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Poar Number 9 Coming Aboard

Posted on Tue Feb 11th, 2025 @ 2:51pm by Commodore Cyndi Song & Commander Benjamin Parker & Lieutenant James Smithers & Lieutenant JG Troy Grainger & Crewman Jennifer Smithers

Mission: Are You Worthy?-2
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


"Commodore we're being hailed, a Lieutenant Smithers is requesting permission to land," communications announced

"I've been expecting him, tell him he's clear to land in shuttle bay one, Kalina take us out of warp to permit the shuttle to land," Cyndi ordered "Communications have Lieutenants Smithers, Grainger and Smithers daughter report to my ready room."

"Understood commodore," communications responded.

Cyndi tapped her com-badge "Commander Parker we have new officers arriving please report to my ready room."

Benjamin was the first to arrive, has he walked into her office he stood at the position of attention in front of her desk. "Commander Benjamin Parker reporting is ordered." He said with a big grin on his face, while still maintaining the position of attention. They were still awaiting the arrival the others.

"Thank you for coming commander, we're getting three new crew members they've docked and are on the way to meet us, Lieutenants Smithers, Grainger and Smithers daughter Jennifer," Cyndi said. "And at ease commander."

Benjamin then went to the position of Ease. In his mind they're had been more than three. But she meant right now. "I am looking forward to meeting them." He simply said, with a warm smile on his face.

"As am I,"Cyndi said "We're getting two new science officer and one civilian.

"I think we're going to need to make more room in the science laboratories." Benjamin's said with a big smirk on his face.

Cyndi couldn't help but chuckle "We just might commander. We'll have a well staffed science department. I just wonder who the civilian is."

Location - Runabout USS Marquette Cockpit - Palal System

[Smithers} Smithers Re opened the communications channel. Then he responded, Thank you Communications Officer. Shuttle bay one sounds good. As soon as we are all set on board the ship, we will report to the Commodores Ready Room. Smithers and the USS Marquette out. Then he called back, Jennifer, we are getting ready to land on the Amandora. Please come to the Cockpit and strap in.

[Grainger] Smithers that seemed easier than I thought. Smithers replied “no problem, Grainger. We wouldn’t be here if I didn’t trust the Commodore”. Grainger continued. It’s been a long time since I’ve been on board the Amandora. I can’t wait to check it out.

[Jennifer] Dad are you nervous about serving on the Amandora again. Then she looked in awe out of the Runabout seeing the USS Amandora in all its glory. She’s a beautiful ship. Just like Uncle Grainger I can’t wait to check it out.

[Smithers] Jennifer I’m more interested in meeting up with the Commodore and her XO. I need to get a bigger picture of what’s going on here. Remember both of you, we are here to work and help out Amandora’s Crew. Of course you can check things out. Just make sure that it’s your own time. They both sighed and said no Problem, sir.

[Smithers] Smithers noted that the Amandora dropped out of Warp he did the same. Then slowly he had the USS Marquette approach shuttle bay one. Smithers lined the Runabout up with the shuttle bay and went through the energy barrier. He saw a good spot and landed the Runabout on the deck. Then Smithers shut down the impulse engines. He said to Grainger. Grainger, please complete the Runabouts shut down procedure. Jennifer, please come with me to make sure that our stuff and the cargo is all right

Location – USS Amandora shuttle bay one.

[Jennifer] Dad everything is all set with the cargo. Are we going to have Crew quarters on board the Amandora. Also, what’s going to happen to the USS Marquette.

[Grainger] Jennifer I’m sure that the Commadore can arrange some quarters for us. As for the Runabout it’s in good hands and if we need it for the mission the Commadore will let us know.

[Smithers] Thanks Grainger. Ok let’s go to the Commodores ready room. With that they left the Runabout and walked over to a waiting Security Officer. Smithers addressed the Security Officer. Sir, I’m Lt Smithers and this is Lt jg Grainger, and my daughter Jennifer. Could you lead us to the Commodore’s Ready Room. The Security Officer said that the Commodore is waiting for them Then the Security Officer led all of them to the ready room.

Cyndi hearing her door chime "Well I think they're here. Come in." she called getting to her feet to await the new crew.

Location: Amandora's Ready Room

[Jennifer] All three of them entered the Commodores ready room. Jennifer notices that Commodore Cyndi Song was quite striking with her red hair in a ponytail and green eyes. She just realized that she knew nothing about the Commodore. I guess she will find out. Jennifer wanted to address the Commodore, but she felt that was best left to her dad.

