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#14 Long Road Home

Posted on Mon May 6th, 2024 @ 1:50pm by Lieutenant David Montgomery & Lieutenant JG Kalina Johnson
Edited on on Mon May 6th, 2024 @ 1:51pm

Mission: Aftermath

Starbase Danvers

Kalina had just finished her debrief with Commodore Song. Her and David had walked out of the room. “I know it's a stupid question to ask, but are you okay?” She asked with a genuine concern on her face.

“No.” David said quietly, “I keep second guessing myself and wondering if I missed something.” He paused. “And now I sat in there and felt sorry for the pirates and they killed Commander Green's family.” He shook his head.

“Taking life is never easy, it's one of these sad consequences of command. We all know that it could come, and you pass that test. But when it happens in real life it's hard to grasp and accept a consequences. If it makes you feel better I'm also having regret, maybe we could have took on the 28th and reclaim the ship. But the safety of the president couldn't be jeopardized, that's what I keep telling myself.” Kalina said that she looked over to David.

“You are right.” David nodded. “I just think I need to get away from here for a little bit. Take a break and regroup.”

“Where would you go?” Kalina asked, a little nosy. She was curious, she was planning to head to Earth. She too wanted to take some time off and recoup.

“Home.” David said and then rolled his eyes. “Back to Earth. I need to deal with this and it feels too close here. I want to find a way to just understand it all.” He paused. “Where are you headed?”

“Earth does sound nice.” Kalina said not wanting to sound like a copycat. She wanted to spend time with her family.

“What are you going to do?” David asked her. “I mean If you are wanting to go to Earth we could travel together.”

“I wouldn't want to impose.” Kalina said, knowing that he might still have feelings for Aleasha. Well he assumed he did, she didn't really know for sure.

“It would be no imposition.” David assured her. “I would be glad for your company.” He really didn’t want to travel alone with nothing but his thoughts. “No pressure though.”

“Okay, one last thing, I don't want to complicate things between you and Aleasha.” Kalina said, that was her pleasant way of saying were they in a relationship or not. He wasn't sure if they were because he hadn't mentioned taking her back to Earth with him but then again he didn't really talk about her. She just assumed maybe he just didn't kiss and tell.

“Alesha?” David frowned. “I am sorry, I guess I don’t know what you are talking about here?” He felt like he was in the middle of a book and had been left out on something. “Are you talking about Alesha Rivers?”

“How many Alesha do you know? And how many have you recently got on dates with?” Kalina ask, thinking maybe he's some kind of Playboy. This was a big turn off for her.

“A date?” David looked at her and then smiled. “Oh, you thought…” he shook his head. “We had supper together I didn’t really see it as a date, did she?”

“Usually when one makes plans to have dinner together, a lot of people would construe, that is a date.” Kalina pointed out to him.

“Oh.” David said and thought for a moment. “Well there is nothing romantic between her and I. In fact, I believe she left the ship to go in search of someone.”

“I thought you two had something, I'm pretty sure you'll find somebody for too long.” Kalina said with a warm smile on her face, at the moment she was trying to be nice. She wasn't flirting with him.

“It will happen.” David shrugged. “I believe there is someone meant for each of us. It is whether we take the opportunity that is the problem. Some people could be hit in the face with a pie and still not know why they have filling running down their face.”

“It might be easier if next time you realize you're on a date.” Kalina pointed out to him.

“I will do so.” David nodded. What he was thinking though was that it wouldn't’ be with Alesha. She wasn’t his type at all.

“How much time do you need? I'd like to get back to Earth as soon as possible.” Kalina suggested to him, with a slight sense of urgency in her tone.

“I’m ready.” David said. “The faster we can leave the better.” He looked over to her. “Let’s go grab a shuttle and go, we already have permission.”

“Good, I'll get us clearance from command. My bag is just outside of the shuttle.” Kalina suggested dealing with a big smile on her face. Now she didn't have to go back to Earth on her own.

David was feeling good about this. He knew he needed to take a break but he also didn’t want to travel alone and he liked Kalina. The scene fades away.


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