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Post Number 19 Command Transfer

Posted on Sat Jun 22nd, 2024 @ 10:13pm by Commodore Cyndi Song & Captain Rogue Green {Meji} & Lieutenant David Montgomery

Mission: Shakedown II
Location: Olvera's Office-Star Base Danvers
Timeline: Current


Sammi is posting as Admiral Dakota Olvera.


Cyndi after receiving word to report to Admiral Olvera, both her and Captain Green, Cyndi, had beamed up from the planet to the star base. She'd chosen to wear her uniform as anytime interacting with an admiral was usually official. Once on the Danvers Cyndi made her way to the admiral's office and palmed the door sensor.

Upon receiving the summons to meet with Admiral Olvera, Captain Green went into her quarters in the Meji keep and added her Starfleet paraphernalia. Her pips on the collar, SF combadge where it was supposed to be, accompanied by her own Meji badge on the opposite side of the chest. Built within the Meji bracer she wore she also had a holocomm she could use. Arriving on the command deck for the orbital Starbase Danvers, Ro saw the Commodore and joined her as she hit the chime for the Admiral's door. "Good day, Cyndi. Seems that our wait is finally coming to an end. Not that I minded a bit of R&R." She gave a pleasant grin.

Dakota heard the chime of her door and stood up from behind her desk. She was an unconventional admiral who didn't believe in calling out for them to enter, she preferred to answer her door. As the door slid opened she smiled at the two of them.

"Commodore Song, Captain Green." Dakota greeted them with a sincere smile. "Please come in." She headed towards the sitting room at the side and took a seat. "Have a seat. I prefer to sit here instead of at my desk."

Green allowed Cyndi to step in first, then closely followed her in, maneuvering around her as they got through the doorway. She casually made her way with the Admiral and, once the Admiral turned to offer them a seat Ro put her hand out. "A pleasure to meet you, Admiral Olvera. I've heard good things about you." She gave a smile.

Dakota shook her hand. "I have heard nothing but good things about you as well." She smiled at her. "Congratulations on your promotion. It was deserved."

"Admiral," Cyndi greeted "It's been far too long, It's good to see you again," she took a seat "As for Green, she's my right hand. What do I do owe the pleasure of a visit to?"

As they all got comfortable, Green already suspected what this meeting was about but decided to let the Admiral confirm her suspicions. She was ready to hit her combadge and begin the recall of all Amandora crew. To have them tie up their leave and prepare for boarding on the new ship. However, until that was confirmed she maintained her demeanor.

"I am sure you both know you are here for the recall of your crew." Dakota said with a smile. "You may call them back to meet you at Dock 47B, which is where the new Amandora will be arriving in several hours. I want to go over your new mission orders first."

"My crew will be glad to know the new ship is on her way," Cyndi replied "What are your orders?"

Green continued to listen, her spirit lifted as she heard that they would be boarding their new ship very soon to begin the next chapter in the legacy of the USS Amandora.

Dakota handed them each a padd. "You are going to operate out of Starbase Danvers. It is close to the Palai System, which has not been explored by any Federation ship. This is an exploration mission, please keep in mind the Prime Directive, we can't afford any more incidents." She smiled at them both. "Before you head in there, you will spend a few weeks working out any kinks in the Amandora."

That caught Green's attention, and then some. "Admiral, would you be opposed to having a small starship do a cursory scouting of the system? By that I mean taking scans of the surrounding space for the system, scanning the system itself for number of planets and moons, all that. I am under Cyndi's command, but USS Euphrates is my first "command"," she smiled as she made the air quotes. "As Number One, I'll be needed aboard Amandora, but sending a couple of officers out in Euphrates could be beneficial."

"I have no objections." Dakota replied. "As long as Commodore Song does not, it is her command." She paused. "That would be a good plan, that way you can map out where you wish to start."

Green's eyes shifted to Song, askance. It was another opportunity for the Meji to make their mark as who they were while at the same time showing that they were still dedicated to their duties as Starfleet personnel.

Cyndi thought for several minutes and chose her words carefully. "I will permit it, a small scouting and mapping mission only. Take readings, map out a small sector of that new system, I want reports sent to me and to the science department. I cannot stress enough no contact, it's simply to map out the region and take readings nothing more. They are to keep in contact with me at all times. I'll permit a total of a four person crew. One command, a pilot, science and one medical. Long is CMO get with her and see who she would like to send." Cyndi turned to Dakota "I for one am not ready for issues. This will also give Captain Rivers a chance to school pilots on the new fighters."