[Grainger] Grainger took one look at the Commodore and was surprised at how she looked, and he thought that she was Klavorian. It looked like she was in a serious pose or an intimidating one. No matter. He did want to get to know her. He was glad that Smithers was their little groups leader. He was going to leave it to him as to how they were going to respond.

[Smithers] He looked at the Commodore and smiled. It was good to see her. He was glad that Jennifer and Grainger were at attention as they should be. Focusing all his attention on the Commodore Song Smithers spoke up. "Greetings Commodore Song. Reporting as ordered. Next to me is Lt jg Grainger and I have the honor for you to meet my daughter Jennifer".

"You can relax, I don't bite," Cyndi said smiling "Please to meet all of you. I'd like you to meet my first officer and right-hand Commander Parker. Please have seats as you must be tired after a long flight out here."

[Smithers] Taking in the whole room Smithers almost jumped because Commander Parker was right next to the Commodore. He briefly addressed the Commander. Nice to see you again Commander. I look forward to working with you. With that said he sat down and motioned for the others to do the same.

[Grainger] Seeing the XO, Commander Parker, Grainger realized that he didn’t know him. Well, he was sure there would be plenty of time to get acquainted. He wanted to meet the Chief and Assistant Chief Science Officers. He noted when they looked at the Crew Manifest that the Chief was a Vulcan, and the Assistant Chief was an Amazon from the planet of Amzock. From what he could tell from the quick look at the manifest that they were both quite capable Officers.

[Jennifer] With everyone relaxed and sitting Jennifer decided to speak up. If it was out of turn that’s Ok, she will learn. Hello Commodore Song. I have heard a lot about you, all good things of course. You have a beautiful ship which I can’t wait to check out. I don’t get out much and I have a Masters degree in Botany that I want to make use of. So, I decided to go with my Dad to help you explore and discover new things, especially new plant life forms. I’m sure you heard that I brought from Earth some trees, plants, soil, and rocks to help add a little place from home to your arboretum.

[Smithers] Commodore as you can tell Jennifer is excited to be here. I’m happy to be here as well. The items that Jennifer brought from Earth are currently in the Runabout’s Cargo Hold. We will need to move the items to the arboretum as soon as possible. It’s Jennifers project which I would like her to work on as time permits. I’m sure you will be happy with the results. Could you tell us more about the Palal System that we are in.

"How much did Jennifer bring along with her? I'll also need your transfer orders," Cyndi replied. "As for this new system, not much is known about it. We're the first Federation Ship to enter it. The three of you will once settled in your quarters will need to report to sick bay for your boarding physicals, The CMO is Lt. Cmdr Kristian Long. Should an away team be assembled Commander Parker is the one who will lead it and assign officers to it."

[Smithers] Not an unexpected question. Commodore, not to worry. There is only so much cargo you can get into a Runabout. Jennifer can tend to it. She can give you more info once we are settled in and get our physicals done. It makes sense that the XO would assign crew members to an away team and even lead the away team himself. I know that Granger is excited to go on an away team. We’ve been cooped up in the Runabout for a while and he literally wants to stretch his legs. I have the transfer orders ready for you and a special permission statement from Starfleet authorizing Jennifer to be here with us. I can hand that to you both at the same time.

[Jennifer] Commodore I can get the specs for you before anything is moved from the Runabout. I imagine you would want security to check out the cargo before it’s moved as well.

[Grainger] Either you Commodore or the XO just give the word, and I would be happy to join an away team. Of course, a quick physical would be needed first.

[Smithers] Commodore with your permission the three of us can go see Lt. Cmdr Kristian Long and get the physicals done. After that Jennifer and I will get all the documents that you need and secure the cargo. Grainger, I have a feeling you will be needed for the away team. If you go just keep your wits about you and be careful. Grainger smiled and said no problem, sir.

"The commander and I will need your transfer orders before you go anywhere. Commander Parker, will you assign them quarters," Cyndi said.

Benjamin simply remain silent. He knew the Commodore was right. They needed the Smithers families orders before they could move forward with their transfers.

"Once I have your transfer orders and the commander has your quarters assigned you'll be free to go," Cyndi said

[Smithers] Yes Commodore we will certainly get both of you the transfer orders first. I can go to the Runabout and get them and come back right away.

"Make it so and hurry back," CYndi said

[Grainger] Smithers of all people I’m surprised that you got the order of things mixed up. We will wait for you to come back.

