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#22 Waiting at the Rendezvous

Posted on Thu Jun 27th, 2024 @ 12:54am by Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Major Jackson "JJ" Barnes {Meji} & Lieutenant JG Sheyla {Meji}

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Starbase Danvers
Timeline: Current


The USS Euphrates had lifted off from planet Danvers with several crew on board. Major Barnes was piloting even as Lieutenant JG Sheyla (MD) was playing co-pilot. Both Captain Green and Lieutenant Ainkara sat at the two stations just behind the pilot's, one on each side of the Bridge. Kara was behind Sheyla and sat on the edge of her seat to look over Sheyla's shoulder and direct her co-piloting efforts. Marcus Resch and Alona stood together back behind the standing station/transporter station facing forward as the two-person transporter was just behind them.

They were all cutting up and laughing, all except for Alona who merely grinned or smiled at their exuberance and their humor. She too said some funny things and with the air already filled with laughter the others all cracked up in their own way, whether loud and proud or a mere light laughter held under control. The small starship made its way to orbit and cleared the atmosphere, seeing ahead of them all the work craft currently working to rebuild sections of the orbital starbase still showing where damaged sections had been removed or, they were doing maintenance on the sections that had been completed. Either way, as Barnes angled the ship for the base all aboard could see the Vesta-Class at its berth so they continued around the station to the other side and were directed to land in a docking bay close to their destination to meet with the Commodore. The port hatch opened and the stairs folded out, with the inner party hopping down one at a time, all of them dying laughing at something someone had said just as the door had opened. The ground crew could not help but smile at them, feeling all that positive energy and exuberance.

Sheyla, once clear of the door and on the base deck, took quick steps forward and launched herself onto Jack's back, who stumbled a bit until he corrected his balance as the Andorian settled in for a piggy back ride. She giggled like a teenager. "Gotcha, marine!"

"Don't make me toss you aside," Barnes said playfully. "Doctor, or not." The group laughed again.

Green followed at a bit of a slower pace, allowing the subordinates to get ahead and keep cutting up. She was glad they were in good spirits. Her thoughts were on an engineering endeavor that had been sent to her by encoded message while still down on Danvers. A creative design for planets as a defensive, or offensive system, in which the upper atmosphere would be supercharged with ion energy, affectively crippling any vessel trying to make it to, or from, the planet in question. It was considered a very humane way of ending conflict on a world without an undue amount of death and destruction. Since she had aided the Starfleet Engineering Corps in the past, getting her name added to the Starfleet Engineering history books, they figured she would be all for checking out the designs and adding her input. Not only that, but the Federation Council wanted her input as the Meji Grand Master, to help bolster the whole idea of the Meji Order in the eyes of the citizenry of the UFP.

Cosmo had rejoined them on the planet and rolled along casually next to Ro. Continuing to follow, Green and the rest eventually ended up where Cyndi wanted them.

"Reminds me of marine basic," Barnes said as the group came to a stop and looked around, seeing no one else they recognized.

"How so?" Sheyla asked.

JJ gave her a sidelong, cynical grin. "The trainers are infamous for hurry up and wait. Now! Now! Now! Move marines! That's to get you there. Then, once there, it becomes. Park your asses and keep your traps shut! We hear you talk or laugh, we make you exercise! That kinda thing."

Sheyla grinned as they all found tool crates and equipment totes to sit on.



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