"Your crew has been to hell and back." Dakota said quietly. "I chose this myself. I am hoping that exploration, meeting new people will help gain some balance." She paused. "I don't expect it will be without some issues but I believe this is a good place for all."

"I can't agree more, easing back in and breaking in a new ship. Exploration and meeting new species is just what we need. I'm not ready for any battles," Cyndi replied "My family and I went home for a bit and that was the break I needed, I am ready to get back to work and back into space."

"Wait, wait." Green said, motioning to get their attention. "Admiral, you just said this place was unexplored. So, how do we even know if it has a civilization living there?" She looked back and forth at the other two. "I always take the Prime Directive to heart on missions and diplomacy is always my first choice. I have no plans to contact anyone, Cyndi. We will map the star system, that's all. Up to date data since the last probe passed through that found this place."

“We don’t.” Dakota acknowledged. “You make a good point, there could be no one living in the Palai system. Only time will tell.” She smiled then. “I have complete faith in you, Captain Green.”

"As do I, Ro I still only want four crew on that shuttle. A new sector of space to explore, new planets, possible species is any commanding officer's dream. Load two probes on the shuttle and send them in. Send them in different directions," Cyndi said "Start with the first solar system you find and map it. As soon shakedown with the new ship is done we'll join you."

"So," Green asked. "You want me to command Euphrates? I can do that, Commodore. It will give the new man time in the XO slot. The USS Euphrates is always prepped and ready."

"New man? Ro I've not yet named a second officer, I have someone in mind but I've not spoken to him about it," Cyndi commented "As for you taking the Euphrates out I'd prefer you send someone else. I'm going to need you on the ship for the shake down."

Ro gave a sheepish nod. "Apologies, Cyndi. I am giddy at the thought of getting back out there and making a difference. Over the past few days I had visions while sleeping of a new officer assigned to Amandora. From what I could gather from the visions, he is destined to become one of the main command officers. But, always in motion is the future so, I could have misinterpreted."

"I find myself being jealous of you both." Dakota admitted with a smile. "You two are about to set off into a portion of space the Federation has never seen before."

The exuberance in Green's tone could not be missed as she responded, her eyes going to Olvera. "That is why I joined Starfleet, Admiral. To go where no one has gone before. Everyone who knows me knows that my idol is James T. Kirk. My command style is similar to his, and my love for the Federation as it was meant to be, will never sour." Her eyes went to Song. "Cyndi, you are my commanding officer but, you are also my friend--my family. I have been, and always shall be, yours."

"Ro I don't know what I'd do without you, I've not had a lot of friends. Growing up as I did friends were something that kids on my planet didn't know how to be friends with a Princess. Starfleet has given me a normal life. Through Starfleet I've met my husband, have two great kids and have made a lot of friends," Cyndi said, she looked to Dakota "Your welcome to come along with us. Now or at anytime. You just tell me and I can have VIP quarters readied in minutes."

"I'll see to those quarters myself, Admiral." Green said with a smile. "I'll even have Centurion Alona assign a Security escort to you, if you would like."

“One of these days.” Dakota smiled at them. “At the moment I am busy giving out new assignments and it does have its advantages.”

Green gave a chuckle of agreement. "I'm sure it does. Vice Admiral Stone, my father, often speaks of how he should never have taken a flag rank. But, without people like him, and you, where would the rest of us be, hmm?" She gave a friendly smile.

“We would be lost.” Dakota admitted. “Your father is exactly where he should be. The ship will be here in the next two hours. No one is to try and get an early look, you will see it the first time as a crew.”

"That's the way it should be," Cyndi agreed. "I'll have my people tie up things on the planet and meet us at the docking ring in three to four hours. That should give the crew who brought it here time to dock and secure it. I for one am excited over the new ship. Dakota I also promise not to scratch the paint on her."

Ro kept her pleasant expression without speaking, ready to get the crew alerted to the recall.

“Then recall your crew.” Dakota smiled. “I know you are ready to leave the station and head out.” She grinned then. “I wish you all rewarding adventures. You are dismissed.”

"Thank you admiral and remember the invitation for you to join us stands. Just let me know," She got to her feet and headed out. Cyndi was excited, there was a new ship to work out the kinks to before heading into a new and uncharted and unexplored sector of space.


OOC: Tara- Lets not rush this as I don't want to exclude J. He's away on a scouting thing and won't be back until Saturday. I'm in a JP with Sammi and J currently and I don't want to post the ship arriving until Monday. This will give J a chance to catch up.


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