Post Number 10 – Boarding Physical
Posted on Thu Feb 13th, 2025 @ 2:29am by Lieutenant James Smithers & Lieutenant JG Troy Grainger & Crewman Jennifer Smithers
Edited on on Thu Feb 13th, 2025 @ 2:35am
Are You Worthy?-2
Location: USS Amandora Sickbay
Timeline: Just Before the Away Team leaves the ship.
[Smithers] Things seemed to be moving fast. After their meeting with Commodore Song next was going to be their Physicals. The same security guard from before was taking them to Sickbay. Smithers noticed that the security guard stayed at the door to sickbay as they went in.
[Grainger] Grainger said, “Smithers this seems to be a bigger ship than I remember.” Smithers noted that the old ship was destroyed, and this was a brand-new ship, and this was the first mission. Then Grainger added, “I’m glad that we were escorted to sickbay. Wouldn’t want to get lost.”
[Jennifer] All three of them walked in. Jennifer spoke up. Dad, there isn’t anyone here. I thought that we were expected. Then on a hunch she addressed the computer. “Computer, Is there an EMH in this sickbay?” Suddenly a holographic image of a middle-aged doctor shimmered in front of them. He didn’t seem happy to see them.
[Smithers] Smithers gave Jennifer a look. In the meantime, the EMH figured that Smithers was the leader and said, “What’s the Nature of the Emergency?” Smithers had dealt with EMH’s before. He thought that they should have come up with a better opening phrase by now. Looking serious he looked directly in the eyes of the EMH and said, “Greetings EMH, sorry no Emergency. Just routine boarding physicals. Can you tell me where Lieutenant Commander Kristian Long the Chief Medical Officer is?” The EMH responded, “Why did this young lady summon me if it wasn’t an Emergency.”
[Grainger] While Smithers and Jennifer had the attention of the EMH Grainger walked over to the Chief Medical Officers door and rang the bell. He was sure that the CMO was inside working or relaxing. He felt that it was a little urgent to get the physicals done. Especially for him.
[Jennifer] She knew that Smithers was not happy with her. She had never met an EMH before and was just curious. She had to get them out of the mess they were in. She addressed the EMH, “Sorry EMH I didn’t mean no harm. I had never met an EMH before and was just curious”. The EMH then abruptly said, “No Emergency, who are you people?”.
[Smithers] Giving Jennifer another look Smithers addressed the EMH, “EMH I’m Lt James Smithers, this young lady is my daughter Jennifer Smithers, and our other companion is Lt jg Troy Grainger. As I mentioned before we are here for our boarding physicals. We just boarded the USS Amandora and according to procedure this is a step that needs to be done shortly after boarding the ship.” The EMH didn’t look happy, “Thank you Lt Smithers for the introduction. Would you please have the CMO turn me off since I’m not needed,”