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Post Number 43 Now What

Posted on Sat Sep 28th, 2024 @ 1:49pm by Lieutenant William Wright III

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Current


Lieutenant Wright sat at Operations when he heard the Commodore questioning members of the Bridge Crew as to what was going on starting with the Main View Screen. Moments later Will noticed Helm's Station went dark as did his did every other Station on the Bridge "Now what" Will thought. Rising from his seat, Will started to open the front of his Console to try and figure out what was happening.

Moments later he found himself in total darkness waiting for the emergency lighting to kick in.....sadly it did not.

Finding his seat Will sat back down as his mind was racing trying to get some sort of handle on what was happening and what could possibly cause not only the Bridge to go dark but also why the backup lighting refused to work.

Now the Amandora felt like she wasn't moving.....sitting lifeless in space. People always comment how dark space is but until you've actually experienced it firsthand, you have no idea just how dark and black it really is.

Snapping back to the matter at hand Will figured it was more serious than a mere Operational problem. "Did a main power conduit give way.....was the main power conduit assembled hastily and not double checked as per Star Fleet regulations?" went through his mind.

This was much more severe than a power distribution problem; for now this had Engineering written all over it. So now Will would wait until he had more information to go on.


Lieutenant William Wright III
Chief Of Operations
USS Amandora


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