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#13 Kidnapping

Posted on Mon May 6th, 2024 @ 4:49am by Lieutenant Alister McKeon
Edited on on Mon May 6th, 2024 @ 1:52pm

Mission: Aftermath
Location: Unknown location
Timeline: Current

Alister looked at the three operatives in the back of the vehicle with him as Connor drove them to their jump off point and to provide electronic interference. "Remember hard and fast, we don't want any alarms going off from those inside," he said one last time as he checked his carbine.

"Father's split and is almost out of the city, we've got alarms coming from numerous places looks like the 1st Lieutenant's flattened her target, blowing the runabout," Connor said from the front seat as he pulled up to the back corner of the wall surrounding the house they were about to hit. "You've got five minutes, killing the local grid."

Alister and his team piled out scaling the wall as their comm beads hissed with the slight noise of the jamming Connor's was putting out. A single burst of air and the sound of a body hitting the ground told Alister the exterior roving guard was down before the Chief slapped a code slicer on the door that hummed briefly before flashing green and the back door opened allowing the team to move into the building.

"Anyone see Ramirez, we're getting some weird feedback on the exterior cameras," a voice called out before a human male stepped into the room his eyes bulging before another dart took him down his fall cushioned by Sibe's quick action.

Alister pumped his arm up and down a couple of times as they spread out going more for speed as the house appeared to have some clue something was happening. The sound of a disruptor firing and the sharp return of a pulse carbine cut thru the house, before the comm bead hissed, "One stunned, came out with his pistol raised, might have interior back ups." Alister cursed slightly as he and Alesha charged up the stairs the female from the park dropping to a stun burst from his pulse carbine as Sibe entered the room and fired a single dart with a specially dosed dart at Amber. "Package secure moving to exfill," Alister said keying his mike as Sibe came out carrying the girl.

Regrouping in the family room Alister got a nod from the Chief, "We've got a problem boss, company." He nodded out a window toward a pair of vehicles that had just pulled up the drive six men exiting large overpowered hand weapons visible as they started to move toward the house. "Looks like a cartel hit team," he said taking cover behind the wall.

"How the hell did they get here so quickly," Alister replied motioning Sibe and the girl back to an interior room, "That's what a sub four minute response."

The Chief shrugged his shoulder, "Can't tell you boss but we've got to deal with them and fast. Hate to see what comes next if they pin us down."

Alister nodding looking over at Mitchell, "Okay no messing around hard and fast, these guys aren't innocent bystanders so we put them down for good. Those pistols are nasty business but we suppress them back to their vehicles and then take them out with a grenade. Sibe when we start shooting take Amber out the back door and over the wall, we'll regroup after taking care of business." Turning back to the slowly fanning out hit team Alister stood up, "Now,' he said firing his weapon on full auto his first burst shattering the window and cutting down one of the cartel members. The other two joined in a split second later with the Chief taking down another as the survivors fell back to the only solid cover they had the two vehicles. With a nod the Chief reached into a pocket and a dark green orb was hurled toward the vehicles landing just beyond them. A panic yell was heard as one Cartel member jumped over the hood of a vehicle before the grenade exploded turning toward the explosion he was cut down by another burst from Alister. "Let's go, that's going to wake the neighborhood up."

Retracing their steps the bound back over the wall piling into the van, "Connor's how did you miss that call that brings a hit team to the front door."

"I didn't boss," Connor's replied driving away toward from the scene, "No call went out, I'm positive."

Alister gave a shake of his head, "Now we're got bodies and I hate leaving behind a mess rather than a mystery."

"I'll dig into it when I get the chance," Connor's replied, "Two minutes for you and Sibe."

Alister stripped out of the camo gear he was wearing revealing a nice button up shirt and slacks and Sibe revealed a similar outfit. Amber had been changed into a one-piece romper and taken gently by Alister as the van came to a halt and the three exited as the van continued down the road to another drop off point before being ditched as the team started their extraction.

Hailing a passing taxi Alister entered, "Please take us to the cruise terminal. We're due to depart upon the Earth liner Normandy in a couple of hours."

*****Time jump*****

Boarding the small suite they had booked Alister laid Amber down gently on the bed as he settled himself onto the sofa. "We should be starting to move toward deep space in about fifteen minutes," he said glancing at a time piece in the room. "Once we make the jump to warp, I think I'll be going to speak to one of the officers make sure we make our rendezvous with the Cumberland on time."

Sibe nodded her head sitting on the bed next to Amber, "I'll stay with the girl, keep an eye on her the drugs should be wearing off in about three hours."

Alister nodded his head and the door chimed to admit a porter with the luggage they had sent ahead early. Tipping the man Alister dug into his bag pulling out his uniform and getting dressed, "Well time to get back to our regular job of boring reports and files," he said with a grin to Sibe as they waited for the liner to reach the outer marker and make it's jump to warp.


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