[Jennifer] As Smithers was reaching the door. Jennifer said, “Dad don’t forget my statement.” She then addressed the Commodore, “Thanks Commodore for getting Crew Quarters for us. When all of the official things are all set, I think that both my Dad and I will need some rest.”

[Smithers] As Smithers headed out of the Ready Room, he nodded at the security officer. If you would Sir, could you escort me to my Runabout, I need to get transfer orders for the Commodore and then back here. Thanks

In quick order Smithers and the Security Officer arrived at the shuttle bay and then to the Runabout. Smithers opened the door to the Runabout and allowed the security officer to briefly check out the interior, When the security officer was satisfied, he got out a Pad and then made a copy of the Transfer Orders and Jennifers Statement. With that task done he told the security officer that he was ready to go back to the Commodores Ready Room.

Since Smithers made a goof in protocol, he hoped that the Commodore would accept the orders. He arrived at the Ready Room again and sat down. He noticed that the security guard was standing at the door again. Looking at the Commodore, he handed her the Pad. Commodore the orders on the Pad should be good. Smithers added my rank is Lt, Grainger Lt Jg, and Jennifer Enlisted Crewmember 2nd Class.

[Jennifer] Looking at the Commodore Jennifer said, Commodore as the statement and orders say I’m being transferred from Starfleet Headquarters. While I was there, I had basic training and some additional courses in Botany. Before then I received a master’s degree in science majoring in Botany and Astrobotany at Northern University in Michigan. I received permission from Starfleet to come along with my Dad to help out in this mission. When the mission ends I will either stay on the ship or go back to Starfleet Academy for the full 4-year cadet training.

"Miss Smithers I will need a list of what you have in your run about. The Arboretum on this ship is about the size of two possibly three crew quarters and on one deck. There are some unique plants and trees in there including a couple plants native to the Planet Amzock. They are only found on that planet," Cyndi commented "Once Commander Parker has your quarters assigned and you've had the chance to settle in and the three of you report to sick bay I'd be interested in what you have. Before my promotion to command I was a science officer and I do hold a PhD in science."

[Jennifer] Jennifer replied, “Commodore, I’ve heard of the planet Amzock and would like to check out the plants from there. Are there any crewmembers from the planet Amzock on board? I would Love to talk to them about the plants. If it’s not too forward Commodore what’s your specialty in science? Smithers is Biology and many others, Grainger’s is Geology, and mine as I mentioned is Botany. You can say Science runs in the family.”

Commodore, I brought with me samples from two areas on Earth. Tropical items from the South California area include Palm Trees and brush. Also, some Cactus, sand and soil from the area. The other area is from my home in the Upper Peninsula in Michigan. There are pine trees, some Oak and Maple trees. Also, soil, shrubs, and some small special rock and mineral samples from Grainger’s private collection. When I give you a formal list of what we have in the cargo hold and looking at how much space I have to work with I will get started with your permission. The trees are small, and we can limit how high they can get. Is there someone in charge of the arboretum currently?

"The Arboretum takes care of itself, it's climate controlled,"Cyndi commented "The programing can be adjusted but so far there has been no reason to." Cyndi turned to Ben "Anything you'd like to add commander?"

[Jennifer] Commodore it all sounds good. I have worked with climate controlled areas before at Starfleet Headquarters

"You asked about Amazon Officers, there are three aboard, the chief medical officer, Lieutenant Herculoid the assistant science chief and Captain Rivers who is one of my fighter pilots. You asked what my science specialty is, I started out in general science, discovered a lot of things and then went into research, I try to find time to work on projects and every chance I get I still love to explore," Cyndi said.

[Smithers] Smithers spoke up, “Jennifer it looks like we will be meeting the chief medical officer soon for our physicals. Once we are settled, we will certainly be meeting Lt Herculoid along with the rest of the Science department personnel since we will be helping them. Sometime I would Love to check out this ship’s fighters.

[Grainger] Smithers I know why you want to check out those fighters to see how they run. I’ve seen how you fly the Runabout sometimes like it’s a fighter. I do admit you fly it well and of course just like me you’re a certified Shuttle Pilot.

[Jennifer] Commodore you have to excuse my Dad’s enthusiasm. I know he wants to try flying a fighter. My brother, my Dad and I refitted our Runabout together. A labor of Love. I would Love to meet the Amazon Officers, learn about their plants, and their Home Planet as well.

"The fighters are under the command of Captain Alesha Rivers. She's in charge of who flies them not me. She answers to the commander and I but the fighter wing is her command. I won't over ride anything she says," Cyndi said.



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