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Post Number 8 Peer to Peer "

Posted on Tue Jan 28th, 2025 @ 2:49am by Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long & Lieutenant Bret Rogers MD

Mission: Are You Worthy?-2
Location: USS Amandora
Timeline: Concurrent


In sickbay the inertial dampeners generally muffled the going and stopping of a starship but Dr Bret Rogers could always tell when the ship was moving.

Most old medics could as they were constantly jumping from camp to camp.

But the new Amandora was probably one of the most smooth vessels he has ever been on.

Bret had yet to meet any of the upper brass and had only nodded to the CMO upon arriving. But no doubt this mission would be challenging.

Kristian had finished updating charts and cleaning instruments, Currently things were very quiet. While she had a great staff there were some that she'd not yet had the chance to really meet, Getting up from her desk Kristian walked out into main sick bay and over to where Brett was. Busy?" she asked "We've not really had the chance to meet officially."

" I noticed that too. Bret Rodgers General Medicine and Surgery." Bret replied.

"Kristian Long, Chief Medial Officer," she said offering her hand, "We can talk in my office or we can head to the lounge. Sick bay is ready for whatever the commodore gets us into."

" Lead the way Doctor.. Sounds like we might get busy so we better go to the office. " Rogers replied.

Kristian led the way to her office, instead of taking a seat at her desk she chose one of the two arm chairs in her office. "Help yourself to something to drink. I have a mini fridge in here that I keep water, soda, and other things to drink in it,"

" Soda? Don't mind if I do. My old ship we used to get soda in our ration packs but the packs lose fizz. Doctor Long what should I expect on this ship? Lots of triage, surgeries? "

"That is a very good question. I guess we expect whatever the commodore gets us into. There is a fully equipped surgical suite, a recovery area, place for children who may need care and several private family areas should that need arise," Kristian replied. "This is a brand new ship, and our first actual mission. Our last ship was destroyed. So this one is state of the art."

" Oh boy. So we get to deal with all the bugs that go along with a new ship. No worries I ran a field hospital during the skirmish with the Breen. Those bastards are ruthless. " Bret stated

"I've not had to deal with them," Kristian commented "There shouldn't be any more bugs to work out. We've done a shakedown cruise where we did have issues with this being a new ship,"

" I have a few nurses that might join. They were in the corp with me when I was a medic. Do you use the Emergency Medical Hologram much? They tried using those in battle but the power supplies kept getting drained. They do not work in war time." Bret commented

"I've only used the EMH a couple of times, I have enough staff that I don't need to use it. I can always use more nurses as well," Kristian commented. "The EMH is only a last resort."

" i am glad to hear that. Because there is 2 things I do not trust AI and drones." Bret added

"Drones are useful in some things. My home planet has a protected moon that my cousin is in charge of. She uses a drone to monitor things when she's there. That way the beings that live there can be observed without attention being drawn to the fact someone is there." Kristian commented. "I've only used the EMH once."

" Probably just a phobia. In battle it is life or death and relying on technology to save life is suicide. I kind of like this lush sickbay though. It could spoil a person. Do you have a family aboard Doctor Long?" Bret replied.

"Yes I do have family aboard, my cousin Lieutenant Herculoid who is the assistant science chief and a family friend Captain Rivers who in the wing," Kristian said "This sick bay may appear lush but in an emergency it will be just what we need."

" You are lucky all my peeps are on Earth. I have a holodeck tee time soon so I guess I'll see you later Doctor Long." Bret then added.

"It's been a pleasure meeting you and I look forward to working with you," Kristian said

Bret stood up and exited through the doors back to his own work space. He had run some blood samples and went to check them and following that he made his rounds to his one patient he currently had.

" Hello My little buddy." Bret said addressing his pet Sparky the Cardassian scorpion.



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