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#29 The Three Musketeers

Posted on Tue Jan 30th, 2024 @ 7:01pm by Major Jackson "JJ" Barnes {Meji} & Lieutenant Alona Tal "Centurion" {Meji} & Warrant Officer Shannon Money {Meji}

Mission: Hijacked
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: current


Centurion Alona dropped from warp almost directly over the tropical planet that was a part of Starbase Danvers. The sheer amount of carnage surprised her at first. But, then, she had to consider the source. Starfleet was nothing if not trusting. And, apparently, that trust had once again rolled up and bit them on the ass. With situations like this it amazed her that the Federation even still existed. Yawn, she thought. Using passive sensors to keep herself hidden within her cloak, her trained eyes examining what lay all around and ahead of her, she noted that there were two small craft racing towards the magnetic pole of the planet. Banking her Romulan runabout she then accelerated to gain on them even as they were climbing up towards the north pole along the curvature of the planet.

Picking a more direct route since she did have the bonus of a cloak, Alona sent a direct comm signal to the small craft, noting by visual that they were fighters. "Starfleet fighters, this is the RRV Raptoress, Centurion Alona of the Romulan Republic commanding. I am here to assist by orders of my superiors, and your Starfleet Command."

To say Barnes was glad to hear they had an ally was would have been an understatement. "Glad to have you, Raptoress. Major Jackson Barnes, here. We hear you but cannot see you."

"I am Romulan, Major." Alona said with a snide grin to herself. "Not being seen is our specialty."

"Even their runabouts have cloaks, Sir." Money stated. "But, cloak or not, it's an added target if we find ships hiding at the pole."

Alona gave a nod to herself, that crooked grin still on her face. "Your subordinate is correct, Major. My ship is small but adequate. I am coming up on your six right now, using approach."

"Awesome," Jack said. "Can you eyeball anything, Centurion?"

"I have three Orion Blackguard class Marauders on visual. None seem aware of your approach. The downfall of hiding at the magnetic poles. It limits your own perception as much as it does those outside of it." Alona offered. "You should be in visual range in 17 seconds, by my calculations."

Money, in her cockpit, energized her weapons and defense, but did not activate them yet. Also, she activated the magazine of concussion missiles in the belly of her fighter. Cosmo and Green, along with herself, had manufactured the missiles in the machine shop just outside of Shuttle bay 2. They would pierce straight through shields due to their unique design. She had yet to try them and now seemed as good a time as any to do so. With her torpedoes and those of the Romulan, this engagement should cause the Orions to flee the area.

Barnes had done the same, all except for the missiles he did not know about on Money's craft. His had no such weapons. But, aside from hidden trinkets, he was all set for battle. "Almost there...almost there." The seconds ticked by and then he announced, "Enemy in sight. Engaging."

To his right, and the second craft to Money's right, the Romulan runabout RRV Raptoress came into view as it shed its cloak. "Let the party begin," Alona said, her face now bereft of any mirth, her eyes set to all business.

The three comrades raced towards their targets...




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