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Post Number 40 Taking A Look

Posted on Sun Sep 22nd, 2024 @ 3:54pm by Lieutenant William Wright III & Lieutenant Tara Herculoid PhD

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Concurrent to Post #38


< Snip >

Lieutenant Wright and Lieutenant Sabbath are either of you picking up a glitch in sensors? I’ve reset mine on science station two and the glitch it still there.” Tara asked. “It almost looks like a sensor ghost can either of you confirm it?”

< End Snip >

Hearing Lieutenant Herculoid, Will turned in his seat facing her "Let me check for you Lieutenant" he replied then changed screens on his Station.

Going over the various sensors, he checked each cluster carefully making sure they were aligned correctly; he certainly didn't want to miss anything. Satisfied with his findings he tapped his comm "Crewman Avery please report to the Bridge with your equipment" came the order. "On my my Chief."

William walked over to Tara "Lieutenant all the sensor clusters check out as working properly. I have one of my people coming up to the Bridge; I think your Station may need some adjusting since this is a new vessel" he explained with a smile.

Moments later Will heard the lift doors swoosh open as Avery entered the area. William motioned for him to come over "Crewman let me borrow your equipment for a moment" as he removed the front panel on the Science Station. Grabbing the tri-corder Will kneeled on the deck and scanned the inside workings. After several minutes he found the problem. Using a spanner he made some minor adjustments getting the sensor plates realigned properly. Using the tri-corder once more Will rechecked and was satisfied with the results.

Placing the front back on the console Will stood facing Tara "That should get rid of the 'ghost' images you picked up if you want to recheck your Station" he explained with his usual smile.

Tara turned back to her console and tapped a few commands and nodded after a few minutes, "Thank you lieutenant that fixed it," said smiling "New ships have glitches let's hope we don't have too many."

Grinning "Well hopefully nothing too serious" Will replied "At least it'll keep me busy for awhile so I don't get into any mischief" then he turned and thanked Avery for his help before returning to the Ops Station.




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