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#15 The Social Bumble Bee

Posted on Wed Jun 19th, 2024 @ 10:05pm by Major Jackson "JJ" Barnes {Meji} & Lieutenant David Montgomery & Lieutenant JG Kalina Johnson

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: backpost to BBQ night



As the night had gone on, Barnes carried his small one handed cooler with him everywhere he went. Which meant going from group to group to have chats, carrying the cooler along with him like a beloved child. He was feeling a buzz from the beers he had consumed, but nothing too drastic. He was not a big drinker, rarely taking even a sip of alcohol most days. But, when the CO calls for a crew sized BBQ, one had to have the traditional Earth beverage for such outdoor events: BEER! That, and no marine would sit around drinking cool-aid at a BBQ. Coming back from the admin building, having refilled the cooler with more beers, Barnes noticed that the Chief Engineer and the Chief Helm officer were sitting together, but aloof and not really mingling too closely with the others. What the hell were their names again? Oh, yeah. David Montgomery and Kalina Johnson. So, instead of continuing his course on zero-mark-zero-zero, he angled his bow towards them. Getting to their table, and being at the further end of it from those two, he placed his cooler on it as he addressed them with a smile. "You two up for visitors?"

"Yes." David said with a smile. "Please, have a seat, Major." He waited for Barnes to sit down. "Did you enjoy your down time?"

Barnes slid his ass onto a bench seat and looked to the CEO. "Still am," he smiled and gave a light knuckle tap to the cooler. Jackson opened it and looked at the man. "I have some beers if you're interested. Also," he reached out his right hand and clasped Montgomery's in a handshake, his eyes dancing back and forth at the two of them. "In times like these the name's Jackson. Or, Jack for some. And, JJ to others. It seems the less letters people want to pronounce the closer the friendship." He chuckled.

"Well that's good to know sir, I prefer the name Kalina. But that explains to me why people of the academy were trying to call me Kay or Lina." She said, not realizing that was true. Now it's starting to make sense to her.

Sir? Barnes thought to himself. He brushed it off mentally. It was obvious that Johnson had not fully leaned back into her position on Amandora, and was still anxious around higher ranks. Some folks were like that and it usually ended up being a precursor to someone who will have a stellar career. So, Jack gave a chuckle. "Well, Miss Kalina, I will not make that mistake now that you have informed me of your distaste for it. Humans do have a minor obsession with nicknames." As a Major, and a department head, Barnes was curious about something. "If you two don't mind my asking, why are you sitting over here, away from the others? Not that it's my business, just curious."

“Well Jackson.” David said with a smile. “We visited with Tara, Alesha and some of the crew for a bit but sometimes the crowds can be a bit overwhelming. I needed the air and Kalina came with me.” He liked the major, he was direct and to the point. “I like to be called David. My family called me Davey and it made me feel like a little kid.”

Jack gave a chuckle. "Yeah? I can see that. Trust me, Davey will never be used. Dave, it was there. But, now I know." After that was said he then shook hands with Kalina, since he had missed that the first time. "Didn't want you to feel left out of the handshakes, Kalina. And, my daddy taught me to always be polite until politeness no longer works." There was something going on here, he thought. He did not know how to explain it to his mind but he felt that there was something elusive going on over here. His feelings said that they wanted to talk about something important but had not reached the point of saying so. That, or they did not know how to breach the subject so were biding their time. "David and Kalina. Got it." He gave a light laugh. "How am I doing at playing the meathead marine?"

"You aren't anything like other marines I have met." David confessed." He paused for a moment. "And it's a good thing, if you ask me."

Deciding to lay off on the 'silly' in his character right now, Jackson gave a nod and chuckle at that. "I appreciate that, David. My old man was a career marine and all I am is due to his upbringing and example. Marines are not automatons that are to do nothing but march in step and die to save others when they are called to. And, not all of us are warmongers. If I can avoid a fight I will. When business does need to be conducted then it gets done quickly and efficiently. How I roll."

"I prefer plain speaking." David nodded. "I've mingled with everyone here but the captain and first officer. I feel the questioning looks some of them give me. They want to know if I have healed from the mission." His eyes met Jack's. "In case they ask I am fine now. I have dealt with the demons. It doesn't mean I am over the feel of our loss or what happened but just like a loss of a loved one, it will always be there I just have learned to live with it."

"As Captain Green would say, as Master Ro," he tapped the triangular Meji badge on his shirt. "Every death affects the living Core energy of the universe. But, you were defending life and that means there is no shame in what you had to do. It lingers, I know, I still have some demons of my own to deal with from my past. Friedrich Nietzsche said it best; that which does not kill us makes us stronger."

David smiled. "I'm moving forward." He put his hand in Kalina's. "I should say we are. No looking back, just forward at our future."

Barnes gave a smile to the two of them. "That's good. Looking back is a fool's errand when one is trying to move forward. Also, I've noticed you two keeping that on the downlow. No need. You're both department heads and neither of you is under the direct supervision of the other. Fraternization doesn't count on those terms." His eyes got that playful glint to them. "Just so ya know."

With that said Barnes stood up, collected his cooler, and gave them both a friendly, pleasant nod. "Enjoy the evening." He walked off into the night.



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