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Post Number 7 Docking with the Amandora

Posted on Sat Jan 11th, 2025 @ 8:27am by Lieutenant James Smithers & Lieutenant JG Troy Grainger
Edited on on Fri Jan 17th, 2025 @ 5:31am

Mission: Are You Worthy?-2
Location: Runabout USS Marquette Cockpit - Palai System
Tags: Commodore Cyndi Song, Commander Benjamin Parker,Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long

James Smithers and Troy Grainger – Docking with the Amandora


Location - Runabout USS Marquette Cockpit - Palai System

[Grainger] Looking at the console Grainger said that they should be at Amandora’s current position in about an hour. He added after checking the aft sensors that we were alone.

[Smithers] Sounds good Grainger. Please go to the back and secure our cargo. Also let Jennifer know that we have arrived at the Palal System and to strap in after getting her stuff secured. Smithers Then stretched and relaxed a little bit. He would have to let the Amandora know that they were in the System soon. You don’t want to surprise a Starship. It was also a slight risk contacting the Amandora on an open channel because if there were other ships in the system after all he would be letting them know as well. The Commodore and XO knew that he was coming so everything should go well.

[Grainger] Walking to the back Grainger smiled as he saw Jennifer busy at her computer. He spoke up. Jennifer we are finally at the Palal System please get everything ready and strap in. Our new adventure starts now. Jennifer replied no problem, Uncle Grainger. Then Grainger did a quick look at the cargo and headed back to the Cockpit.

[Smithers] Grainger you got back fast. Could you bring up the Crew manifest of the USS Amandora. Grainger did and they both looked at it. Smithers spoke up. When we arrive and dock with the Amandora the three of us will have to meet the CO Commodore Song, the XO Commander Parker, and Chief Medical Officer Lt Commander Long. First, we need to dock and land in the Amandora’s Main Shuttlebay. The Sensors then indicated that they were in Sensor range of the USS Amandora. Well Grainger, here we go. He opened a Starfleet communication channel.

Greetings Commodore Song of the USS Amandora. This is Lt James Smithers aboard the Runabout USS Marquette. As talked about before we are joining your mission to explore the Palal System. On board there is myself, Lt Jg Troy Grainger, and my daughter Jennifer Smithers. We request your permission to dock and land in your Main Shuttlebay. We look forward to meeting with you and see what you know about this system so far.

With that message sent Smithers waited for a reply.



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