#38 The Temp
Posted on Thu Jun 16th, 2022 @ 4:03pm by Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Chief Warrant Officer Niraasha "Nira" Whisperwind
Rescue On Romulus
Location: Security Dept.
Timeline: current
As acting Security Chief Nira Whisperwind was in her element. Thankfully she and Liza had had a great friendship as well as working relationship. Because f this Liza had entrusted Nira with all her passcodes for Security, trusting the Puazi implicitly. Nira did not let her down. Bit, now, she was in the chief's office, the computer log on an recording as it saw her use Liza's codes to get into all the Security systems, then transfer those powers to her own passcodes. It had been a lengthy process but now Security was free to be handed over by Nira whenever that occurred. She never wanted chief of security, just to serve Starfleet and Matriarch Cyndi.
Washburn stepped into the doorway for the office since Nira had locked it open. "Hey, Chief. That Zenni gal is undergoing the Kahn joining. You wanna go down and have a look see in the window?" His southern drawl attracted her. It was easy going yet masculine. A man who could walk softly but bash your face in with a smile. She didn't think another man like Silk was on board.
"We should go. Show respect if nothing else." Nira turned everything off and walked out fo the office as Dan Washburn stepped aside. The two of them made small talk on the way down to Sickbay, gathering in the observation lounge on the other side of a transparisteel window. It was an auditorium-type arrangement to train new doctors in surgery using holo-people but a full on hot mess like any body would be. Every once in a while when a doctor would move just right Nira could see the face of the new host. It was completely different. She would have to get to know this Kahn all over again.
Green came in and stood next to Nira. "It's going to take some getting used to, seeing that face with that name."
"The name is very fitting for Liza's sister," said Nira.
"Liza's sister? Kelliza didn't have siblings." Green had read her file.
"Not like that," she looked over and grinned. "Sister. I mean to say that Kahn has joined with this new host, like it has joined with all previous hosts. So, in essence, they are carrying on its legacy, so I see them as brothers and sisters to one another."
Green suddenly felt absolutely at peace. What Nira had said made sense and helped to assuage some of her own pent up anxieties and demons. At this moment she was free and light. "A beautiful way to think of it. Perhaps telling her that will aid in her recovery since she will have the memories of seven past lives to muddle through."
"Then, I will tell her my sentiment."
"Oh, and one other thing, Chief." Green half turned to face Nira. "You ever pull another stunt like you did at the dinner and I will put you on report with those who love you and would miss you if you die." Her eyes belied her pseudo-anger. "I'll see you later." Feeling that this new officer was going to be fine, as was Kahn, Green left Sickbay and headed for the officers lounge at the back of the primary hull. She loved the view of the nacelles and secondary hull below as the stars made the perfect backdrop. That, and all the seating near the windows had lamps that were soft light, or never turned on. Running lights and stars illuminated the windowed areas. It was one of her favorite places to go sit, relax on a bench and meditate on the alternate galaxy, and events unfolding in this one.