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Post Number 42 Issues Starting

Posted on Thu Sep 26th, 2024 @ 4:21am by Commodore Cyndi Song

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current


This post should give everyone something to post. I’m going to do my best to tag everyone in this post. If I’ve missed your characters please jump in and post. Remember it’s a brand new ship so there will be issues. Try not to solve everything in one or two posts. There could be crew trapped in turbo lifts, quarters you name it. Let's have some fun.


Cyndi observed her bridge officers, as far as she was concerned she had the best crew in Starfleet. The ship was performing extremely well for being brand new. So far there were no issues. Looking up at the view screen, it suddenly went dark. Puzzled “Kalina the view screen is dark did you turn it off?” Cyndi asked (Tags Kalina)

A few minutes later all the bridge monitors went dark, like they’d been shut off, (Tags Operations)

“What the hell! We just fixed this damn thing,” Tara fumed

With issues starting it was time for Commander Parker to join her on the bridge, Tapping her com-badge “Commander Parker the ship’s giving us issues report to the bridge,” Cyndi called (Tags Ben Parker)

A garbled message came through the ship’s speakers “Intruder….alert….intru….der ale….rt.”

“Now what!?” Tapping her com-badge again “Security check the ship we just got a garbled report of an intruder alert,” Cyndi said. (Tags Security)

“Commodore this is Doctor Long can you have engineering check the environmental controls. It’s freezing in sick bay” Kristian called

Before Cyndi could respond the entire ship went dark, “Emergency lights!” No response the ship remained dark and dead in space. “Engineering this is Song, The ship is dark and dead in space, sick bay reports it’s freezing down there.” (Tags Engineering. )



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