing bay where her ship was parked. Arriving, and tapping her bracer under her uniform sleeve, the hatch opened and the ramp dropped. Ascending with quick steps Alona slapped the hatch panel, closing it behind her as the ramp lifted and closed, with the Centurion getting to her pilot's seat and planting her arse in it. Just before she went to begin tapping at controls she was interrupted by her Risan caracal hopping up into her lap and immediately beginning to rub on her. She hugged her feline and scritched his head before setting him in the co-pilot's seat. "Not now, Nefri. Stay there."

Nefri gave her that perturbed cat look but did as he was told, recognizing the body language of his master that she was busy. So, he curled up in the chair he was in and observed what was going on.

Seeing that her pet was obeying her, first time for everything, ALona then tapped keys with rapid speed, bypassing pre-flight and activating the power core. Feeling the vibration of power through her boot soles she then lifted off, spun her ship about, and shot out of the bay door into space. She activated her shields as there was a thin field of smaller debris she had to barrel through to get to a few larger chunks. Out the forward view she could see her shields flare here and there as the small chunks were deflected away from the craft. Nefri's head came up and his eyes danced around the window as he saw those tiny flashes that caught his eye, his instinct to chase those flashes almost overriding his comfort. But, he remained where he was, and after a few moments, lost interest. The RRV Raptoress made way through the small bits and headed for a larger piece. Setting her tractor beam Alona swooped in close and then made a sharp curving turn to the port, locking the tractor beam onto the chunk and latching on. It began to follow here through her energy tether.

Alona opened a hailing frequency to the Starfleet runabout. "USS Euphrates, this is Centurion Alona of the Romulan Republic. RRV Raptoress is here to assist with orbital debris. Respond."

Over on Euphrates Green smiled to herself. She tapped the comm key. "Alona! Good to hear your voice again. It has been a while. Thank you for the assist."

"Always a pleasure, Commander Green." Alona said, surprisingly glad to hear Green's voice. She and the Commander had got along well when last she had served with them. The most endearing factor being that Green understood when a situation needed to be ended quickly and brutally to save the day, and she did not hesitate. A practical belief that most Romulans shared. As she went to say something more her console bleeped and she looked at the screen it was signaling for. "Commander, it appears there is a vessel trying to hide behind the moon. They just slid off my scopes due to the blocking of the stellar body."

Green heard that and began to turn her ship towards the moon. "Affirmative, Raptor. Let's make them feel unwelcome. Tow your chunk and release toward the sun, then come alongside. We're boarding. I want answers."

Glad that none of the Starfleet people were around, Alona's face changed into the most evil smile, her eyes setting and narrowing at what was said. Capture meant torture. Interrogation. The sad thing about torture was that it was so hard to stop once one got started, especially when the torturer thoroughly enjoyed causing pain to others. "I am ready to do my part, Commander." Boy, was she!

After acknowledging that Green cut the transmission as the two craft, now without towed debris to slow their movements, charged towards the moon at full speed.



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